An epic journey through the Twilight Imperium Universe.
Original story written by Nathaniel Keefer
Produced by Richard Jellison & Nathaniel Keefer
Setting inspired by the Twilight Imperium board game.
Nathaniel as ”Our Merciful GM” and others
Richard as ”Q.B. Fox”, the hotshot pilot.
Kirk as ”Captain Kattix”, the Captain.
Chris as ”Divides By Zero”, the Mechanical Muscle.
Filip as ”Bug”, the wrench.
Music is by
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The podcast Twilight Imperium: Renegades is created by CK. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Welcome to the post-series commentary! Today we'll be doing a round-table Q & A session where we get a chance to ask each other questions. For your convenience, I have listed all of the questions discussed and their approximate time-stamp below.
Part 1: Ask the Players
1. To all (from Nathaniel): How did character vision match end result?
2. To all (from Nathaniel): Favourite session/moment? (31 min)
3. To Kirk (from Richard): Was Bear always going to turn out to be your son? (53 min)
4. To Chris (from Filip): How/when did the religious aspect of Zero develop? (55 min)
5. To Chris (from Kirk): Who was Janus? (1hr 3 min)
6. To Richard (from Chris): Why was QB a Samoid? (1 hr 13 min)
7. To Richard (from Filip): Why "Quick Brown Fox"? (1 hr 15 min)
8. To Filip (from Richard): What was in the shed that was opened with the key you gave your sister? (1 hr 16 min)
9. To Kirk (from Filip): Was it tough playing Kattix? (1 hr 21 min)
10. To Chris (from Kirk): Is it tough to play the face of the party? (this is in response to the previous question) (1 hr 28 min)
11. To Richard (from Kirk): Why did you play a maverick, knowing you wouldn't be captain? (1 hr 33 min)
12. To all (from Chris): What motivated your actions in session one? (1 hr 37 min)
Part 2: Ask the GM
1. From Kirk: Why did you choose "Edge of the Empire"? (1 hr 44 min)
2. From Richard: Why did you pick on QB? (1 hr 51 min)
3. From Filip: What were some other questions we could've asked the Creuss on Cormund? (1 hr 55 min)
4. From Chris: What was at the bottom of Fixta? Could we have "really seen"? (1 hr 58 min)
5. From Richard: Did you have multiple endings? Would you have let us die? (2 hr 6 min)
6. From Kirk: What places did we miss? (2 hr 15 min)
7. From Richard: Who caused the Jorun pox? (this occurs while we're still going through question 6) (2 hr 17 min)
One fine October afternoon, four young men sat down around a table. Armed with dice and an imagination, they proceeded to explore (and sometimes stumble) through the world of Twilight Imperium as set by their GM, Nathaniel Keefer, whose love for both the board game and Role-playing adventures, led him to write an open world campaign for them to enjoy.
As with all good things, the adventures of the Renegades has come to an end. This is the final episode! Divides by Zero, Quick Brown Fox, Ned "Bug" Edrin III, and Killian Kattix are locked in battle with a deadly foe for the fate of the galaxy. How does this adventure come to a close? Listen and find out!
(Produced by Nathaniel Keefer while Richard is on sabbatical)
Giant armada which has sworn fealty to the crew? Check. Powerful explosive device capable of destroying an entire planet? Check. Strange alien being guiding them to the homeworld of the Nekro Virus? Check. It looks like we're in the endgame here.
Only one more episode to go after this!
(produced by Nathaniel Keefer while Richard is on sabbatical)
Armed with knowledge from the Creuss, a slew of unexpected allies, and a resolve to do whatever it takes, the crew of the Renegade are ready to make their stand against the Virus. A few things are still needed, however. Kattix finds his son's birthplace. QB mourns. Zero visits a grave. Bug discovers his father's legacy.
(Produced by Nathaniel Keefer while Richard is on sabbatical)
A nEw en3my has app34red, and eVen the Min&net tr3m8le at their arRIval. The g4l4ctic couNcil meets on Me;cat;ol Rex to decide on a cour$e of action, but cAn anyth1ng be done to truLy st0p this evil?
(Produced by Nathaniel Keefer while Richard is sabbatical)
The past is buried, the crew are a stronger family than ever before, and the ship is even getting a swanky upgrade! It's smooth sailing from here on out!
