Well, it may not be timely, but it is godly! This week on the show Damian sits down with a Pissed Jeaned Ultimate Gatecrasher Warrior and all around hell of a guy: Brad Fry! Join the two as they sit down to discuss Brad’s journey into punk, his brief duel life a wrestler in Chikara Pro and the art of making great music while not talking it too seriously, but also super seriously. RECORD COLLECTING TALK TOO!!!!!!
Also touched on:
Two years in the making
Getting in to punk through metal
Motley Crue covering the Sex Pistols
Getting to Guns N Roses
listening to DEICIDE on family vacation
Getting THE tape and getting into hardcore
working at a screen printing shop with the guitar player of Weston
91.7 FM’s Hardcore show
The mix bag shows of the 90’s
A scene of pop-punkers and tough guys
Playing in bands with Randy for 24 years straight
Forming the Ultimate Warriors
Being the goofy band playing with Orchid
The IDEA of touring seems great
getting into Pro-Wrestling
Hating wrestling
“WE WANT RAVEN’S BLOOD” Getting into ECW in ’95
UW gaining musical ability and wrestling knowledge at the same time.
Buying a wrestling ring
listening to Robby Brookside talk about GISM
deciding to start wrestling training
selling all your record to pay for school
The importance of Double Decker Records
Bovine records RULES!!!
Moo Cow Records
Getting the first piece of vinyl you play on
World Finest Hardcore Vol. 1
Forming the Gatecrashers
AND SO MUCH MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!