149 avsnitt • Längd: 20 min • Månadsvis
The Bible Study Podcast for Everyday Life. Join your hosts, sisters Felicity and Sarah, and the occasional special guest, as they study the Bible together with discussion and reflection in their bite-size weekly episodes – ideal if you’re looking for a short women’s Bible study to listen on the go!
The podcast Two sisters & a cup of tea (Bible Study Podcast) is created by Felicity Carswell & Sarah Dargue. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Our passage today is from: Titus 3:3-7
What does it look like to savour God's kindness towards us in Christ, and therefore image him to those around us? Today, we're continuing to think through how gazing on Christ and growing in our knowledge of him, impacts how we increasingly bear his image and grow in the fruit of the Spirit.
This episode is sponsored by Moody Publishers.
A Christian publisher, they aim to resource the church’s work of discipling all people, with titles spanning from Bible commentary and reference to spiritual and relational growth.
Today's book recommendation was No Greater Love by Rebecca McLaughlin.
You can also find the recipe Felicity mentions here!
Our passages today are from: 1 Timothy 1:12-17, Colossians 1:10-12 and Colossians 3:12-13
As we continue with our fruit of the Spirit series, today we're dwelling on Patience, or forbearance and long-suffering - all these words are used in the Bible to describe this essential quality of anyone who's following Jesus. Join us as we talk through both God's patience with us, and how that impacts our patience with others, both in 1 Timothy and Colossians.
This episode is sponsored by Moody Publishers.
A Christian publisher, they aim to resource the church’s work of discipling all people, with titles spanning from Bible commentary and reference to spiritual and relational growth.
Our recommended book from today is Fly Through the Bible by Colin Smith, if you would like a copy, you can find it here.
Our passage today is from: Ephesians 2:13-22.
Peace. With God, within ourselves, and with others. There's so much to talk about here in in our next Bible study on the fruit of the Spirit, as we acknowledge that almost every New Testament letter begins with 'peace' in some way. But today, we're rooting our conversation in Ephesians 2, as we press into what it really looks like to grow in both our understanding and application of peace.
This episode is sponsored by Moody Publishers.
A Christian publisher, they aim to resource the church’s work of discipling all people, with titles spanning from Bible commentary and reference to spiritual and relational growth.
You can find the book, Literarily by Kristie Anyabwile, recommended on today's episode here.
You can find the questions to chat over with a friend from today's episode here.
Our passage today is from: Luke 10:17-24
What does true Christian joy look like? How and where did Jesus display this fruit of the Spirit, and what does it look like for us to keep growing in joy? Join us for this next Bible study in the fruit of the spirit as we look at Luke 10 together.
This episode is sponsored by Moody Publishers.
A Christian publisher, they aim to resource the church’s work of discipling all people, with titles spanning from Bible commentary and reference to spiritual and relational growth.
This weeks recommended book, Delighting in Jesus, can be purchased here.
Why not check out our season webpage, there's lots of additional resources on there worth a look. You can also sign up there for our monthly newsletter.
Our passages today are from: Galations 5:22-23 and John 15:1-13
We're delving into the topic of love today - the first fruit listed in Galatians 5. It's big, it's weighty - and it's ultimately all about Jesus, who loved us and gave himself for us. We're looking at John 15 in this online Bible study for women. Is there someone you could meet up with to talk about this essential fruit of the Spirit?
This episode is sponsored by Moody Publishers.
A Christian publisher, they aim to resource the church’s work of discipling all people, with titles spanning from Bible commentary and reference to spiritual and relational growth.
You can purchase the recommended book in todays episode here. For more resources mentioned in the epside or to sign up to our newsletter, visit the season page on our website.
We're thrilled to be kicking off our season in the Fruit of the Spirit by welcoming back Natalie Brand onto the podcast, as we begin by considering the root of the fruit, and why understanding our union with Christ is so essential for this season. Natalie is a writer and Bible teacher. She has authored several books, including ‘Priscilla, Where Are You? A Call to Joyful Theology’ and ‘The Good Portion: Salvation’. She has a Ph.d in systematic theology from the University of Wales and lectures in theology.
This episode is sponsored by Moody Publishers.
A Christian publisher, they aim to resource the church’s work of discipling all people, with titles spanning from Bible commentary and reference to spiritual and relational growth.
Find this weeks recommended book '52 weeks in the Word', published by Moody here.
Why not check out our resources page for the season which has books and podcasts on the fruit of the spirit.
For more books on the union with Christ, check out:
Union with Christ
Found in him
One with my Lord
Christ our life
One of our main desires for this upcoming season is that we would be fervent in prayer for the Lord to be at work, transforming us more & more into the image of his Son.
To that end, we’ve designed a simple weekly prayer prompt to land straight into your inbox, to coincide with each episode. Do sign up if it would be helpful for you.
Two sisters and a cup of tea - the Bible study podcast for everyday life - is coming your way for another season! This season we're looking at each Fruit of the Spirit in turn and what it looks like to grow not only in our knowledge of Christ, but also to grow in becoming more like him.
Fruitfulness abounds from the very first pages of Scripture. As God speaks, the result is the plentiful, overflowing fruit of his labour. His exuberant creation becomes a glorious canvas, displaying the wonder of his majesty. Large expanses are filled and deep wells populated, as the earth bursts with riotous colour and life. Fruitfulness abounds.
Within moments of reading of his own fruitfulness; we then hear him commanding his image bearers: 'Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it'. Fruitfulness is in our DNA. But what kind of fruit are we to bear, not just as those made in the image of God, but as those who are in Christ, as new creations?
These are some of the questions we’ll be delving into in our deep dive into the Fruit of the Spirit - come and join us on the journey!
Our first episode drops next week on Friday 17th January when we are joined by our guest, Natalie Brand - see you then!
In the meantime, why not check out this seasons resources on our website.
Sarah & Felicity answer questions submitted by our listeners in this bonus episode.
This episode is sponsored by Dwell Bible app.
If you’re looking for a meaningful and unique gift this Christmas, why not share the gift of God’s Word with the Dwell Bible App? Dwell has some amazing deals on Christmas gift cards! All gift cards are discounted, and if you get a pack of 5, you’ll save 50%!
With the Dwell Bible App, you’re not just giving the Bible—you’re giving an immersive audio experience that brings Scripture to life. You get to choose from a variety of voices, set the perfect background music, and even adjust the listening speed to suit your pace.
Why not head over to dwellbible.com/2sisters to shop all the deals.
Questions in this episode include:
As we finish our Micah bible study, we discuss the ways in which this book has hit our hearts and caused us to know and worship our incomparable God more.
This episode is sponsored by Logos Bible Study app.
The Logos Bible Study app contains a powerful Bible study and sermon prep platform that allows you to study Scripture and consult commentaries, devotionals, Bible dictionaries, and more—all from your computer, tablet, or phone, it is perfect for someone who’s in ministry, maybe giving talks, leading bible studies or just simply wanting to go deeper.
Use our exclusive code to purchase this amazing resource.
Don't forget to check out the questions on our website to help you dig deeper and you can also sign up for our monthly newsletter there too.
You can also find the Bible Matters Podcast website here.
Micah gives us his heart in this final chapter of our online bible study. We hear his lament, but also his hope and his resolve to wait for his saviour.
This episode is sponsored by 10ofThose.
10ofthose is a Book Ministry that hand picks the best books from across the Publishers; ensures that they hold to the Bible; and then discounts them so that more can go out.
They are kindly offering a huge discount to our listeners. Use the code TEA40 and you’ll get 40% off the retail price on any title you buy.
Don't forget to check out the questions to help you dig a little deeper.
As we approach the final chapters in our online bible study, we read a much quoted verse in context and consider what it is to listen, obey and wait on God.
This episode is sponsored by ESV Bible App
The ESV Bible app allows you to easily read, study, and engage with God’s word wherever you go, making it the best possible Bible reading experience for your phone or tablet.
Customize your experience with a wide variety of reading plans, it has a whole range of resources, particularly helpful for studying the BIble in more depth.
Visit the website for more information or download the ESV Bible app.
If you've been enjoying this podcast, then why not, give us a review or a rating wherever you listen. It really helps to spread the word about it.
Why bother opening up difficult books of the Bible, like Micah, with others? That's what we're talking about today as we press pause on our Bible study and chat to our friend and Bible teacher Amy Wicks. Join us for this conversation as Amy helps us to see the value of giving it a go!
This episode is paid for thanks to our listeners partnership. We’re so grateful for the ways in which you are joining us on our podcasting journey: as you listen, as you pray for us and as you reach out in numerous ways.
If you haven't, but would like to financially support us or receive our monthly newsletter you can visit our website here.
As Christians, we’re always excited to encounter Jesus, and we love the picture of our shepherd king given in Micah 5, as we continue our bible study podcast in this book.
This episode is sponsored by Logos Bible Study app.
