In today’s episode of the Truth Wanted! Objectivity Dan is joined by ExXtian Erin, glad to have you back!
First up! Joshua from LA is struggling with the need to “appease” a higher power and pray. That’s a pretty common struggle atheists have, remnants of religious rituals. It takes a bit to relearn some habits, try reminding yourself it’s nothing when they pop up.
Stair in Canada asks advice on addressing superstitions or irrational beliefs. It’s common for people to find patterns like this, just remember correlation doesn't equal causation. Glad you are thinking rationally about it!
Ulf in Norway found that chiropracty isn’t recognized as medical science in Norway. Yeah, it’s much bigger in the US and some can make some pretty dangerous claims. Some people find a little help but maybe stick to physical/massage therapists.
Jared in IN argues that we are moving to transhumanism. For sure, we have been modifying ourselves since a pirate donned a pegleg. Medical science and technology has been advancing in leaps and bounds. It’s exciting to look to the future!
Allison in Canada experienced white washing of her indigenous roots growing up. It’s such a heartbreaking story that is coming to light. White washing history is a travesty. Look into finding a community and learn more about your indigenous heritage. It seems lots have found healing in that. Thanks for sharing your story with us.
Congratulations Erin, welcome to Truth Wanted!! Remember to always keep wanting the truth.
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