Happy anniversary probably maybe? We did it. The Balcony has been open for a year and we're celebrating by watching a movie that Sean calls "reprehensible." It's the Boondock Saints! If it's your favorite movie, don't tell us! We risked imploding the world and put the very fabric of existence into risk by putting the Boondock Saints up on the Boondock Saints scale. Does it pass muster? Who knows? But get comfy with the Boondockers because next week, audible, we're watching Overnight, the 2003 documentary about the rise and fall of Boondocks director, Troy Duffy and the week after, we put a bow on this bitch by diving into The Boondock Saints II:All Saints Day. The Boondock Saints stars who gives a shit and co-stars it sucks.
Donate to the massachusetts bail fund. massbailfund.org Black Lives Matter. We love you. Wash your hands. Stay safe.