We dive into the world of ad monetization in mobile games, reviewing several recent titles that rely heavily on ad revenue. We discuss the strategies behind these games, their performance metrics, and the implications for the gaming industry. We discuss the challenges parents face with kids' gaming, the success of ultra-casual games, and the aggressive monetization tactics employed by developers. ---------------------------------------
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--------------------------------------- This is no BS gaming podcast 2.5 gamers session. Sharing actionable insights, dropping knowledge from our day-to-day User Acquisition, Game Design, and Ad monetization jobs. We are definitely not discussing the latest industry news, but having so much fun! Let’s not forget this is a 4 a.m. conference discussion vibe, so let's not take it too seriously. Panelists: Felix Braberg, Matej Lancaric Special Guest: Katerina Maliaran Podcast: Join our slack channel here: https://join.slack.com/t/two-and-half-gamers/shared_invite/zt-2um8eguhf-c~H9idcxM271mnPzdWbipg Chapters
00:00 Introduction to Ad Monetization and Game Review
02:10 Exploring King Pin: A Case Study in Ad Revenue
14:20 Super Car Merge: Merging Genres and Monetization Strategies
20:44 Boo Boo and Mimi: The Power of Cuteness in Gaming
29:35 Tricky Twist Puzzle: The Rise of Ultra Casual Games
38:05 Indian Car Highway Drive: Targeting the Indian Market
42:24 Gold Rush: A Hybrid Casual Game Analysis --------------------------------------- Matej Lancaric User Acquisition & Creatives Consultant https://lancaric.me Felix Braberg Ad monetization consultant https://www.felixbraberg.com Katerina Maliaran Head of Admonetization https://www.linkedin.com/in/katerina-maliaran-b35a78203/ --------------------------------------- Takeaways Ad monetization is a crucial aspect of mobile game development. King Pin has seen significant growth in daily active users since launch. Super Car Merge targets a male audience with its merge mechanics. Cuteness in games can drive downloads and engagement. Retention rates are critical for long-term success in mobile games. Ad revenue can be substantial for games with high daily active users. Cross-promotion strategies can enhance user engagement. In-game ads can be implemented without harming player experience. The mobile gaming ecosystem is still thriving despite challenges. Parental controls are essential for managing kids' gaming. Ultra-casual games are gaining significant traction in the market. Monetization strategies can greatly impact a game's success. Targeting specific demographics can lead to higher downloads. Aggressive ad placements can lead to user frustration. Hybrid casual games are blending genres for better user experience. Developers need to balance monetization with user satisfaction. Innovative ad formats can enhance revenue without alienating players. The mobile gaming landscape is constantly evolving with new trends. --------------------------------------- Please share the podcast with your industry friends, dogs & cats. Especially cats! They love it! Hit the Subscribe button on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple! Please share feedback and comments - [email protected] --------------------------------------- If you are interested in getting UA tips every week on Monday, visit lancaric.substack.com & sign up for the Brutally Honest newsletter by Matej Lancaric