You can take your outerspace superhero race car movies and shove'em up your butt cause this week we've got a film that's just about ordinary people... ordinary people at the top of their tax bracket.... ordinary people in an impossibly large house that somehow doesn't have a swimming pool or maybe it did I didn't notice THIS FILM IS ABOUT THE PERFORMANCES. In 1980, American stud Rob Redford picked up a camera, winked at it, and said, "I reckon I could win best picture with one of these" and history was made. Wow. What a great piece of film journalism. You didn't know that because you can barely read. When God was handing out brains, you were like, "duh i don't need one of those" and then babbled your lips with your index finger like a big diaper wearing baby. You're basically as smart as a smart dog compared to me, a guy as smart as ten smart dogs. You're ordinary people and I'm extraordinary people. We are not the same. Sincerley, Bill McMorrow the person who wrote that you are as smart as a smart dog.