Oooh, it’s Friday, it’s 5pm in Texas, and today, Dan is joined by perhaps the only educator that could possibly drag me back into a classroom, it’s Richard Firth-Godbehere, on loan from the Non-Prophets! Dan and the good doctor discuss his work and his book before we start taking your calls.
Our Patron of the Week this week is Katie Stewart! Thanks for the support Katie, even if you do eat bugs for breakfast!
From the Great White North comes Jasmine! In the vein of our discussion of emotion thus far, she wants to talk about how religions use fear and hell. Dan and Rich talk about why the concept of hell doesn’t make logical sense, but let’s be real, emotions don’t always have to. Our hosts discuss the pitfalls of letting go of indoctrination, and remind Jasmine that it’s ok to be scared of something you know isn’t real!
Another Canadian? You betcha! Daniel’s back! Diving back in, Daniel alleges that the NASA interactive camera tool that allowed users to pan around the Martian landscape seems to now omit the section that showed the evidence for Martian insectoids. Our hosts are skeptical that NASA would allow and subsequently delete evidence of alien life, past government gaffes notwithstanding, paredolia still seems a more likely explanation.
Next up is Coyote Boy, love the name! He asks Rich to quantify what “counts” as a discrete emotion, and Rich talks about how our understanding is still evolving. This is right down the good Doctor’s alley, and we get a crash course on his life’s work.
Jamie’s in Texas, who offers circumcision as a great example of how church/state separation can come into conflict with personal freedoms. Dan offers his opinion on navigating these tricky waters, and Richard points out that consent is what’s important here. A JW can refuse a blood transfusion, an infant can’t refuse genital mutilation.
That’s the show this week folks! Join us next time, and keep wanting the truth!
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