Good evening, Truth Seekers! ObjectivelyDan is joined tonight by our special guest, John de Lancie!!! You may know him best as Q on Star Trek but John is no stranger to secular activism, most recently speaking with the Secular Student Alliance.
First caller tonight is Skyler in AR asks if we should have more secular people in government, given that we are a growing minority and have little to no representation. John is optimistic that we will have representation soon, it's definitely needed...
Zac in London sees atheists ask for evidence after he makes a statement on his beliefs and asks whether a belief is a claim? The burden of proof rests on the person making the claim.
Zac thinks there is a difference in making a claim versus a statement of belief. Sounds like shirking the burden of proof.
Deec in SC asks if John would consider a role in a faith promoting production? John says he would not be in a show that is proselytizing. John has played roles as believers but says he isn’t interested in roles on proselytizing shows.
Ransom in CA believes that there is evidence of advanced ancient civilizations. His evidence is from paintings and petroglyphs depicting aliens. How can one discount human creativity?
Ben in TX is calling in about project blitz, a christian push to get people of faith in places of political power. The best way to deal with it and call it out for what it is, an abuse of power. John gives
Last caller is Rob in NJ, asking about John’s secular projects. John updates us on a couple projects he has been working on. One he was able to complete is a play on the Dover intelligent design trial.
That's all the Truth for this week! You can check out John de Lanice on his website a supporter of this podcast: