In case you haven’t noticed already, we tend to seek out the kind of stories that make your brain hurt. The kind of stuff you wouldn’t believe was real if you didn’t have our solemn word for it. This will be our fourth volume so far of “Stranger than Fiction” stories, cases that are probably gonna wreck your head for the rest of the week, and for this one we’ve chosen a theme: Romance. Love is kind of a big deal for us humans. You can’t turn on the TV for more than five minutes without a love story poppin’ up. Poetry and literature are lousy with the stuff. And music—forget about it. Name me ten songs that aren’t about love or sex or romantic obsession. You’ll do it, but it’s gonna take you a while. So today we’re diving into the wild world of obsessive love—and the bananapants things it can make people do.
Case One: The Lonely Hearts Killers, Raymond Fernandez and Martha Beck
Case Two: Nightmare Walkabout, Carolynne Watson and Julian Buchwald
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