Welcome back truth seekers to the first episode of Truth Wanted for the month of February! It's sunny outside and 70 degrees and don’t you dare question that! This week ObjectivelyDan is joined by Kenneth Leonard!
First in our lineup tonight is Paul from MN who wanted to share his experiences and frustrations as a questioning Christian. Our hosts share their own experiences to show how widespread these experiences are for so many. If you are questioning your faith and feel like you are on this journey alone, know that there are others who have walked that same path who are ready to help guide you.
Next is Allison from Canada who claims that her mother dreamed of drowning at the pool when after a near death encounter. She believes that this may have been a telepathic connection with her mother due to their closeness. We don’t have the technology to assess telepathic experiences, especially dreams, but we do have evidence that our brains react and form ideas based on a collection of information and biases.
Third on the list is Phillip from Australia. If you call the show with the intent of making a formal argument for God, please make sure that the questions are organized and coherent rather than spending 20 minutes defining obtuse terminology.
Next up is Carpe Diem from CO who is wondering about the correlation between belief and sacrifice. Sacrifice isn’t necessarily tied specifically to the religious as an Atheists can choose to make sacrifices for all sorts of causes, from pushing against societal prejudices of Atheism to any other personal causes that an individual finds important.
Our final call of the night is Will from OK who is wondering why anything matters if people don’t have a common sense of morality. Moral systems that are from an authoritative source such as a god do not recognize nor account for the foundational goals that a community may share. Secular moral systems on the other hand are much more flexible in their ability to be shaped to fit the will of the community, and acknowledge that humans are going to be the ones who have to find ways of living together.
That's it for this week; we hope you enjoyed today’s show! See you all again next Friday right here for another great episode of Truth Wanted!
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