Before The Record Company joins in, Stryker is enthused over his giant boxers and xxxl T Shirt from Target while bursting with joy as he is about to head to Vegas to see System of a Down. In this episode, Ted Stryker starts out with an apology to the band. Chris and Marc join the show, discuss their upbringings, early musical endeavors and their journey to Los Angeles. Once in LA, they talk about how the three of them came together (Chris put an ad out on Craigslist), touring with Brian Setzer and the wild ride that ensued recording the first album which lead to a Grammy nomination. These guys are humble and hungry in every way. Stryker and The Record Company discuss what it was like bringing a new member to the team (after two successful albums) in the form of a producer, the one and only Dave Sardy. The guys talk about the creation of the album Play Loud, which leads to a fun discussion about the Beastie Boys, attending Bonnaroo as fans followed by actually playing the main stage and covering Sabotage. In this interview with The Record Company, Chris and Marc also talk about their love of Seinfeld, Chris gushes over Timmy the double dipper hater and Marc reveals he attempted to create a Seinfeld Trivial Pursuit game. All in all, it's a good vibe. Please support these dudes as they are full of talent and very cool people.