Tonight’s the night for another episode of Truth Wanted! This week ObjectivelyDan is joined by our guest Eve was Framed. Eve was raised as an evangelical christian in and around Seven Mountain Theology and attended the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry… You can now find her at
Our Patron Of The Week is SkeptiKarl, thank you so much for donating.
First caller up to tonight is Mary in FL asks Eve if she was shunned by her family. While they hold different beliefs, she is still loved and accepted by her family! Only a lucky few get to say that, given that background.
Evangelical Christianity seems to be about a third of the population with a surprising amount of young people. Eve has been pushing back on Tiktok and talks about her experience dealing with christians on that platform.
Doug in CA dives into Eve’s experience at Bethel’s as he has a healing school nearby and has people trying to try to lay hands to heal him. Eve had to go out “treasure hunting” to try “healing” people, usually visually disabled, and never saw anyone magically healed. Apparently, the school even had award ceremonies for someone that “healed” the best.
Red from OH wants advice on how to come out to parents as atheist. If it’s important, we totally accept that. Make sure you are safe and have a plan if a catastrophe happens. A normal conversation is best, don’t make an ordeal out of it. Eve wrote an email, it gives space and allows them to take it in and respond when they are ready. Boundaries are important, make sure to enforce them. Good luck Red!
Jon in Canada asks why Eve chose her name. Eve was Framed retells biblical stories and dislikes how Eve was punished in the bible. Biblical Eve got a bad rap. We don’t believe it and are out here looking for the truth…
Wesley in WV claims Jesus gave us all a vision. Before you dive into this, how can you know god told you this? Going on, Wesley claims all perverted religious texts turned to dust for a minute, as per his last call’s prophecy. Hmm, we don’t see any news on this one anywhere…
Thank you to all who joined us in person for last week's live show and especially those that donated to the UTSA SSA! We ended up raising $4002.64!!!
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