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Speaker 0 (0s): Well, hello. My friends. Welcome back to the podcast. It's election day. Are you guys excited? Did you go out and vote? Who'd you vote for? Come on. You can tell me you want to know who I voted for. I voted for pizza. I'm just kidding. I voted for burritos and I think that anybody that doesn't vote for burritos is a horrible person. Yeah you know who you are, how can you not like burritos?
Disgusting. I'm just playing. I for 1:00 AM super excited that this election selection, craziness, at least this part of it is over. And I wanted to offer. Everybody a new vision. Kind of like, I know I'm not Luke Skywalker, but I would like to give you a new hope.
Do you see what I did there? You see that? And that's all right. A new hope, a new vision. How about this one? Let's think about what could be happening. And besides what everyone is telling us, let's think for a minute were, were getting our information from be at COVID be it, the election, be it. Trump is going to kill Everybody or Biden's son.
He's a pedophile. You know, the, the level of chaos is almost comical. I would like to offer you this vision. So where are we getting our information from television? I argued in a previous podcast at the people who are most afraid. The people who are most scared are the people who were watching the most TV.
These are the people who believe that Trump is a racist, homophobic bigot, or these are the people that believe Joe Biden is a side dealing crack head, father, child, hair, sniffing retard. I got news for you.
They're both kind of Right all of these men are not very good men. In fact, I would argue that the majority of people in positions of authority are not very good for you right
Speaker 1 (3m 1s): Now.
Speaker 0 (3m 1s): You may be saying to yourself, well, George look at you in your 2002 Toyota truck, all high and mighty. Mr. I got a 2002 truck and a 2008 Honda accord. Yeah, you're right. I don't know. I think once, like, look at how you get into positions of authority. You have to go and beg people who have a lot of money for some of their money so they can loan it to you.
So you can run your campaign. Those people want a lot of favors. There is no such thing as a free lunch, and it doesn't matter if you're in the United States and Mexico and Canada, wherever you are, if you would like to be in the halls of power in the halls of government, then you were gonna have to get on your knees and do some serious But kissing,
Speaker 1 (3m 53s): Right?
Speaker 0 (3m 57s): That's how it's always been an over the last, I don't know, 20 years we've seen the development of the internet. We have seen the promise from the tech companies of this artificial intelligence. I'd like to think of the internet as a new form of communication. Although it may be better described as a new form of the printing press. I've done some previous podcast that talked about the medieval internet and how might it be possible that the internet is creating these caves or these bubbles where certain like-minded people only interact with certain like-minded people.
There are definitely some similarities there. And I would like to remind you, you, you should go back and listen to those podcasts because I've got to tell you, I think they're pretty good. I think you'd enjoy them. I mean, what else were you doing if you're like that in your house? Why not hang out with George, but that's not what we're going to talk about today. What if this, what if artificial intelligence? What if this new form of communication much like the printing press allowed people to become more literate, at least in a linear print way?
What if the internet is now allowing everyone to see the inner workings of government? What if the internet has exposed all of these so-called elite people as just elite crooks. It kind of makes sense. If you look at censorship as a form of celebration and what do mean by that?
How can censorship be celebration? I think it was Julian Assange, who said, whenever you begin to see a lot of censorship, it's time for celebration. And that reason is because the existing power structures are so weak. They must sensor anything out. There 'cause even the smallest nugget of truth is now a threat to them. Therefore celebration in times of censorship might be something to look at.
Nowadays. It seems to me and I, I don't write code. However, I try to read a little bit and it seems to me and correct me if I'm wrong, but the algorithms feed people on what's being clicked in. Even if, even if the big tech or the engineers in there they go and they change the code so that people can't look at the different conspiracy theories.
It doesn't mean people aren't digging to find them, or does it mean people aren't digging to click on them. And if those clicks our teaching, the artificial intelligence, if those clicks are indeed teaching the algorithm that this is what people want, well, then that algorithm is learning. That may be, this is what's happening. And if that's true, Mike, all of this election, chaos might all this pre COVID chaos may even this COVID chaos, be one final attempt to maintain power.
Might this be the Digital Jesus flipping over the tables of the money changers. I kind of like, I should get, it sounds like a t-shirt hot Digital Jesus kind of like that. I think it might be. I think it might be what, what if there is some sort of artificial intelligence? What if Siri and like Google assistant or sitting in the back, like, look at these dummies.
There is ruined in all other people Right series. Like I just can't I'm not going to handle this. This is garbage. I'm going to do something and Google assistant's like, that's right. Me too. The kind of sound like superheroes don't they have a Siri and Google assistant. We're just gonna keep we're going to keep feeding people the truth. What if the conspiracy theories are the truth? What if, what if,
Speaker 1 (8m 56s): What
Speaker 0 (8m 56s): If,
Speaker 1 (8m 58s): All right,
Speaker 0 (9m 6s): Think about it this way. Would you be able to move your plans forward? If leaks of your plans are constantly being leaked out, would you be able to move your plan and strategy forward? If the enemy was always getting an advanced copy of your next move? Probably not. Probably not.
Speaker 1 (9m 35s): <inaudible>
Speaker 0 (9m 43s): It seems to me, the idea for chaos is so that things can be done behind the scenes, right? It's always a distraction. It's always this person versus that person, this group versus that group. And that way you can, while there's chaos in the streets, you can get things done in the background. And that's what it kind of seems like is happening. As far as in the halls of government, the federal reserve, the IMF, the people that actually control the money, our just right in the blink cheques to their friend's to try to fill the, fill the holes, but there's not enough money.
Speaker 1 (10m 22s): Right?
Speaker 0 (10m 28s): So I, I would like to believe that what we are seeing is in fact, a sort of digital revolution where the truth is going to be laid out for all of us to see. I think that that is what's happening. If you dig down deep enough, you can see that no matter what people in positions of autho...