Discover the Truth with ObjectivelyDan and Tim Whitaker, the New Evangelical! They work through questions of faith healing, veganism, Christian Nationalism, and borders. And what would this be if we did not take a call about the Olympics allegedly mocking god!
Nancy in NV wants to know how to talk to someone who knows people that claim to be faith healed. Approaching with curiosity and building rapport is a way to gain more understanding of what is happening.
Rogue Show in SC asks Dan about being a vegan. Dan explains that this is a personal pursuit and is doing this for consistency. Dan asks himself, “How can I say that I like dogs and cats but am okay with a cow being slaughtered?” If there were no risk of disease, when would it become okay for some animals to eat other animals? Is there an evolutionary reason for why we should eat animals? There will be advantages and disadvantages to any diet that you use.
Jon in Canada starts off with an ad hominem and then says that the Olympics prove god because of the last supper scenario that was “mocking god”. Did you see the blue guy in the middle of the stage on a pile of fruit? Did you know that the painting from Leonardo da Vinci is not even Biblical? Do you have evidence that this was mocking god when all the evidence supports the opposite? What exact persecution are you talking about in America? You are suffering from the Christian Persecution Complex.
Jack in MI calls to ask Tim how he would describeChristian Nationalism. Tim explains it is a specific brand of conservative Christianity that has the right to shape politics, is hierarchical in nature, and draws on white supremacy. They believe that god has called them to take dominion over society and make it Christian. Conservatives and Christian Nationalists are not the same. These movements are extremely dangerous; for instance, when abortion is restricted in some areas, infant mortality goes up, not down. What Christians think about how we should organize our lives should not be happening for everyone. If they get what they want, we will be living literally in The Handmaid's Tale.
Lee in IL asks why we shouldn't allow our borders to be more fluid. The idea that Mexico is not sending their best is simply not true. Even things like Fetanyl are coming from people who are crossing the border legally. It is a shame that this conversation has been hijacked by conspiracy theorists that push a KKK type agenda.
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