Hey Truth Seekers! Welcome to another episode of Truth Wanted, hosted this week by Jon the Skeptick and @godlessengineer!
Jon from Canada wants to know what the hosts think of pascal’s wager? Pascal’s wager isn’t strictly a question for atheists, its also applicable to theists.
Bernard from Canada, an expert on evolution, wants to know the name of a specific transitional fossil from human evolution.
Julachak from NY wants to define what it means to be a mystic and I am going to try to sumarize it. Pray for me: You can read a lot of hoofoo and kind of woo sort of things and definitions about what it truly means to be a mystic, but really it really means in psychological terms is to make spiritual things philosophical and logical, then add science.
Susan from AL made a post on Facebook referencing the Israel/Palestine conflict and was called anti-semitic and wants to know if maybe they went to far with their post.
Sarah from IA had an experience where an elevator door opened with no one inside. The caller wants to know possible explanations for why this happened.
Randi from New Zealand is concerned that religion has and will continue to slow science and medical advancement. It does sure seem to have a history of it.
Katelyn from AL had an experience where their son was mis-diagnosed with cancer by a machine and the family claims the caller is disrespecting God by taking this “win” away from him.
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