The Logos Bible Study app contains a powerful Bible study and sermon prep platform that allows you to study Scripture and consult commentaries, devotionals, Bible dictionaries, and more—all from your computer, tablet, or phone, it is perfect for someone who’s in ministry, maybe giving talks, leading bible studies or just simply wanting to go deeper.
Use our exclusive code to purchase this amazing resource.
You can find questions to dig deeper into the passage here and you can sign up to our newsletter here.
The hope trailered at the end of our last bible study session in chapter 2 is fleshed out in this bigger passage. How can the same God gather and scatter? Join in as we press on in studying the Bible book of Micah together.
This episode is sponsored by ESV Bible App
The ESV Bible app allows you to easily read, study, and engage with God’s word wherever you go, making it the best possible Bible reading experience for your phone or tablet. Customize your experience with a wide variety of reading plans, it has a whole range of resources, particularly helpful for studying the BIble in more depth. Visit the website for more information or download the ESV Bible app.
You can also find questions for digging deeper into todays passage our website, alongwith all the resources mentioned in the episode.
Micah continues to explore the corrupt world that he sees before him, and God’s response to it, but we also taste tantalising hope. Come along with us as we continue our Old Testament Micah bible study.
This episode is paid for thanks to our listeners partnership. We’re so grateful for the ways in which you are joining us on our podcasting journey: as you listen, as you pray for us and as you reach out in numerous ways.
If you haven't, but would like to financially support us or receive our monthly newsletter you can visit our website here.
You can also find questions on our Micah website page to help you dig deeper in this passage.
This little Bible book packs a mountain-melting punch within the first few lines. Join us as we get going in our bible study podcast with Micah chapter 1 and see why God is splitting valleys and reducing cities to rubble.
This episode is sponsored by Open the Bible.
Open the Bible exist to equip people to open the Bible for themselves and with others so everyone everywhere can experience the transformative power of God’s Word.
We recommend their latest book, ‘Fly Through the Bible’; a short, simple journey through the Bible’s story. Why not pick up a copy at 10ofThose and use our exclusive discount code TEA40.
Check out our Micah page on the website for questions to help you dig into todays passage in more depth, as well as lots of other recommended resources.
Let’s go Micah! A minor prophet who asks, and answers big questions about God and his character. Come and join us for our online bible study as we dive into the poetry of prophecy, and consider justice, mercy and the nature of our God.
This episode is sponsored by Dwell Bible App.
Hear God's Word come alive with Dwell Bible App where they bring the teachings and stories of Scripture to life, not just reading the words, but hearing them read over you.
Use our exclusive link for your Two Sisters 25% discount.
The talk by Kathleen Nielson mentioned in this episode can be found here.
Check out our website too for questions to dig into over a cup of tea and lots of other useful resources.
We’re kicking off this season in our bible study podcast by interviewing author and Bible teacher Glenna Marshall, on the topic of memorising scripture. With all the why’s, and how’s, we hope you’re encouraged as much as we are by this conversation!
This episode is sponsored by Moody Publishers, who have published Glenna's book. We love many of their resources that are helping to equip the church.
Pick up your copy of Glenna's book at 10ofThose.com. They are kindly offering listeners a huge discount, use the code TEA40 and you’ll get 40% off the retail price.
You can also find lots more resources on our website, why not head there to see our recommendations for this new season in Micah.
Two sisters and a cup of tea - the Bible study podcast for everyday life - is coming your way for another season! This season we’re diving into the book of Micah, it’s been over three years since we last took on an Old Testiment prophet together - What can we expect from this season?
Comfort, challenge and lots of prophetic poetry! Much of Micah feels unfamiliar, and we’ve got a heap of questions as we come to this Old Testament prophecy. But the beating heart of the book is going to help us see more of who God is, and what he desires - and that’s an exciting thing.
We’ve also got a couple of conversations lined up with others as we seek to continue to grow in delighting in God’s word for ourselves, and with others. All in all, we’re excited for the journey ahead and hope you’ll join us!
Our first episode drops on Friday, 20th September. Head to our website www.twosistersandacupoftea.com/micah for more info.
See you next Friday!
As we do at the end of each season, we’re taking valuable time to reflect on where the Lord has been most speaking to us through the book of Philippians. Do take a look at our podcast show note questions to help you to reflect on this Bible book for yourself too.
Our recommended book this episode was 'A Call to Contentment' by David Kaywood and you can find it on the Christian Focus website.
Why not visit our website, where you can also find lots of other seasons to listen to over the summer as well as other resources, or sign up for our newsletter!
Contentment. That Christian buzzword that feels ever so elusive, and yet as we reach the end of our Philippians Bible Study, the Apostle Paul shows us the way to truly find contentment with joy. It’s our penultimate episode in the book of Philippians - so do join us as we wrap up the season next time.
For more information about our sponsor, Christian Focus and the books we have been recommending, visit their website.
To subscribe to our monthly newsletter, visit our website, where you can also find lots of other resources!
What does it look like to eagerly anticipate Christ, when the world around us is doing the opposite? Our Philippians Bible study continues with some challenging words, but ones that we desperately need when we remember all that we have in Christ.
For more information about our sponsor and the books we have been recommending, visit their website.
To subscribe to our monthly newsletter, visit our website, where you can also find lots of other resources!
It’s all about confidently treasuring Christ today as we open up the Bible over a cup of tea together. Who could you chat through this part of the Bible with, helping you to drive it to your heart?
To find out more about the book recommended this episode, published by our sponsors Christian Focus, head here.
Check out our website. We have lots of resources on there, recommendations of books, our blogs and all our episodes as well as partner with us or sign up for our newsletter.
We’re thrilled to be joined by a sister who is serving on the mission field today, as we chat through the reality of sacrificially serving for Christ, and humbly serving like him, on the mission field.
Elle is serving as a missionary doctor with AIM, off the coast of Africa. Click here to sign up to receive her prayer updates, or to partner with her financially.
To find out more about The Scuttlebutt Letters, published by our sponsors Christian Focus, head here.
If you'd like to partner with us by donating to the podcast, head to the partnering page on our website now. Or, if you'd like to subscribe to the newsletter you can do that here too!
Who do you think of when you think of those sacrificially serving like Christ? We’re given three examples today in our next bible study in Philippians. Whether you’ve been listening to our podcast for a while, or are just tuning in, we’re so glad you’re joining us!
Who's been an encouraging example to you lately of pressing on in the gospel in the midst of hard times. Why don't you let them know how they've encouraged you?
For our show notes and some questions to help you talk about this with friends, head here.
To find out more about the book recommended at the start of the episode, head here.
If you'd like to partner with us by donating to the podcast, head to the partnering page on our website now. Or, if you'd like to subscribe to the newsletter you can do that here too!
A wonderfully familiar and yet enormously challenging part of the letter today, as Paul exhorts us to have the same mindset as Christ, humbly serving like him. Remember to check out our discussion questions here to help you carry on the conversation with a friend.
The Good Portion series recommended at the start of the episode can be found here.
If you'd like to partner with us by donating to the podcast, head to the partnering page on our website now. Or, if you'd like to subscribe to the newsletter you can do that here too!
What does it look like to exalt Christ in both life and death? Paul both models it, and encourages the Philippians to that end in our next section of our Philippians Bible study.
Who can you get Philippians open with? We'd love people to be reading it with friends,
with other women in their church, family, or maybe over a WhatsApp text group.
For some questions to help you think it through more, head here.
Our recommended book by Sinclair B. Ferguson can be found here.
If you'd like to partner with us by donating to the podcast, head to the partnering page on our website now. Or, if you'd like to subscribe to the newsletter you can do that here too!
An astounding start to the letter, as Paul shares his heart and prayers with the Philippians. Come and listen in as we chat through the start of Philippians in our online Bible study for women.
For our show notes and some questions to help you talk about this with friends, head here.
You can also find more information on Karen Soole's book Liberated, by clicking here.
Our partnership packs have now all sold out, but if you'd like to partner with us by donating to the podcast, head to our partnership page on our website now, everyone who donates will receive a little gift!
You can also subscribe to our newsletter on our website if you haven't already.
Philippians here we go! We’re looking forward to getting stuck into Paul’s familiar letter to the church in Philippi, and hope you’ll join us for our online Bible study as we do so. Today is all about introductions - to us, to the letter, and to how to get stuck into it for ourselves.
For our show notes and some questions to help you talk about this with friends, head here.
Our partnership packs have now all sold out, but if you'd like to partner with us by donating to the podcast, head to our partnership page on our website now, everyone who donates will receive a little gift!
You can also subscribe to our newsletter on our website if you haven't already.
And we're back for another season! This time we're delving into Paul's letter to the Philippians - a letter full of Jesus and the joys of partnering in the gospel together, and we cannot wait to get started!
On that note, did you hear about how you can partner with us? We'd love it if you would consider partnering with us financially over the next couple of weeks! Everyone who gives towards the podcast will receive a little thank you gift from us. We are so thankful for your partnership in the gospel! For all the details, head to our website.
