Discover the Truth today with ObjectivelyDan and Jon the Skeptick! They earn their wings as they fly with the angels swooping over Lake Worth to view a monster and then flap through the woods to debunk Slender Man right before landing in a convenience store parking lot where they give a panhandling angel some change.
Elane in KY asks how to respond to people when they say an angel saved them from a car wreck. Dan suggests asking questions to get them to talk about it more and Jon removes the angel from the equation entirely and suggests asking how sure they are that it was an angel. For example: On a scale of 1 to 100, how confident are you that it was an angel? What would it take to change that number?
Billy Pilgrim in TX wants to talk about the Lake Worth Monster that was from the first man made lake in Texas that was built in 1913. He tells us the secret of how this monster was a contraption of intertubes and row boats. There was also a stark reminder for Dan of the terrifying Goat Man. The only monster is man once you think about it! There are some really dumb criptics out there!
Allison in MO explains an experience as a kid where she saw this figure walk out of the treeline and back into the treeline. This figure was too tall to be a man and too small to be another animal. What could this have been? Could it have been a man on stilts? What could the most rational explanation for this be? It helps to take a step back and “Scooby Do” what you see. People do things to mess with others just out of fun. Remember when people dressed as clowns and scared others in the dark?
Ben in VA was told a story where someone was contacted by an angel that disguised himself as a homeless person, but then said, “Your daughter is going to be okay.” This type of thing probably comes from The Gospels. If your friend was on the phone talking about his daughter prior to being approached by this homeless angel, what are the possibilities of this person hearing the phone conversation? If there is a way to get your friend to call in to describe the details, that would be beneficial to everyone. If you need to keep a low profile about this stuff, let us do the dirty work and take care of it.
Thank you for joining us, you truthful angels! Question of the week: Name a time win autocorrect went totally wrong!Become a supporter of this podcast: