Inspired by Matt Reeves's 'The Batman,' this week Dave, Joanna, and Neil debate who is Batman’s greatest antagonist (2:19). First, they need to go over the rules of the debate (3:36) and decide who gets to go first (5:27). The debate begins with opening statements (6:10) and continues with some cross examination (9:47). After thoroughly poking holes in each other’s choices, they read some listener submissions and pick one to be added to the final poll (26:41). They finish by offering closing statements (40:00) before leaving it up for you to decide. Who is Batman’s greatest antagonist? You can vote for a winner at, on The Ringer's Twitter, and in the Spotify app where you find 'Trial by Content.' The winner will be announced next week!
Hosts: Dave Gonzales, Joanna Robinson, and Neil Miller
Production: Carlos Chiriboga
Additional Production Supervision: Arjuna Ramgopal
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