And just like that, another season is wrapped up. Today we’re reflecting on John chapters 6-12, and our big takeaways from this section of John’s gospel. Remember that you can access any of the transcripts to our online Bible studies on our website, as well as questions to dig into the passage a little more.
We’re nearing the end of our section in John’s gospel with an extraordinary prophecy from the high priest, Caiaphas, hinting at what kind of death Jesus would endure, and for what purpose it would accomplish. As ever, we’re chatting this part of John’s gospel through over a cup of tea and biscuit, and we’d love you to join us for our twenty minute Bible study.
Astounding hope in the midst of the deepest of griefs. It’s an extraordinary claim from the lips of Jesus, and an even more extraordinary proof as he delivers on that claim. Join us as we look afresh at Jesus raising Lazarus from death in John 11 today.
From Shepherd to Son, Jesus provides increasing clarity on who He is for those around him, and yet the responses are stark. Which begs the question, ‘How are we responding to Jesus today?’ Join us for our next conversation in our Bible study in John’s gospel.
Rich and comforting words from the lips of Jesus today as we dwell on what it is for him to be the Good Shepherd, the one promised from long ago. As ever we’re driving these words to our hearts in our online Bible study over a cup of tea and a biscuit.
An astounding healing coupled with both worship and disbelief from those around Jesus. Come and join us for chapter 9 of John’s gospel as we wrestle with Jesus’ own words and why he says he has come.
We’re delighted to welcome Courtney Doctor onto the podcast today as we delve into the whole of John chapter 8. Courtney is an author and Bible teacher, and currently serves as Director of Women’s Initiatives at The Gospel Coalition. Together with Joanna Kimbrel, she has recently written a Bible study on the ‘I Am’ sayings in John’s Gospel entitled Behold and Believe.
For some bible study questions to go along with this episode, click here.
With yet more mind-blowing references to the Old Testament, Jesus is making it very clear to all those around him just who he is and why he has come. Come and join us for this next part of John’s gospel, as we marvel at what he is promising to all who believe.
Saturated with Old Testament Imagery, our passage today follows swift on the heels of Jesus’ extraordinary feeding of the 5000. There are some big verses here today, and some surprising reactions. As ever, we’re chewing over this portion of John’s gospel with a cup of tea and looking at what it looks like to truly apply this to every day life as Christian women.
We’re straight into the big stuff today, as John shows us his eye-witness account of two astounding miracles, confirming just how glorious Christ is, and how much we’ve got to look forward to in this group of chapters.
Sign up to our newsletter to be in with a chance of winning our 3rd Birthday Giveaway!
John’s Gospel, round 2 here we go! Back in season 4, we read John 1-5, always knowing that we’d pick up where we left off at some point. Well, now is the time. We’re excited to get stuck into chapters 6-12 this season. Today, we’re giving a recap of all that’s happened up to this point in the gospel of John, as well as picking out a few themes that we’ll be seeing in the next few weeks. We are so looking forward to getting stuck in John’s gospel again and we hope you’ll join us!
For questions to dig into over a cup of tea, do head to our episode show notes.
As the new year dawns, we’re delighted to welcome Kristen Wetherell onto the podcast for a candid conversation about when we find it hard to open our Bibles. Kristen is the author of Help for the Hungry Soul: Eight encouragements to grow your appetite for God’s Word. We benefitted so much from this conversation as Bible reading plans and new year’s resolutions swirl around us - we hope it will be an encouragement to you too!
For more information on our latest season, head to our Season page on our website.
We're delighted to be back in your earbuds for the start of Season 10!
Here's the link to sign up for our mini-episode series, that will be delivered straight into your inbox, along with a free chapter from Kristen Wetherell's new book 'Help for the Hungry Soul'. Stay tuned for our interview with Kristen next week as we chat with her on the theme of 'When Bible reading is hard.'
And here’s the link to our website, where you can find all the details on our upcoming season in John 6-12!
We’ve reached the end of Ecclesiastes! Powerful poetry punctuates both the beginning and end of the book, as we see what it looks like to let the reality of eternity shape us down to our dying breath.
For discussion questions to go with this episode, head to our episode show notes.
Click here to sign up for our newsletter.
Join us for our penultimate Bible study in Ecclesiastes. It’s straight up wisdom today, shaping how we live in the reality of a broken world. And a wonderful pointer to Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
For question to dig into over a cuppa, head to our episode show notes.
Our Ecclesiastes goads are beginning to draw to a close as the preacher begins his conclusion in today’s passage. And yet it’s no less of a powerful punch as we consider the stark reality that faces every one of us, and what it looks like to live a life of purpose in response.
For some follow up questions to chat over with a friend, head to our episode show notes.
As we continue on in our Bible study in Ecclesiastes, we’re mulling on the limits of humanity’s wisdom today, and what it is to obey the command to enjoy life, even when there are very weighty injustices in our broken world.
For some follow up questions to chat through the passage with a friend, head to our episode show notes.
What a gift that we have the wisdom literature to help shape how we live. Sometimes it’s straightforward, and sometimes, like today’s passage, it’s not! Hooray for the challenge of trying to read it slowly, read it well, and drive it to our hearts all the same.
For questions to dig into over a cup of tea, head to our episode show notes.
What does it look like for our everyday worship to be shaped by matters of eternity? It’s another weighty chunk in our Ecclesiastes Bible study this week as we open the Bible and seek to drive it to our hearts.
For questions to dig into over a cup of tea, head to our episode show notes.
We are delighted to be joined by the author and Bible teacher Karen Soole today as we continue to drive Ecclesiastes to our hearts. Karen helps us to think through how we really see Jesus in the pages of Ecclesiastes, and what it looks like to be shaped by the preacher’s perspective in all of life.
For our show notes click here.
How are you finding studying Ecclesiastes so far with us? There’s so much to ponder, and so much to confuse as well. We hit upon some stark realities today, alongside what it looks like to wisely live in light of eternity.
Find our show note questions here to continue talking through Ecclesiastes chapter 4.
Have you noticed the beauty of poetry within the book of Ecclesiastes? We get another famous chunk of poetry in our passage today, and yet there’s a twist to the meaning we so often give it…
Can the pursuit of wisdom, knowledge, pleasure and toil squash the reality that death undeniably looms? The preacher goes on an extensive search in our passage today, answering that very question. Why not grab a friend to chat over the truths from this Bible study in Ecclesiastes?
Join us as we consider the first eleven verses of Ecclesiastes today in our online Bible study over a cup of tea. From all of creation, to the human being, what does it look like for eternity to shape the rhythms of life? It’s a powerful start to the book!
For questions to take the discussion further, head to our show notes on our website.
Welcome to the first episode of Season 9. This season we’re going to be studying some Old Testament wisdom literature - the book of Ecclesiastes. We’re excited, we’re daunted, and we can’t wait to get stuck in. Join us in this introduction to the season, as we introduce ourselves, the book, and what it looks like to make the most of this deep dive into Ecclesiastes.
For more info, head to our show notes on our website.
This season we're diving into some of the wisdom literature in the Old Testament, as we get into the book of Ecclesiastes. Here's a little peak into what's in store...
For more info, head to our season page on our website.
Sitting side by side, we take a few minutes to look back, look ahead, and fill you in on our pop up shop launching on 30th August!
For extra shop bonuses, sign up to our newsletter.
Thank you so much for all your support on this podcasting journey, we so appreciate you!
It’s the final episode of Season 8! We take some time to look back over Paul’s letter to Titus, considering our reflections and where it’s impacted our heart the most.
Sign up for our newsletter, to stay in the loop with all we’re doing, and to be the first to hear of exciting announcements later this summer.
Head to our show notes to find the questions we used to help us reflect on Titus together.
We’ll be back for Season 9 in the Autumn!
Can knowing the gospel truly impact the world for good? We’re considering this question and others as we consider the final chapter of Titus together.
For questions, transcripts and more resources on the book of Titus, head to our episode show notes on our website.
We’re delighted to welcome Natalie Brand onto the podcast today, as we talk about her new book Priscilla: Where are you?, how it links to the book of Titus, and the impact of sound doctrine on loving other women well in our church families.
For the episode transcript, head to the show notes on our website.
We’re in chapter 2 of our Titus Bible study today as we consider what fuel is needed to live as Paul commands. Does knowing the gospel really make a difference for how we love and serve one another?
Here’s the link to sign up to our newsletter.
For some questions to dig into over a cup of tea, an episode transcript and other resources relating to the letter of Titus, head over to our show notes on our website.
What’s at stake if church leaders don’t rebuke false teaching? There’s much to challenge our prayers and hearts in this next part of our Titus Bible Study.
Click here for our show notes including questions to dig into over a cup of tea, and an episode transcipt.
What does it look like for church leaders to be nourished by the gospel, and why does it matter? Join us as we continue to read Titus chapter one together.
Click here for the episode show notes, a transcript and more.
We’re beginning our bible study in Titus today looking at the first four verses, and considering how they help us to unpack the letter as a whole.
Head to our show notes to find questions to help you dig into the passage further, and an episode transcript.
We are delighted to welcome Sally Clarkson onto the podcast today as we begin our season in Titus. Sally is a bestselling author, renowned speaker, and beloved mentor who has dedicated her life to inspiring countless women to live for Christ. In this episode, we discuss her latest book, Teatime Discipleship, and the impact of sitting down for a cup of tea with others, and seeing God at work.
This season we're reading Paul's letter to Titus. Here's a little peak into what's in store...
We’re delighted to welcome Jen Wilkin onto the podcast, as we wrap up the book of Deuteronomy.
Jen is an author and Bible teacher from Dallas, Texas. An advocate for Bible literacy, her passion is to see others become articulate and committed followers of Christ, with a clear understanding of why they believe what they believe, grounded in the Word of God. Her most recent book Ten Words to Live By: Delighting in and doing what God commands would make an excellent read alongside Deuteronomy.
For more info on the episode, head to our episode show notes
As we reach the end of Deuteronomy, we’re left longing for one greater than Moses who will wholly fulfil God’s covenant to his people.
For bible study questions, a transcript and more, head to our show notes on our website here.
Moses' sermon reaches a beautiful climax as he share's God's astounding grace and the work God will do to transform hearts in the future.
For show note questions, and other info on this episode, click here.
We’re all about mountains in our Deuteronomy Bible Study today as a stark choice is presented, not only to God’s people listening to Moses, but also to us, as we study chapters 27-28 of this Old Testament book.
Click here for the episode show notes including a few bible study questions to help you process this part of Deuteronomy.
As we dwell on chapters 19-26 of Deuteronomy today, we’re looking for all the ways that choosing to obey God’s law brings beauty, goodness and life to those around us.
For our episode shownotes, click here
We’re delving into chapters 12-18 today in our Deuteronomy Bible study as we’re encouraged to remember to worship the Lord in both heart and action.
Click this link for some further bible study questions on this part of scripture, along with a transcript and more.
Today we’re joined by the author and speak Nancy Guthrie, who helps us to see the value of having a rich biblical theology when it comes to seeing Jesus on every page of Deuteronomy.
Nancy is the author of I See Jesus, Even better than Eden, and a host of other books. She lives with her husband David in Nashville, Tennessee.
For full episode show notes, click this link.
We’re in chapters 7-11 today, seeing the extraordinary, persistent grace of God to his people.
Click this link for our show notes, including questions to dig into over a cup of tea and a full transcript of our bible study in Deuteronomy chapters 7-11.
God’s covenant with his people is the thread that runs all the way through not only Deuteronomy, but the whole of the Old Testament. We’re reading chapters 5 & 6 today as we dwell on its significance.
Click this link for our show notes, including questions to dig into over a cup of tea and a full transcript of our bible study in Deuteronomy chapters 5-6.
How extraordinary is it that God speaks through his Word? We’re thinking through this wonderful truth today in our next study in Deuteronomy.
Click this link for our show notes, including questions to dig into over a cup of tea and a full transcript of our bible study in Deuteronomy chapter 4.
We’re delving into the first three chapters of Deuteronomy today, as we get into studying this Old Testament book together. Remember to check out our season page on our website for bible study resources that will help you start unpacking Deuteronomy for yourself.
The show notes for this episode can be found here.
Deuteronomy here we go! In our first episode of the season, we talk about how to get into such a large book of the Bible, and why it’s worth it…
Our show note questions can be found here.
A peek into what’s in store for Season 7…
For more information, head over to our brand new website
We’re delighted to welcome Caroline Cobb for our bonus episode, as we take a bit of time at the start of advent to think about letting God’s word dwell on our hearts through singing scripture.
Caroline is a singer-songwriter who lives in Texas with her husband and three children.
You can find her albums here.
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Book Recommendation:
Daily Joy by Crossway
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Sponsorship Details
This season is sponsored by Crossway.
Crossway is a not-for-profit ministry, publishing gospel-centered, Bible-based content that honours our Savior and serves his church. For information, head to www.crossway.org
We’re rounding up our time in 1 Thessalonians today, looking back on the three big prayers, time dwelling on Jesus’ return and some of our big encouragements from the letter.
Questions to Dig into over a Cup of Tea:
- How have the bible tools helped you as we've gone through 1 Thessalonians?
- What will it look like to live with Jesus' return at the forefront of your everyday?
- What encouragements are you going to take away from this letter?
- Spend some time praying through what the Lord has been teaching you.
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Book Recommendation:
Confronting Jesus by Rebecca McLaughlin
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Sponsorship Details
This season is sponsored by Crossway.
Crossway is a not-for-profit ministry, publishing gospel-centered, Bible-based content that honours our Savior and serves his church. For information, head to www.crossway.org
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
We’ve got to the end of the letter, and we’re thinking through the ‘So What’ of it all today.
Questions to Dig into over a Cup of Tea:
- How do we see Faith, hope and love fleshed out in this final part of the letter?
- What does it look like to prayerfully live out v14?
- Take some time to dwell on v16-18. What does this look like in practice?
- Why is Paul's prayer so essential at the end of the letter?
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Book Recommendation:
Reactivity by Paul Tripp
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Sponsorship Details
This season is sponsored by Crossway.
Crossway is a not-for-profit ministry, publishing gospel-centered, Bible-based content that honours our Savior and serves his church. For information, head to www.crossway.org
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
What does it look like to live wholeheartedly, in light of Jesus’ return?
Questions to Dig into over a Cup of Tea:
- Take some time to draw out the contrasts in this passage- why are they here?
- Why does our holiness matter?
- What will it look like to receive encouragement to keep living as children of the light?
- What will it look like to give encouragement?
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Book Recommendation:
A better Encouragement: Trading Self Help for True Hope by Lindsey Carlson
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Sponsorship Details
This season is sponsored by Crossway.
Crossway is a not-for-profit ministry, publishing gospel-centered, Bible-based content that honours our Savior and serves his church. For information, head to www.crossway.org
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
Today we’re dwelling on the breathtaking hope of Jesus’ return and what it looks like to encourage one another to keep our eyes fixed on this hope.
Questions to Dig into over a Cup of Tea:
- In light of this passage, how do we as Christians grieve differently?
- When do you most need encouragement to dwell on these truths?
- How does Jesus' return excite you? If it doesn't, can you pinpoint why?
- What will it look like to encourage one another ongoingly with these truths?
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Book Recommendation:
Gentle & Lowly by Dane Ortlund
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Sponsorship Details
This season is sponsored by Crossway.
Crossway is a not-for-profit ministry, publishing gospel-centered, Bible-based content that honours our Savior and serves his church. For information, head to www.crossway.org
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
We’re joined today by Andrew Sach as we dig into the second half of the letter.
Andrew Sach is pastor of GraceChurch Greenwhich, the author of the ‘Dig Deeper’ books, and also works for the Cornhill Training Course in London.
Questions to Dig into over a Cup of Tea:
- How do you usually go about seeking to understand passages in the Bible?
- How does the structure, repetition and context tool help demystify this bit in 1 Thessalonians?
- How has this passage surprised you through its encouragement and challenge? Is there anything that has made you hear the passage differently to when you first read it?
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Book Recommendation:
ESV Prayer Journal: 30 Days on the Gospel
Pick up a copy of Dig Deeperby Andrew Sach here
Find Andrew’s bible tool videos here
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Sponsorship Details
This season is sponsored by Crossway.
Crossway is a not-for-profit ministry, publishing gospel-centered, Bible-based content that honours our Savior and serves his church. For information, head to www.crossway.org
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
Today we’re thinking about the structure tool, & how unpacking the structure of the passage can help us to see the heart of what’s going on.
Questions to Dig into over a Cup of Tea:
- How does looking at the structure of today’s passage help us to see Paul’s heart for the Thessalonians?
- How are we challenged in our own heart and concern for others?
- How does Paul’s description of suffering and the Christian life encourage and reassure you?
- How does this part of the letter prompt you to pray for yourself and for others?
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Book Recommendation:
A Hunger for More by Amy DiMarcangelo
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Sponsorship Details
This season is sponsored by Crossway.
Crossway is a not-for-profit ministry, publishing gospel-centered, Bible-based content that honours our Savior and serves his church. For information, head to www.crossway.org
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
What does an authentic gospel life look like? Paul shows us something of it in this part of the letter…
Questions to Dig into over a Cup of Tea:
- What's striking about the way Paul feels about the Thessalonians?
- What does the authentic gospel life look like here?
- How does the assurance given to the Thessalonians in turn assure us in our faith?
- Spend some time dwelling on v13. What does it look like to functionally believe this and rejoice in it?
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Book Recommendation:
In the Lord I Take Refuge by Dane Ortlund
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Sponsorship Details
This season is sponsored by Crossway.
Crossway is a not-for-profit ministry, publishing gospel-centered, Bible-based content that honours our Savior and serves his church. For information, head to www.crossway.org
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
We’re getting into the start of the letter today, mulling on the power and reality of the gospel to bring heart change to anyone who trusts in Christ.
Questions to Dig into over a Cup of Tea:
- How does using the context tool help you to feel the weight of assurance at the beginning of this letter?
- List out the ways Paul reassures the Thessalonians. What assurances do you need to hear today from this list?
- How does this part of the letter grow your awe for what happens when the gospel is proclaimed?
- How are you encouraged and challenged to pray in light of the beginning of this letter?
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Book Recommendation:
The Biggest Story Bible Story Book by Kevin de Young & Don Clark
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Sponsorship Details
This season is sponsored by Crossway.
Crossway is a not-for-profit ministry, publishing gospel-centered, Bible-based content that honours our Savior and serves his church. For information, head to www.crossway.org
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
1 Thessalonians here we go! This episode is all about introductions - to the new season, to Bible handling tools, & to Paul’s letter to the Thessalonian church.
Questions to Dig into over a Cup of Tea:
- Read the whole letter out loud if you can, remembering that's how this letter would have been read to the Thessalonians. How did it feel to read it? What jumped out at you? What surprised you? Was there anything that puzzled you?
- Read Acts 17:1-9. How does this account of Paul's time in Thessalonica help you to put Paul's letter into context? What do you think it would have been like to be a Thessalonian Christian?
- How much does Jesus' return feature in your day to day thinking at the moment?
- What will it look like to take seriously both the encouragements and challenges presented through this letter? What's the prayer for your own heart as you begin time in 1 Thessalonians?
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Book Recommendation:
Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin
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Sponsorship Details
This season is sponsored by Crossway.
Crossway is a not-for-profit ministry, publishing gospel-centered, Bible-based content that honours our Savior and serves his church. For information, head to www.crossway.org
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
A peek into what’s in store for Season 6…
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Sponsorship Details
This season we’re thankful for the generous sponsorship of Crossway and look forward to sharing some of their brilliant resources. For more information, go to www.crossway.org
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
Join us for this bonus episode as Felicity chats with Dan Wilt & Ryan Whittaker Smith about praying through the psalms for ourselves.
Dan & Ryan are the authors of Sheltering Mercy: Prayers inspired by the Psalms.
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Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout. Our partnership bookstore can be found here
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
Join us for our final episode of Season 5 as we reflect on Psalm 119 together!
Questions to dig into over a cup of tea:
- What’s been the biggest surprise?
- What’s been the biggest challenge?
- What’s been the biggest encouragement?
- How has Psalm 119 changed you?
Complete our Summer Survey and receive a free e-book: Before you Open your Bible by Matt Smethurst
In Season 6 we will be delving into 1 Thessalonians! Why not join us over the summer in grabbing a Two Sisters Book Pack from 10ofthose.com, with resources linked to Thessalonians?
For US listeners, here’s the book pack deal.
For UK listeners, here’s the book pack deal.
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Book Recommendation:
Sheltering Mercy by Ryan Whitaker Smith & Dan Wilt
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Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout. Our partnership bookstore can be found here
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
We’re in the last four stanzas, grasping what’s on the heart of the psalmist as he closes his song.
Questions to Dig into over a Cup of Tea:
- What strikes you as you read through each stanza?
- Why is the end of this psalm so encouraging?
- How do these final stanzas help us to see more of Christ?
- What will it look like for you to pray in light of these final verses?
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Book Recommendation:
The Seed of the Woman by Nana Dolce
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Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout. Our partnership bookstore can be found here
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
We’re at a crossroads in the psalm. As our psalmist looks up from his own situation to the world around him, what does he see?
Questions to dig into over a cup of tea:
- How are believers and unbelievers contrasted in these stanzas?
- What does assurance look like for our psalmist? How is our assurance even greater?
- What does it look like to lament both with confidence and hope because of the cross?
- How does being in God’s word help you to see the world and the Lord with greater clarity?
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Book Recommendation:
Tears & Tossings by Sarah Walton
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Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout. Our partnership bookstore can be found here
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
As we sit in the darkest pit with the psalmist, what has the power to lift his gaze?
Questions to Dig into over a Cup of Tea:
- What strikes you about the journey the psalmist takes in this group of stanzas?
- How do these verses help us to cling onto the Lord in the midst of affliction?
- How is your view of Jesus fleshed out through these verses?
- How do these verses help to convince you that God’s word is what you, and your friends need in times of suffering?
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Book Recommendation:
Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy by Mark Vroegop
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Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout. Our partnership bookstore can be found here
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
As we hit the half way point in our Psalm 119 season, we take time to interview Hunter Beless, on what it looks like to hide God’s word in our hearts.
Hunter is the founder and host of Journeywomen, the author of Read It, See It, Say It, Sing It, and lives with her husband and 3 kids in Arkansaw.
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Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout. Our partnership bookstore can be found here
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
Where do you run to in times of suffering? Our psalmist continues his song showing us why it’s worth running to God in his word.
Questions to Dig into over a Cup of Tea:
- How does the psalmist help us to keep God in view in the midst of his suffering?
- Where are you most tempted to run to in times of suffering? How does dwelling on God's character, sucffiency and goodness help our hearts?
- How have you known God's compassion and comfort in times of suffering?
- How does mutual encouragement help us to keep going?
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Book Recommendation:
Wonderfull by Marty Machowski
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Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout. Our partnership bookstore can be found here
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
We’re reading verses 17-48 today, thinking about different pressures in life and how God’s promises speak into them.
Questions to Dig into over a Cup of Tea:
- What's helped you to get stuck into these verses for yourself? What have you noticed? What's surprised you?
- How do the pressures talked about by the psalmist resonate in our lives?
- What's striking about what he does in the midst of the pressures?
- How do these verses grow our awe of Jesus?
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Book Recommendation:
Hope When it Hurts by Sarah Walton & Kristen Wetherell
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Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout. Our partnership bookstore can be found here
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
We’re reading the first two stanzas of Psalm 119 and enjoying the beginning of this Psalm, alongside talking through one of our listener’s questions.
Questions to Dig into over a Cup of Tea:
- What's struck you as you've begun to read the Psalm for yourself?
- How is the first stanza desirable but also realistic?
- How does the second stanza help us to think practically about growing in our love for the Lord?
- How do these first stanzas shape our prayers in response?
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Book Recommendation:
The Way of the Righteous in the Muck of Life by Dale Ralph Davies
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Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout. Our partnership bookstore can be found here
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
Psalm 119 here we go! Join us as we think through how to get stuck into the longest psalm in the Bible.
Questions to Dig into over a Cup of Tea:
- What were you thinking about Psalm 119 before you started digging into it today?
- How do God's covenant promises shape how we read the psalm?
- What will it look like to make the most of time in this psalm over the next few weeks?
- Spend some time praying, asking the Lord to be at work through his word.
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Book Recommendation:
Cultural Counterfeits by Jen Oshman
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Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout. Our partnership bookstore can be found here
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
A peek into what’s in store for Season 5…
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Click here if you’d like to receive monthly updates & have a chance to enter our Season 5 Giveaway.
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Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout. Our partnership bookstore can be found here
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
We’re delighted to be joined by Colin Smith for this bonus episode as we think about how to open up John’s Gospel with an unbeliever.
Discussion Questions
- What stops us getting the Bible open with unbelievers?
- How does this conversation help us to get excited about getting the Bible open?
- What about John's gospel has struck you and is something you'd love to share with someone else?
- Who could you ask? Pray for them now, and think about how and when you could ask.
Check out Colin's book, Open The Bible in 30 Days, as a great way of helping anyone see and understand the whole Bible story in 30 short chapters. An easy read and designed with unbelievers in mind. This is the website: https://openthebible.org/ that goes along with the book, and seeks to guide someone through the Bible.
Colin mentioned this resource: https://www.theword121.com/ as a great help as it walks through John's gospel with the text, questions and the answers in short booklets. Really accessible and easy to use. Both Felicity and Sarah have found this helpful.
Colin was drinking a raspberry zinger tea and eating an Orange Club biscuit.
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Tea and Biscuit Footnotes
Colin excelled our biscuit expectations by choosing an Orange Club, along with his cup of tea.
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Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout. Our partnership bookstore can be found here
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
It’s a joy to welcome Dane Ortlund onto the podcast as we wrap up our time in John’s gospel.
Questions to dig into over a cup of tea:
- What’s most surprised you about Jesus as we’ve travelled through chapters 1-5?
- What’s most challenged you?
- What will it look like for you to pray through the truths of John’s gospel?
- Have you got a big ‘take away’ from John 1-5? Spend some time giving thanks for what you’ve seen of Jesus in John’s gospel, and why not share your reflections with a friend?