...Wait, isn't there still a war on?
(Produced by Nathaniel Keefer while Richard is on sabbatical)
In all the pain, all the betrayal, all the sorrow, Lyrrah was always one bright spot Kattix could hold on to. The one thing in his life, besides Bear, that he still allowed himself to get close to. Even though she doesn't stick around very much, he trusts her, and he knows her. Or at least, he thinks he knows her. But our knowledge of people is so often based on perception, and as Kattix is about to find out, our perceptions can be shattered in unimaginable ways.
Welcome back to the Obligation Arc! Concluding with this episode, we will continue to explore the conclusion to each character's background. Join us as the crew of the Renegade attempt to exorcise their demons, once and for all.
Killian Kattix Obligation 2/2
Imagine if you will, a nightmare. You wake up from your sleep, and you call out for your loved one. Then it hits you: they're dead. All of them. Everyone you called your family, gone. If you have ever lost someone close to you, you can get it, if you haven't, you cannot possibly imagine it. This is reality for one Killian Kattix, a once happy and proud young man, who watched as those he loved most were destroyed. A man who lives day by day, thanks only to the mercy of this wretched drug he has become hopelessly hooked to. Oh, and Lyrrah, Lyrrah keeps him going. If only she would stay...
Welcome back to the Obligation Arc! Over the next few episodes, we will continue to explore the conclusion to each character's background. Join us as the crew of the Renegade attempt to exorcise their demons, once and for all.
Killian Kattix Obligation 1/2
(Produced by Nathaniel Keefer while Richard is on sabbatical)
Could it be? After years of searching and wondering whether he was alive, here he was, standing before QB Fox's very eyes! It was perfect, no, it was better than perfect. But then why does something feel strange? Why does everything ache? And what's wrong with Zero?
Welcome back to the Obligation Arc! Over the next few episodes, we will continue to explore the conclusion to each character's background. Join us as the crew of the Renegade attempt to exorcise their demons, once and for all.
Quick Brown Fox Obligation 2/2
(Produced by Nathaniel Keefer while Richard is on sabbatical)
Wanderlust has always been in the heart of every Saar. To travel across the cosmos, teaching peace and living in strange lands, this is their lot in life. No different was it for one Q.B. Fox, a young boy who gazed up into the stars and wanted nothing more than to travel amongst them, to forge a legacy that would be remembered. Like so many things, the reality is far different than what we had in mind. The crew of the Lazy Dog was the only real family QB knew, and yet he was a captive. A captive that wanted something new, even if it meant abandoning the love of his life. Did he do the right thing? As this question bounced around in QB's head for the last five years, he never stopped hoping, never stopped wishing, that he could see his love one more time. Poor QB Fox. Sometimes, we need to be very careful what we wish for...
Welcome back to the Obligation Arc! Over the next few episodes, we will continue to explore the conclusion to each character's background. Join us as the crew of the Renegade attempt to exorcise their demons, once and for all.
Quick Brown Fox Obligation 1/2
(Produced by Nathaniel Keefer while Richard is on sabbatical)
The crew have made their way into the facility containing the prototypes, but further trials stand before Bug and the crew. Within the chambers that follow he will find tests of intellect, a betrayal, and, most importantly, a choice. For Bug, this choice will either prove that he has carved a new road for himself, or that he is doomed to walk in the shadow of his criminal past forever.
Welcome back to the Obligation Arc! Over the next few episodes, we will continue to explore the conclusion to each character's background. Join us as the crew of the Renegade attempt to exorcise their demons, once and for all.
Ned "Bug" Eldrin III Obligation 2/2
(Produced by Nathaniel Keefer while Richard is on sabbatical. Production note: in this episode, SFX are used to indicate the passage of time when the players are solving puzzles)
Life in the Barony of Letnev is long and often begins and ends with one thing: war. The Letnev exalt war and military might over all else, so what happens when your family are not warriors? What fate lands in the lap of a young boy who's far more comfortable with a wrench in his hand than a gun? Being treated as a second-rate citizen, the temptation, and at times the necessity, of the criminal life become too much to ignore. For Bug, he knows what darkness lies down that path, and he has worked long and hard to leave his past behind. As Bug will learn, the past has a hard time letting go...
