Happy Friday and welcome back to Truth Wanted! Today, Almost A Doctor: Matthew Rahme is joining ObjectivelyDan to carry out their weekly mission to take your calls and seek out the truth!
First up tonight is Al from Wisconsin who tells us his story as a former member of Scientology. Despite leaving the church, he still holds onto some of the teachings such as people having past lives. How can we demonstrate that we have actually lived past lives rather than it just being a trick of the mind?
Next is Scott from California who is calling to see if our hosts can help clarify the concept of event ontology. While we can demonstrate that time is experienced differently depending on its location within space, GPS and Atomic Clocks play a big role in testing this, our hosts are unfortunately not equipped to fully help our caller. Thank you again for your call Scott!
Mike from Washington wants to know how we can hold individuals accountable for perpetuating unfounded claims and if we should. One way is to have conversations with these individuals and work through the claims. Unfortunately, because it is unlikely that people will change their minds after a single conversation, it can be difficult to maintain a continuous dialogue. Therefore it is much more effective to present peer reviewed evidence as refutation and get them to reach conclusions on their own, rather than levying consequences for their past claims.
Journey from North Carolina is calling to present evidence of chemtrails. He proposes that an experiment has been conducted that has detected harmful chemicals and materials in the trails left behind the jet. One of the biggest questions is how accurate these measurements were considering the already difficult task of testing single elements in a much slower and controlled environment than flying behind a jet.
Our final caller is Matt Dillahunty from Austin Texas! Catch Matt & Dan on The Atheist Experience on February 21st!!!
That was a great show wasn’t it! We sure hope you thought so! If you want to see more why not check out some of the ACA’s other great shows? It’s still a crazy world out there right now so until next week, stay safe out there!
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