Something something Truth Wanted? Sorry Youtube reader, coming up with witty intros every week is tough, so this week…. I’m phonin’ it in! Fortunately our guest tonight will be far less uninspired, Dan is joined by The SkepTick!
This week’s Patron of the Week is SkeptiKarl, may you not be zapped by magical laser beams, thank you for the support!
Sven’s a skeptic making a living from ghost hunting apps, but he’s conflicted about enabling folks that believe in nonsense. Our hosts both agree that framing his content as “for entertainment purposes only” is an ethical way to make money from people who hold different beliefs. No judgment here, Sven.
Next up we have Richard, who’s under a think attack by “prayer warriors” in his family asking their imaginary friend to make him come back to Christ. Unfortunately, the recent converts are his wife and stepson, and this is causing strife in their relationship. Dan thinks honesty is important, and the Skeptick has quite a humorous, yet frank method for communication that might work. This can’t be easy Richard, keep us posted!
Ricardo’s calling in from Italy, and asks how Christians reconcile the character of their God in Old vs. New Testaments. Dan gives a brief history of the Bible, and explains New Covenant theology. Of course it’s silly, but hey, this is what they believe. Ricardo asks how religious folk are able to cheerfully ignore the parts of the Bible they don’t like. Cognitive dissonance is a powerful thing my friend!
Jean’s replying to our chat poll, which was asking the live chat if they believe Shakespeare actually wrote all the works attributed to him. He’s got a degree in theatre and gives our hosts a brief backstory on this myth. After Jean mentions the forensic analysis of the Bard’s writing styles, Dan brings up that experts believe only half the letters attributed to the apostle Paul were actually written by him. This is quite the entertaining chat, don’t miss this call!
We wrap up with a quick exchange about Georgia guidestones and our guests experience in the USA. Enjoy your weekend fellow Truth Seekers!
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