Welcome back to the Obligation Arc! Over the next few episodes, we will continue to explore the conclusion to each character's background. Join us as the crew of the Renegade attempt to exorcise their demons, once and for all.
Ned "Bug" Eldrin III Obligation 1/2
(Produced by Nathaniel Keefer while Richard is on sabbatical)
A new dangerous foe has revealed itself to Zero and the others, leaving devastation and betrayal in its' wake. The crew steel themselves to face this new powerful enemy and Zero comes face-to-face with three entities: one expected, one unexpected, and one that will change the way he sees life forever.
Welcome back to the Obligation Arc! Over the next few episodes, we will continue to explore the conclusion to each character's background. Join us as the crew of the Renegade attempt to exorcise their demons, once and for all.
DB-0 "Divides By Zero" Obligation 2/2
(Produced by Nathaniel Keefer while Richard is on sabbatical)
For the last thousand years, the venerable DB-0 model has been the galaxy's leading choice for assassination and protection. They are worth enough to purchase an entire solar system, and yet their value cannot be expressed in credits alone. A thinking, sapient droid, with a will of its own. It's a miracle of science. When "Divides By Zero" escaped from the Sol system, he knew it would mean he would be sought by the Wolf. But what other forces seek after Zero? And, in all of this, what does Zero seek?
Welcome to the Obligation Arc! Over the next eight episodes, we will explore the conclusion to each character's background. Join us as the crew of the Renegade attempt to exorcise their demons, once and for all.
DB-0 "Divides By Zero" Obligation 1/2
(Produced by Nathaniel Keefer while Richard is on sabbatical)
With some bumps amongst the crew smoothed over, the renegades proceed to complete more tasks for their new masters. Kattix is back in action. QB shares secrets of science. Zero commits a treacherous act. Bug geeks out.
(Produced by Nathaniel Keefer while Richard is on sabbatical)
The crew have been through a lot, but like all families, there's always tension. Hopefully the crew can make some amends before proceeding. Kattix shares his thoughts. Zero offers release. Bug is grossed out. QB is a decent cook.
(Produced by Nathaniel Keefer while Richard is on sabbatical)
After being "volunteered" for the gladiator competitions, the crew are on their way to scoring a big payday, assuming they aren't, you know, killed. Bug throws down. QB plays dead. Zero drinks a beetle. Kattix slaps babies.
(Produced by Nathaniel Keefer while Richard is on Sabbatical)
Following a successful surgery, the crew decide to test their mettle in the Gladiator games on Resculon, a N'orr colony. Kattix throws up. Zero's eager to fight. QB freaks out. Bug is down for "Bloodsport!"
(Produced by Nathaniel Keefer while Richard is on sabbatical.)
As tensions mount across the galaxy, the crew feel the pressure to choose a side. So that's what they do. Kattix shares tricks of the trade. Bug is excited. QB doesn't want this. Zero is right at home.
(Produced by Nathaniel Keefer while Richard is on sabbatical).
After a rollercoaster of emotions, nothing will be the same for the crew. Except the bickering, that won't change. Bug says farewell. QB learns a shocking truth. Kattix is sick. Zero has a 1 in presence.
The crew meets up again for the first time in, for them, only two weeks. Kattix has a nap. Bug finds his center. QB panics. Zero has a good day.
This week, Divides By Zero discusses his past in his Obligation session. Kattix has a moment. Bug wants to do research. QB cuts loose.
How do you break a guy out of jail when the guards can see through walls? Brute force. Bug is determined. QB is scared. Zero is deadly. Kattix is relaxed.
A crew is divided, but will they conquer? Could a pilot, mechanic, and droid plan a successful jailbreak while their captain roams on his own adventure? Bug fires the first shot. Zero spins up his gun. QB was not prepared. Kattix gets to kick it.
With the disappearance of their captain, their Hybrid Crystal fighter, and a quarter of their money, the Renegades continue on. Zero delivers the bad news. Bug takes the lead. QB doesn't hesitate. Kattix gets stopped by the authorities.
The crew of the Renegade is shocked when an ally pulls a gun on them. To be fair, it might not be the last time. Zero malfunctions. Bug discovers a secret. QB does not want to die here. Kattix gets the goods.
The Crew of the Renegade finishes their business on Mallice. And, in more ways than one, moves on. QB is duped. Bug makes a friend. Zero is lost. Kattix forgets his bag.
