Good evening truth seekers! Hosting today is ObjectivelyDan joined by guest Neil the 604 Atheist! Neil is a return guest, last time we had some technical difficulties so we wanted him back. Neil is rocking a Truth Wanted shirt, such a cool cat. Check out Talk Heathen
Let's move on to the callers for tonight!
First up, Steph from TX. They are calling in about Gender Abolitionism, where some people advocate that gender roles are harmful. Dan doesn't want to take away Transgender folks gender identity and Neil points out that we should accept whatever gender identity.
Next up we have Emry, in VA. Welcome to Truth Wanted. They call to ask if Canada should be a republic. He says that if so, Neil could run for Prime Minister. Neil graciously says no. Dan points out Canadian politics aren't his thing.
Uh oh look out, our own Derek Hawke! Is he calling to troll or does he have a topic on deconversion stories? There is no way to sum up this call, just listen to its entirety.
Next up, we have Jimmy from TX, he is calling in about how Truth Wanted interprets evidence of god. Neil points out we are empirical when it comes to the evidence. The conversation moves into meditation from there. Neil has had a conversation with Jimmy before, this must be round 2.
Next up we have Sara from Idaho. She called in saying after some therapy she isn't fully convinced anything is real or a part of her mental illness. Dan asks if this is more like solipsism. While we can’t convince you that we aren't brains in a vat, there is something to reality..
Andrew in OH is our last caller tonight. He thinks The New England Dark Day was from god because of the book of Matthew and ...thallus? Neil points out it was a natural event. Dan shows that since the bible said a day would be dark, doesn't mean this was from god.
That is all for this week’s Truth Wanted. Check out Neil the 604 Atheist at a supporter of this podcast: