Here's the deal, jack. On the eve of one of the darkest days in American history, Bill and Sean hooked up the dang pod machines and recorded an episode on Alfred Hitchcock's 1955 comedy, The Trouble with Harry. Sean was tripping balls on claritin the whole time. Bill was tripping on his balls the whole time. Sean also tripped over Bill's balls once or twice or three or four times EACH TIME FUNNIER THAN THE LAST! Don't read and walk at the same time, folks! We don't know if the bombs have started falling but by the time you listen to this episode, we will be three months away from knowing the next President of the United States (Go Jorgenson!) Remember to have voted yesterday if you're listening to this on the day that it came out and remember to vote in the next election if you're rocking this thing in 2024! We will have almost certainly stopped speaking to each other by then and pulled the entire archive down so congratulations to you for being smart enough to download every episode right away!