True Murder: The Most Shocking Killers
“Ted Bundy: Examining The Unconfirmed Survivor Stories,” is the first publication to collate the known and frequently discussed stories of those individuals who shared their encounters with Ted Bundy decades after the execution of the serial killer. It compares these reports with data compiled by investigators, psychologists and contemporaries of Ted Bundy, as found in police files, psychological assessments and relevant literature. Includes thorough investigations into the accounts of “Blondie” singer Debbie Harry, Rhonda Stapley, Sara A. Survivor, Sotria Kritsonis, as well as numerous other unconfirmed survivors. Features the self-debunked story of a woman who had previously believed to be a Ted Bundy survivor. Delves into the possible motivations of deliberate and indeliberate victim-players, as well as Dr. Elizabeth Loftus' discoveries of the malleability of human memory. Erin Banks, who was mentored by Ted Bundy expert Kevin M. Sullivan, previously contributed a chapter to the author's sixth book on the case, “The Enigma Of Ted Bundy: The Questions And Controversies Surrounding America's Most Infamous Serial Killer.” TED BUNDY: Examining The Unconfirmed Survivor Stories-Erin Banks
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