Dane Ortlund’s new book is Surprised by Jesus
Discount code: CUPOFTEA30
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Tea and Biscuit Footnotes
Dane is partial to an Earl Grey Tea every now and then but isn’t a fan of biscuits….!
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Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout. Our partnership bookstore can be found here
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
In our penultimate episode, we come to the end of our final chapter in John’s gospel, with a sober warning…
Questions to dig into over a cup of tea:
- How does the testimony we have here about Jesus help us to keep trusting and believing in him?
- What’s sobering about the Pharisee’s real problem with Jesus?
- How does Jesus gently expose their hearts here? How does he expose the inner-pharisee in us?
- What does it look like to see the end of this chapter as a checkpoint for our hearts and what we’re seeking after? Have you got specific examples of where you’d like to grow in this?
Biblical Theology Workshop
Click here to sign up for Nancy Gutherie’s event in London on 28th May 2022
There will also be a 10ofthose bookstall at this event.
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Tea and Biscuit Footnotes
A Yorkshire tea for both, along with a classic Chocolate Hobnob for Felicity.
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Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout. Our partnership bookstore can be found here
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
Jesus continues to expose the hearts of Jewish leaders as they completely miss who’s at the heart of their religion…
Questions to dig into over a cup of tea:
- Why is this such a ‘wow’ miracle?
- What’s heart-wrenching about the Jewish leaders response?
- How does Jesus’ defence help us?
- What does it look like to rejoice in verse 24?
Book Plug:
Abigail Dodds’ ‘Bread of Life’, recommended on this episode, can be found here
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Click here if you’d like to receive monthly updates.
Tea and Biscuit Footnotes
A loose leafed Assam Tea for Felicity, and a Sticky Toffee Pudding Chocolate Hobnob for Sarah.
In Other News…
Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout. Our partnership bookstore can be found here
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
John shows us Jesus’ extraordinary power, and his desire for people to respond to his word.
Questions to dig into over a cup of tea:
- What are the two different responses to Jesus here?
- What stands out about this miracle for you?
- How does this interaction challenge the way we think about Jesus and his word?
- Who can you pray for to hear Jesus at his word?
Book Plug:
J.C Ryle’s Expository thoughts on the Gospels, recommended on this episode, can be found here
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Click here if you’d like to receive monthly updates.
Tea and Biscuit Footnotes
A homemade (of sorts) biscuit for Felicity, together with cups of Yorkshire tea for both.
In Other News…
Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout. Our partnership bookstore can be found here
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
We see more and more of Jesus’ heart here as we continue on in John’s gospel
Questions to dig into over a cup of tea:
- What strikes you from this story?
- Why does Jesus need to expose her deeper thirst?
- How does this conversation offer us assurance in the midst of sin?
- How does this story grow our understanding of the heart of Christ?
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Click here if you’d like to receive monthly updates.
Tea and Biscuit Footnotes
A cup of Golden Monkey loose leaf tea for Felicity and a white Oreo for Sarah.
In Other News…
Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout. Our partnership bookstore can be found here
Unlocking the Bible by Colin Smith, recommended on this episode, can be found here
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
John the Baptist comes back into focus in our passage today, but in a surprising way…
Questions to dig into over a cup of tea:
- What strikes you about John’s attitude to Jesus?
- How does the end of this chapter continue to convince us of Jesus’ testimony?
- How do you feel about v36? How does the whole chapter help?
- How does John’s heart response and accompanying words shape how we respond?
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Click here if you’d like to receive monthly updates.
Tea and Biscuit Footnotes
A Cadbury’s Roundie for Sarah with a hot water & lemon, & a sticky toffee pudding hobnob for Felicity.
In Other News…
Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout. Our partnership bookstore can be found here
An Ocean of Grace, recommended on this episode, can be found here
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
Karen Soole joins us today as we unpack one of the most famous verses in the Bible!
Questions to dig into over a cup of tea:
- What strikes you about this conversation between Nicodemus and Jesus?
- Nicodemus would have known Ezekiel 36. How does that help with what Jesus is saying about water and spirit here?
- How does this passage make much of Jesus and his salvation?
- How are we tempted to make it more complicated than it is?
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Click here if you’d like to receive monthly updates from us straight into your inbox.
Tea and Biscuit Footnotes
Karen’s favourite tea is Darjeeling, paired with a Ginger Nut.
Books by Karen can be found below:
Unleash the Word
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Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout. Our partnership bookstore can be found here
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
Jesus’ authority comes into sharp focus in this chapter in two very different ways.
Questions to dig into over a cup of tea:
- What strikes you about Jesus’ authority in this passage?
- What’s the significance of his body being the temple?
- How has this chapter grown your view of jesus?
- What are you enjoying about Jesus as you continue journeying through John’s gospel?
Sign up for our Monthly Newsletter!
Click here if you’d like to receive monthly updates, along with a special bonus episode…
Tea and Biscuit Footnotes
A cup of Yorkshire tea with a Belgian chocolate chunk cookie for Sarah, and some Earl Grey Bravo Tea for Felicity.
In Other News…
Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout. Our partnership bookstore can be found here
Side by Side, recommended on this episode, can be found here
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
‘Come and see’ is the big theme in our next part of John’s gospel, as Jesus’ identity as the glorious King is revealed…
Questions to dig into over a cup of tea:
- List out the names given to Jesus in this passage - which ones are familiar & which ones are less familiar? Is there one you could dwell more on this coming week?
- Read Genesis 28. How does it grow your understanding of Jesus’ claim at the end of this passage?
- How does John chapter 1 grow our confidence in Jesus’ identity?
- How does it prompt us to pray for ourselves, and unbelievers?
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Click here if you’d like to receive monthly updates from us
Tea and Biscuit Footnotes
A fruit shortcake for Felicity, and a Limited Edition Snowy Chocolate Finger for Sarah.
In Other News…
Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout. Our partnership bookstore can be found here
The Word One to One, recommended on this episode, can be found here
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
Join us as we unpack how the whole of the Old Testament is imaged in John’s first sighting of Jesus…
Questions to dig into over a cup of tea:
- Have a read of Isaiah 40. How does this shape how Jesus is introduced here?
- Why is Jesus being called ‘the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world’ such a big deal?
- To what extent is our view of Jesus lining up with John’s introduction here?
- What does it look like to fully put our trust in what we’re reading here?
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Click here if you’d like to receive monthly updates from us
Tea and Biscuit Footnotes
Cups of Earl Grey Tea for both of us today, with a home made star shaped biscuit for Felicity.
In Other News…
Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout. Our partnership bookstore can be found here
Holiness by J.C Ryle, recommended on this episode, can be found here
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
We’re chatting through John’s prologue in this episode, marvelling at the extraordinary truths within it. Over a biscuit or two of course.
Questions to dig into over a cup of tea:
- There’s so much in these verse 18 verses. Is there something that stands out reading it afresh, that you haven’t considered before?
- What one thing from this passage are you going to choose to dwell on more this week?
- How does this prologue help you to enjoy Jesus more?
- What does it look like to bask in God’s grace that’s given to us here in the prologue?
Sign up for our Monthly Newsletter!
Click here if you’d like to receive monthly updates, along with a special bonus episode…
Tea and Biscuit Footnotes
A cup of tea with a McVities Chocolate Brownie Flavour Chocolate Hobnob for Sarah, and some mini Jammy Dodgers for Felicity.
In Other News…
Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout. Our partnership bookstore can be found here
The Life I now Live, recommended on this episode, can be found here
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
In our first episode of the season, we take a bird’s eye view at the beginning of John’s gospel, chatting through how to get stuck into reading this account of Jesus’ life.
Questions to dig into over a cup of tea:
- What strikes you as you read through these first five chapters? Anything that stands out? Any surprises?
- Can you spot any themes running through the chapters?
- What questions have you got about John’s gospel as you start to read it?
-Pray that God would help you to take to heart what you’re reading, as you listen to and seek to obey the words of Jesus.
Sign up for our Monthly Newsletter!
Click here if you’d like to receive monthly updates, along with a special bonus episode…
Tea and Biscuit Footnotes
A cup of ‘Light up Christmas Tea’ for Sarah, and a cup of Black Assam (with milk) and a fox’s crunch cream for Felicity.
In Other News…
Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout. Our partnership bookstore can be found here
Journalling Bibles, recommended on this episode, can be found here
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
Felicity & Sarah introduce Season 4 of their podcast.
Sign up for our Monthly Newsletter!
Click here if you’d like to receive monthly updates, along with our special bonus episode…
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
In Other News…
Book Deal
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout.
Check out our specific page on the 10ofthose website, with all our recommendations from the last few seasons…
Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
In the final episode of the season, we reflect on some big take-home truths and announce an exciting development for 2022!
Questions to dig into over a cup of tea:
- What’s been a surprising truth for you as you’ve read Esther?
- What’s been a deepening truth?
