hey folks. Look. We really did try to record a new episode this week but when Sean got to Bill’s, his laptop decided that was the time to do a one hour update. then, and this is 100 percent truth (we have the local facebook group screenshots to prove it) the entire town of Whitman MA last power just as Sean had finished getting everything ready. I wish I was joking because it was freaky. Anyway here’s an old one about a Disney movie about ducks that are not mighty nor Donald.
Quack! Quack! The Balcony Boys are back and I'm starting this boys might have some sort of psychological disorder because they can find the horny in a movie that's about a man trying to buy a lake to save geese. It's the 1965 Disney classic(?) Those Calloways... which Calloways? Those Calloways. If you've never heard of this sober meditation on fur trapping and alcoholism than you are what THE LAMESTREAM MEDIA calls "every person that has ever lived." We still don't know how Bill stumbled upon this but when he's in one of his moods and starts cruising Disney+, watch the hell out! Those Calloways stars the dad from the Parent Trap, the second lady from Psycho, 15 indistinguishable old white guys, and a lovely young lady named Birdie or Bridie! Nobody knows!