Ever wondered how we went from human calculators to high-tech machines? Join Des and Livia for a shallow swim through computational history... with a sprinkle of celebrity connections, technical trivia and a quirky journey from 17th century poetry to the chipper sassiness of ChatGPT.
Seeking a deeper dive? Check out:
The Vocabularist: What's the root of the word computer? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-magazine-monitor-35428300
Computers are Older! A Tale of Words https://medium.com/tech-is-a-tool/computers-are-older-a-tale-of-words-3e0191ca981f
How Many Computers Are In Your Computer? https://gwern.net/computers
Computing and Crucible Eras https://testerstories.com/2023/08/computing-and-crucible-eras/