The Wormholes flanking Mecatol Rex are daunting, but the Hacan and other traders use them all the time. What could possibly go wrong? Bug searches for parts. Zero is indifferent to your plight. QB puts the pieces together. Cattix gets the message.
After a good nights rest, the crew of the Renegade (and the galaxy) hear the first words spoken by the true Kings of Mecatol. Kattix gets up early. Bug can see through the crowd. Zero recognizes his kin. QB is too short to see properly.
A broadcast is received, a message is delivered, and the Kings of Mecatol have apparently returned. The crew goes to Mecatol Rex, capital of the galaxy, to see what the L1Z1X are doing. Bug dodges the question. Kattix wants better food. QB keeps an eye on the sky. Zero feels at home.
Surviving certain death is one thing. Surviving loss is quite another. QB suffers. Bug is disinterested. Kattix flirts. Zero fights.
Our crew survived their first encounter with fate. But when it rears its ugly head in new and different ways, how can they react? How can they survive? QB struggles to get by. Bug loses his patience. Kattix hangs back. Zero calls shotgun.
Time catches up with us all eventually. One day, every single person on our crew will meet their ultimate fate. The question is, who will it be today? QB does some fancy flying. Kattix defers. Bug can only fix so much. Zero takes the shot.
After escaping the threat of the Yin Brotherhood, the crew of the Renegade makes a snap decision to travel to Perimeter, a distant world that holds many secrets. Zero prostrates himself.Bug tries to understand. Kattix has twenty seconds to comply. QB fears for his life. And stick around after the credits, we threw in a bit of our sister podcast "The Politics of Twilight Imperium."
The Yin Brotherhood Temple is besieged by our crew, who are determined to halt their way of life the only way they can: by destroying the seed. Zero takes a hit. Kattix drops a bomb. Bug stays optimistic. QB gets very nervous.
The crew of the Renegade assaults the Yin Brotherhood temple in order to destroy the symbol of their way of life. Joining them this time is Blake Stryker, ex-security officer and his two droids. What could possibly go wrong? Bug sees the unseen. Kattix makes a friend. Zero opens new doors. QB rushes in.
After going back to Yssaril Spy Master Sallisae for some information, our crew discusses their next move. QB gets a little too excited. Kattix makes a desperate stim. Zero is the battle plan. Bug hides the ship from sight.
If the crew can destroy this elephant sized tentacle monster, we can cure the Saar. That's a decent trade off, right? QB flies close to the sun. Zero punches through. Cattix interprets religion. Bug can pilot the ship too, guys.
After visiting the Hylar, our crew gets another piece to the puzzle surrounding the Jorun Asteroid belt. QB gets an upgrade. Bug gets even smarter. Cattix is how he is. Zero attempts diplomacy.
So after our crew gets paid an exorbitant amount of money, they try to move onto the next thing. But it's never as easy as that, is it? QB mourns his past. Cattix resists being greedy. Zero is highly illegal. Bug is our moral centre.
The crew is put in a very bad position; almost between a rock and a hard place. Will the snakes make good on their deal? Or will the Embers of Muaat blow them out of the sky once and for all? QB might not be a great pilot. Bug lends a hand. Cattix does what he does best. Zero always has a flush.
The crew is told that "the snakes will lead the way." But once they're led on this path, how will it end? QB gets a reward. Bug calls out his captain. Zero always gets a flush. Cattix can't talk himself out of this one.
The crew has been here before. And will be here. Are going to be here. Are here. On top of this, we find out quite a bit more about the Saar (and their religion) while trying to find out how to move them for the Winnu. QB finds God. Zero has some data differences. Bug plays Cattix for a moment. Cattix just wants to get paid.
The industrial espionage contract with the Winnu leads our crew to the ultimate in travel: the ability to go anywhere, any time - instantly. That is, if it works at all. QB does some recon. Bug's eyes are too big for his stomach. Cattix follows along. Zero is naked.
The Vega Corporation's New Big Technology Expo is happening! The hand of the Winnu is already pushing pieces over. QB tries some coffee. Bug makes a big save. Zero makes a sacrifice. Cattix uses his silver tongue.
Business prospects can be hard to come by in space when you've got no references. But for a big chunk of change the Renegades will do anything! Zero tells ancient history. QB has trouble flying. Cattix tries to seal the deal. Bug stands up for himself.
