Fantasy is part of being human. Sometimes we all need to tell ourselves stories, escape from the ordinary everyday. We spend luxurious amounts of time and money on this--in daydreams, books, movies, games, music—it’s something both quintessentially human and tantalizingly magical to give ourselves over to fantasy. And most of us have no trouble knowing where to stop. For those of us who haven’t figured that out, though, things can get sticky. Our real lives, real responsibilities, real relationships can begin to recede into the background. The things that once mattered most can start to pale in comparison to the fairy tale we’ve woven. The people who love us can start to seem like people in a story, people in a dream. And as Shakespeare once put it, that way lies madness. We’re about to tell you a story about a group of people who fell into this trap. Some of them never got out again.
The Embrace by Aphrodite Jones
Oxygen's "Deadly Cults," Episode "Vampire Clan" "Kentucky Teenage Vampires," us, campers!
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