- What truth has most impacted you (think thoughts, prayers, feelings, actions)?
- What’s your big take home truth to remember from the book of Esther?
Sign up for our Monthly Newsletter!
Click here if you’d like to receive monthly updates, along with a special bonus episode…
Tea and Biscuit Footnotes
A Viscount chocolate biscuit for Felicity, and a Jaffinator for Sarah. With cups of Yorkshire tea.
In Other News…
Book Deal
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout.
Check out our specific page on the 10ofthose website, with all our recommendations from the last few seasons…
Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
As we come to the end of Esther, we see God’s justice shine, foreshadowing all that will happen when Jesus returns.
Questions to dig into over a cup of tea:
- How do we see God’s justice in this chapter? How does it challenge the way we think about judgement?
- How is Mordecai presented? How does he help to point us to Jesus?
- How does all of this help us anticipate Jesus’ return?
- How can we encourage one another to live in the light of this?
Tea and Biscuit Footnotes
A Fox’s Crunch Cream biscuit for Felicity, and a posh ginger one for Sarah. With cups of tea.
In Other News…
Book Deal
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout.
Check out our specific page on the 10ofthose website, with all our recommendations from the last few seasons…
Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
With an abundance of joy words, the narrrator helps us see how God’s people start to rise.
Questions to dig into over a cup of tea:
- Does anything strike you or make you go wow as you were reading this chapter?
- How is our confidence in God’s control and timing built by this chapter?
- How might such confidence impact our day-to-day living?
- How does the joy evident here encourage and challenge us as we think on our salvation?
Tea and Biscuit Footnotes
A cup of Melody Assam loose leafed tea for Felicity, and a hot chocolate for Sarah.
In Other News…
Book Deal
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout.
Check out our specific page on the 10ofthose website, with all our recommendations from the last few seasons…
Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
The pinnacle of Esther’s mediating moment coincides with the demise of the enemy of God’s people, to the praise of God’s glory.
Questions to dig into over a cup of tea:
- How does Esther point us to Jesus?
- How are we beginning to see things reversed in the story?
- What’s challenging and what’s encouraging about God’s justice in this chapter?
- How does all of this make us thankful for Jesus?
Tea and Biscuit Footnotes
Felicity is sipping a cup of loose leaf Assam Melody, while Sarah is nursing a sore throat with honey and lemon, and eating a McVities V.I.B biscuit.
In Other News…
Book Deal
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout.
Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
God’s people in Susa have just been fasting and praying for three days. Will the Lord begin to answer their prayers?
Questions to dig into over a cup of tea:
Tea and Biscuit Footnotes
Sarah is munching a home made Jammy Dodger, and Felicity has a Cadbury’s Double Delight. Both with cups of tea.
In Other News…
Book Deal
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout.
Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
This week we’re very excited to welcome Nana Dolce to chat biscuits, Bible and how we really begin to see Jesus in the pages of Esther.
Questions to dig into over a cup of tea:
- What strikes you about this chapter? Any surprises? Any hidden gems you hadn’t seen before?
- How does remembering Jesus is the ‘interpretative centre’ of God’s word help us as we look at this chapter?
- How does this chapter help you to delight in Jesus more?
- Take time to thank God for all you’re seeing of him through the book of Esther so far
Tea and Biscuit Footnotes
A digestive biscuit for Nana, a Lotus Biscoff for Sarah & a M&S Chocolate Roundel for Felicity.
In Other News…
You can connect with Nana here
Book Deal
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout.
Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
Haman, the enemy of God’s people is introduced today along with a devastating edict on the entirety of God’s people throughout the empire.
Questions to dig into over a cup of tea:
- How would it feel to be one of God’s people under this rule?
- Why is the context of enmity between Haman and Mordecai so important?
- How does this chapter help us to sit with persecuted brothers and sisters around the world?
- Where’s the hope?
Tea and Biscuit Footnotes
A cup of lemon & ginger tea for Sarah, with a milk chocolate oatie, and a cup of Yorkshire Grey tea with a double stuffed Oreo for Felicity.
In Other News…
Book Deal
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout.
Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
This episode we’re introduced to Esther and her cousin Mordecai, along with the sinister underbelly of the empire.
Questions to dig into over a cup of tea:
- What strikes you from this chapter?
- How does it help to expose our world?
- How does it begin to show God’s hand?
- How does it encourage us to look for God’s hand at work in the lives of believers?
Tea and Biscuit Footnotes
A small mug of revitalising lemon and ginger tea for Sarah, and an Earl Grey tea for Felicity with a homemade cookie.
In Other News…
Book Deal
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout.
Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
We discuss chapter 1 today as the empire, along with it’s king and queen are introduced…
Questions to dig into over a cup of tea:
- What picture of the empire are we given in this introduction to the book?
- How is Xerxes portrayed?
- How does this help us long for the true Messiah?
- How does it sharpen our perspective on our world?
Tea and Biscuit Footnotes
A cup of Yorkshire tea for Sarah with a breakfast biscuit, and a cup of Earl Grey tea from Whittaker’s (UK) with an oatmeal butterscotch cookie for Felicity.
In Other News…
Book Deal
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout.
Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
In our first episode of the season, we take a bird’s eye view of the book of Esther and chat through how to get stuck into reading this narrative.
Questions to dig into over a cup of tea:
- What parts of the story immediately stand out to you as you read it through?
- Can you spot any themes running through the book?
- What questions have you got about this book as you start to read it?
-Pray that God would give you a growing spiritual understanding and delight in his sovereign purposes as you read Esther.
Tea and Biscuit Footnotes
A cup of Yorkshire tea for Sarah with a milk chocolate oatie from Lidl, and a cup of Earl Grey tea with a golden Oreo for Felicity.
In Other News…
Book Deal
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout.
Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
Felicity & Sarah introduce Season 3 of their podcast.
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
In Other News…
Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
Join Felicity & Sarah as they get together to chat all things summer, time in the Bible and a few moments in Psalm 1. Over a cup of tea and a biscuit, of course.
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
In our final episode of the season, we round up James choosing three words that sum up our take-aways from the book.
Questions to dig into over a cup of tea:
- What three words best describe your take aways from the book?
- How has your view of grace grown through studying James?
- How will what you’ve learnt through James continue to impact you in two months’ time?
Tea and Biscuit Footnotes
A cup of hot water for Sarah, and a cup of Earl Grey tea with a chocolate hobnob for Felicity.
Book Deal
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout.
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Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
James rounds off his letter calling us to patiently wait for the Lord to return, and commit to praying heartily in all seasons, for all reasons.
Questions to dig into over a cup of tea:
How does the Lord’s coming give us perspective through suffering and trials?
How does James’ letter as a whole help us to persevere? What will it look like for you to persevere?
Consider your different circumstances - what will it look like for you to pray in faith?
How does the end of the letter encourage you to live life alongside church family more deeply?
Is there anyone you know wandering away from the truth that you need to commit to praying for regularly?
Tea and Biscuit Footnotes
A cup of ‘Jam & Toast’ Tea for Sarah, and a cup of Yorkshire tea with a slice of Victoria Sponge Cake for Felicity.
Book Deal
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout.
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Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
James warns his brothers and sisters about the folly of unbelievers who seek to dictate their own futures, and use wealth for unjust gain.
Questions to dig into over a cup of tea:
Tea and Biscuit Footnotes
A cup of hot apple & mango squash for Sarah, and a cup of Yorkshire Grey with a malted milk biscuit for Felicity.
Book Deal
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout.
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Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
Both what to do with our double-mindedness and God’s answer reach a climax this week as James helps us to see the heart of the gospel.
Questions to dig deeper, over a cup of tea:
Tea and Biscuit Footnotes
A cup of hot water and a digestive biscuit for Sarah, and a teapot with a home made chocolate digestive for Felicity.
Book Deal
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout.
In Other News…
Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
In this week’s episode we take a look at James’ powerful words about the tongue, and what it looks like to pursue heavenly wisdom in relation to how we use our words.
As ever, this is just the beginning of a conversation. We wholly recommend chatting over these things further with someone else as you consider the weight of God’s word on your heart.
Questions to dig deeper, over a cup of tea:
- how does James’ use of pictures help us to see the true impact of our tongues?
- In what ways do you see your tongue exposing your heart?
- Texts, emails, Social Media, phone calls, in person - where do you need to commit to be more watchful and prayerful over your tongue?
- What will it look like to let this chapter from James sink deeply into your heart - both the words on the tongue, and the words on God’s heavenly wisdom?
Tea and Biscuit Footnotes
A cup of hot water and a ‘Jam n’ Cream’ biscuit for Sarah, and a cup of Yorkshire tea with a ginger nut biscuit for Felicity.
Book Deal
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout.
In Other News…
Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
This week we are joined by Sam Allberry who helps us to tackle an essential but challenging part of James’ letter.
As ever, this is just the beginning of a conversation. We wholly recommend chatting over these things further with someone else as you consider the weight of God’s word on your heart.