Fleeing from more terror our crew finally does something that really shows their skills: real mercenary work. Cattix leads the assault. Bug takes control. Zero smashes through. QB rolls a lot of dice.
After a conflagration and some deliberation, our crew decides to steal a few things from the Yin Brotherhood before claiming a reward and discovering something truly horrible. QB shoots up. Cattix puts on a puppet show. Bug appreciates architecture. Zero rushes in.
The Renegade finishes up with the Grand Spymaster and heads to Primor to see the Mercenary Guild. There they get a job. Zero learns a bit about religion. Cattix fires the first shot. QB creates his very favourite gun. Bug peruses the Sears Catalogue.
After the horror, the crew has a small reprieve. And they prepare to learn many, many things of what will come ahead in the next quadrant: the Mahact sector. Zero wants to do some alchemy. Cattix barters for the truth. Bug is there for backup. QB just kind of goes somewhere.
Fixta station is the last stop on our journey through the Veil Of Tears. But if we don't play our cards right it could be the last stop. Period. Bug has some chips and pretzels. Zero finds out he has a baby. QB gets a hand. Cattix is still good out here.
The crew of the Renegade head to what may be the most dangerous location they've yet seen: the (often) forewarned Fixta Station. But first, one extra sidetrack. QB gets hailed. Bug gets things running. Zero threatens some children. Cattix is good out here.
For a while, it seemed like everything was going well for the Renegades. But as it turns out, you can trust the Federation of Sol just about as much as you can the Space Pirates. Cattix hides under a table. QB can't stop astrogating. DBZ stands up for the crew. Bug takes a vow of silence.
A good luck streak seems to have hit the crew, besides almost dying a time or two. Things are going their way, but for how long? Well, probably until Fixta Station, or until they leave the Veil Of Tears...
An upgrade is in order! The ship gets the ability to travel much faster, thanks to the Federation of Sol. But what's this? What else did they do? Can this get us killed? Will this podcast answer these questions? Listen and find out! Also, here's the link to download Star Control 2 that we mentioned in the ad break!
Traveling to Otkyrtiye in order to try and steal the human ship plans for the Yssaril, our heroes end up in negotiations. These, with the Federation of Sol, seem to go okay until potential disaster happens before our very eyes.
Finding an entire station of droids in need of repair, our heroes are reluctant to offer their mechanic straight away. Plus a little intimidation allows for some help from an unexpected source and opens the doors for a brand new job, one that might be... lethal.
The crew of the Renegade takes off to a few nearby planets, meets some interesting characters, and gets to work on... sidequests!
Our heroes are just within arms reach of their goal: getting a ship, and just a few droids are there to stop them. But what dangers lurk in a seemingly ordinary hanger? What could possibly go wrong?
For its entire existence, the world of Moll Primus has been a penal colony.
The planet was inhabited by the worst criminals and exiled aristocrats who chose the assignment over being fired or executed. The criminals raped the world of its resources and sent them on long-distance transports back to the central empire, and the governors made sure the convicts didn't kill each other, for the most part.
Then the empire was destroyed.
The officials panicked and ran, taking a lot of stuff with them. The convicts, by the time they understood what had happened, were stuck on the world. They splintered into little groups and fought over what was left. They would've destroyed each other had it not been for one man: a human named Erwin Mentak. A former army general, he brought the factions together, and united them under his banner. In only five years, the Mentak Coalition was born, and the former convicts made Moll Primus their home, and used the ships left over to create a pirate armada. Life was pretty good.
Ruthless, but stable.
All it took was a couple of shitty leaders. Before Mentak died, he set up a government of sorts: the head honcho was called the Hand, and the hand was regulated by a council, representing each of the cells on the world. It worked nicely, for hundreds of years, though I hear from the old guys its gotten progressingly worse with each new hand. Now the most recent hand has died, and tensions have hit the boiling point. I'm talking about all-out civil fucking war. The Coalition has dissolved into a bunch of hothead splinter groups and the remnant of the old government. Now these loyalists and rebels fight it out for control of the planet and the three mediocre colonies we had.
Forget this, you thought to yourself. It was time to cut ties and move on. After all, it's a big galaxy out there, there's got to be one decent spot where an honest criminal can earn a living without getting embroiled in wars.
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.