Yoel and Mickey welcome Professor of Psychology Brent Roberts from the University of Illinois to the podcast. One of the most influential personality psychologists of our day, Brent unleashes his thoughts on broad range of topics: candidate gene studies, personality, conscientiousness, coddling of the American mind, screen-time, senior colleagues, and the replication crisis in psychology. What is personality and how does it change? Why do people love the Myers-Briggs personality test? How would conscientiousness have helped us in our ancestral past? Has helicopter-parenting made American kids fragile and easily debilitated? Has the smartphone actually destroyed a generation? Should we be optimistic about the gains made by the reform movement in psychology?
Bonus: Mickey gives Yoel a surprise gift.
Special Guest: Brent Roberts.
- White Pony Microbrewery — Blend of Darkness is a blend and is made up of "Black Sheep" and "Zumbi" which has then been variously matured in Speyside, whisky, brandy, tequila and Jack Daniel's Bourbon casks. Finally, this oak aged beer has been blended again, this time with "Sheep doesn't get sheep", White Pony's new imperial stout.
- Live Transmission Milkshake IPA — Grab me a beer, too!
- Naughty Neighbour Pale Ale — Nickel Brook Brewing co. — The Naughty Neighbour is ready to knock your socks (and skates) off!
Practically born with her skates on, Naughty Neighbour quickly rose through the ranks to become an undefeated Roller Derby Champ. Just like her, our American Pale Ale is bold, smooth and in-your-face!
- Whiskey Barrel Stout | Boulevard Brewing Company — Over-the-top but surprisingly approachable, this twist on the classic style starts with several types of malted barley, rye, oats and wheat.
- Brent W Roberts | Psychology at Illinois
- 5-HTTLPR: A Pointed Review | Slate Star Codex
- No Support for Historical Candidate Gene or Candidate Gene-by-Interaction Hypotheses for Major Depression Across Multiple Large Samples. - PubMed - NCBI
- The surprise guest
- Brent W. Roberts on Twitter: "Progress implies you had a place to move from. There has never been any place to move from than "the association of screen time to well-being in teens is minuscule". Are you claiming that the effect sizes were large and are now small? 1/… https://t.co/4WFOz7shHK"
- The New Rules of Research | pigee
- Social media’s enduring effect on adolescent life satisfaction | PNAS — In this study, we used large-scale representative panel data to disentangle the between-person and within-person relations linking adolescent social media use and well-being. We found that social media use is not, in and of itself, a strong predictor of life satisfaction across the adolescent population. Instead, social media effects are nuanced, small at best, reciprocal over time, gender specific, and contingent on analytic methods.