In today’s episode of Truth Wanted, ObjectivelyDan and Dr. Ben sort through unexplained UFO sightings before getting into a heated discussion about misgendering and morality as spooky trucks are spotted in the Afghanistan desert.
Daniel, a theist in Canada describes Jacques Vallee’s work on UFO sightings and how we tend to forget about the small percentage that have no explanation. There is a difference between what is said to the public and what they know because the press can leak far and the process of being stealth can be inhibited. If you did see a UFO, what would that change in your life and is it part of the reality that we experience? Why is there a need to explain something you don’t understand? How do we demonstrate this happened and do something about it?
Annie, a theist in Canada asks why misgendering makes someone immoral, if morality is considered to be subjective. How you address somebody is a matter of respect and since people perceive respect differently, it is important to gain consent for things and have conversations. Problems arise when actions are in direct violation of someone’s communicated ways of being respected. We are not talking about accidental misgendering, but intentional disregard. Why is it such a big deal to call someone by the name or pronoun they have communicated to you? This is kindergarten level stuff. We live in a society that works together. Why would you not care about other people? Why would you not include as many different people as possible when deciding what is best for humanity? Would it be cool to secretly serve pork products to a group of people that do not eat pork? It is not much to ask to call people what they want to be called. Why are you okay with having an institutional reason to hate trans people?
Dan in Canada told us a spooky story where he could see a truck using night vision in an Afghanistan desert, and his mom woke up from her sleep worried about her son and prayed that he made it through the night.
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