Hey Truth Seekers! Welcome to another episode of Truth Wanted! This week ObjectivelyDan is joined by Jaime Boone! Welcome back, Jaime!
David from CA has an issue with the show urging callers to have discussions that the callers may not have the knowledge or ability to defend their positions on contentious topics such as God.
Nate from CA is calling to propose a hypothetical scenario where Mother Mary was the only documented case of asexual reproduction and what the implication of that would be.
Amanual from TX is calling to ask out hosts if they think all believers are irrational. The answer is far more nuanced than a blanket statement.
Heath from Canada is calling to dispute the saying “there are no atheists in foxholes.” The caller provides their own near-death and dangerous experiences, and how belief in God was the last thing they were thinking about immediately after.
Sam from OH is calling to ask if there is a place in Christianity for LGBTQ people.
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