Somebody got a little damn cosmic horror in my regularly scheduled Boo Englund 3D! Folks, it's John Carpenter's underappreciated piece of brilliance, In The Mouth of Madness. Just a typical tale of insurance fraud mixed with the cosmic origins of the universe. Somebody even says, "The Old Ones" in this thing. It's a straight up Cthulhu. Sam Neil from JURASSIC PARK EVER HEARD OF IT, stars as a flipping narc come to make sure that big insurance stays rich and uh oh loses his damn mind. Like all the way. Like it's impressive how little of his mind is left at the end of this thing. It's a wild one and here to help you navigate it are a couple of boys who know a thing or two about going mad and getting mad. It's the Two Boys of Two Boys in a Balcony talking about the great JC. Merry Christmas ya'll