Hello and welcome to another fantastic episode of Truth Wanted! This week, our in-house truth seeker ObjectivelyDan is joined by SMiles Lewis!
The first call of the evening is Phil from Texas who wants to talk about the possibility of other intelligent beings beyond this planet. While it is true that we only have our own species as a data point, we cannot draw conclusions about the limitations of other intelligent life if it does indeed exist. Great call Phil!
Next up is Phil from Ohio who asks, assuming we have been or are being contacted by aliens, how we can account for the massive technology gap between us and them. Like in the last call, since we have a sample size of one, us, when it comes to a civilization, and we don’t have evidence that we have encountered alien species, any assessments we make on the situation would be answering one unknown with another.
Next is Sven from Washington who is wondering if our attribution of the building of ancient structures to aliens is rooted in racism tropes, or mere semantics (gods being replaced by aliens in modern times). There are definitely racist themes in some if not many of the ancient alien analyses as they imply the inferiority of ancient cultures– specifically that these cultures or races wouldn’t have otherwise been able to accomplish what they did without the help of other, superior beings.
Our final call for the night is from Keith in Maine, I mean Florida! They want to know what the most compelling evidence SMiles has for the existence of the Loch Ness Monster. Sorry to disappoint you Keith, but we don’t have much! Thanks for calling!
That was an amazing show wasn’t it, we sure thought so. If you haven’t already, please consider giving the episode a like. Finally, while we are beginning to approach the end of this pandemic’s title, we’re not there yet. From everyone here at the ACA, please stay safe out there.
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