Questions to dig deeper, over a cup of tea:
- What really struck you as you read the passage for yourself? How did it make you feel?
- James challenges his readers to have true faith. How does this passage encourage us to pursue true faith?
- How is our double mindedness exposed? What do you need to repent of and pray through in light of this part of James?
- Why does all true faith begin and end with gazing at the work of Christ?
Sam’s brilliant book ‘James for you’ can be found here (remember to use the discount below!)
Tea and Biscuit Footnotes
A Yorkshire tea for both sisters, and a malted milk for Felicity. Sam thinks Jammy Dodgers definitely have cream in the middle, and is partial to a custard cream.
Book Deal
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout.
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Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
In this week’s episode we take a look at James’ powerful words about favouritism and what it means for who we choose to love.
As ever, this is just the beginning of a conversation. We wholly recommend chatting over these things further with someone else as you consider the weight of God’s word on your heart.
Questions to dig deeper, over a cup of tea:
- How are we tempted to show ungodly favouritism and judge?
- How can we be more loving to every neighbour in our specific circumstances?
- How does gazing at the mercy of our glorious Lord Jesus Christ help us to grow in merciful non-judgement?
Carolyn Lacey’s ‘Extraordinary Hospitality (for ordinary people)’ can be found here.
Tea and Biscuit Footnotes
A cup of Yorkshire tea and a proper Jammy Dodger biscuit for Sarah, and a cup of afternoon Earl Grey tea with a chocolate digestive biscuit for Felicity,
Book Deal
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout.
In Other News…
Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
Sarah & Felicity mull on the deep challenge of both listening to and doing what God says.
As ever, this is just the beginning of a conversation. We wholly recommend chatting over these things further with someone else as you consider the weight of God’s word on your heart.
Questions to dig deeper, over a cup of tea:
- How can we better listen to the word?
- What stops us listening well and being obedient?
- Have you any experience of the ‘freedom’ that comes from being obedient?
- What does it look like practically, to be motivated by grace rather than guilt?
Tea and Biscuit Footnotes
A peppermint tea for Sarah, and a loose leafed Earl Grey with a Fig roll/ cookie for Felicity.
Book Deal
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout.
In Other News…
Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
Felicity & Sarah discuss how the gospel impacts how we view suffering.
James kicks off his letter in a way that shows us he isn’t afraid to tackle the harsh realities of life. There is so much packed into these first few verses in James - we are simply beginning the conversation.
Questions to dig deeper, over a cup of tea:
- How do you think about trials?
- How do these verses challenge you?
- How can they help you ‘consider’ trials a joy? Where in your life do you need to ask for God’s wisdom to see them this way?
- How do these verses enlarge your view of God’s steadfast character?
Tea and Biscuit Footnotes
Sarah was eating a home-made Easter egg chocolate cookie, and drinking a cup of hot water. Felicity was eating a chocolate finger and drinking Yorkshire Tea: Toast and Jam Brew but also had a backup cup of tea as well.
Book Deal
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout.
In Other News…
Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
Felicity & Sarah begin to chat over the book of James over a cup of tea.
It only takes 20-30 minutes to read James, so why not read it a few times between now and next week’s episode. We’ve enjoyed listening to David Suchet read it via this app or you can buy an audio Bible here.
Questions to dig deeper, over a cup of tea:
- How has it felt to read James?
- Where do you see God’s grace coming through the letter?
- How does double-mindedness feature?
- What questions do you have as you read it?
We wholeheartedly recommend listening along with a friend, over this coming season as James encourages us to help one another to live out the grace that shapes all of life.
Tea and Biscuit Footnotes
Yorkshire tea in both cups, a milk chocolate digestive in Felicity’s hand and leftover Easter chocolate in Sarah’s.
Book Deal
10ofThose are generously offering a further 15% discount across their store when you use the voucher code TWOSISTERS. You need to log in to their website, write the code in and then click apply when you get to checkout.
In Other News…
Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
Felicity & Sarah introduce Season 2 of their podcast.
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
Felicity & Sarah round up season one by answering listeners’ questions.
See Chapter markers for the list of questions we answer.
Tea and Biscuit Footnote
Sarah finally moved into the classy world of ‘specially selected’ on the biscuit front and enjoyed a salted caramel chocolate dipped cookie. Felicity enjoyed the last chocolate hobnob in the house while sipping Yorkshire Grey.
Thorough instruction here: How to make a cup of tea
Yorkshire tea authority on the milk first or not debate here (much more informed than we are!)
Next season:
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Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
We have a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: We are changing our name! In the coming week we will be changing our name to two sisters and a cup of tea.
- Subscribe now to ensure you move with us
Episode Summary
Coming at the end of Habakkuk’s vision of our mighty, powerful God who brings judgement and salvation, these verses depict the devastation brought by the God’s justice. And then Habakkuk’s surprising joy despite his surroundings.
Helpful Resources
- Contentment is wrapped up with the question of whether we can rejoice like Habakkuk, whatever our circumstances. There are several good books in relation to this issue, but a starting point would be to read Philippians where Paul exemplifies this. Jennie Pollock has just written If Only on that topic spring-boarding off Philippians. The Envy of Eve by Melissa Krueger is excellent, and Sophie De Witt’s Compared To Her is really helpful. A relatively new podcast called Shielded by Grace had a good conversation about this kind of thing
- Here is the Open Doors watchlist for praying for persecuted Christians around the world
Tea and Biscuit Footnotes
Sarah was cradling a cup full of Yorkshire tea, that she decorated when she was 7. She continues to pick below average biscuits, and this week’s was a pink wafer. Felicity had a mug of Betty’s teashop tea, and no biscuit due to recording at a ‘non-biscuit’ moment due to time differences.
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Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
Habakkuk responds to God’s mighty and impending judgement in a prayerful song.
Sarah started this episode by dropping the Jaffa cake bomb into the biscuit debate. For those in America, this decidedly cake-like, delicious treat has snuck into the biscuit aisles of supermarkets all over the UK, but there are many who reject it’s biscuit claim! Alongside biscuit things, we announced that there will an ‘Ask Us Anything’ episode in a couple weeks, so please do wing your questions to us via email/ instagram/ Facebook (details below).
Habakkuk conversations were anchored in chapter three this week, as we considered our mighty, awesome God and the terrifying judgement He brings. It is a song, or a poem, and the language and imagery is powerful. It - rightly - makes us tremble at the thought of God in his power. Habakkuk prays that God would make his actions known, both in wrath and mercy.
Wonderfully, in v12-13, we get a picture of ‘threshing’ judgement and merciful deliverance of God’s people through the deliverance of His king. This side of the cross, we know that salvation through Jesus, and so we can long for God to come and deal with injustice. We will be brought through the necessary judgement, and are safe in Christ. And so we can wait, with Habakkuk, for God to act on that final day of calamity.
Our hearts were challenged as to whether we really do want justice to come, and whether we echo Habakkuk in his genuine concern and cry. Often we feel more like the Babylonians than Habakkuk, and we were reminded of the unchanging reality of who we are in Christ as we seek to wait well on God. Habakkuk models enduring faith, as he waits on God, and so we watch him, hear what he is hearing and want to wait in the same way. And wonderfully we wait without fear because of Jesus.
Useful Resources
- Felicity found this podcast of Nancy Guthrie speaking with David Helm about Habakkuk really helpful. The whole series, in which she speaks to different bible teachers about different books, is excellent.
- This sermon series from Andrew Sach is also helpful, and definitely thought provoking as Andrew presents a NT perspective on Habakkuk and his waiting.
Tea and Biscuit Footnotes
• Sarah was eating a Jaffa Cake, Felicity was eating a homemade chocolate biscuit and both were sipping hot beverages.
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Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
10ofThose operates in both the UK and USA.
It’s time for our first GIVEAWAY! Follow us on Instagram and/or Facebook to enter, for a chance to win a mega-bundle of Habakkuk themed books from 10ofthose.com.
Episode Summary
This episode paused to dwell on just three verses, but they expose the root cause of the Babylonian behaviour, and so the reason for the formidable judgement that has been described in the previous verses.
We noticed in these few verses that the Babylonians are described as trusting in a man-made, silent and lifeless idol. They look to it - whether it be their own strength or construction - for guidance. And so they are subject to the ‘woe’ of judgement from the living, active, speaking God. They have no regard for anyone outside of themselves, and such a position is foolish idolatry according to Habakkuk’s description.
The Lord, in contrast, is in his holy temple - alive, relational and very much present. And so the earth should be silent before him, rather than worshipping silent idols.
While we are secure in Christ and have no need to fear as we wait on the Lord, we talked of how we need to guard our hearts so that we don’t go down the path of foolish idolatry.
Google, Siri and apparently ‘wise’ advice can take the place of God’s word, so we want to make sure we’re listening to God first and seeking to obey him. It can be telling what we do with our rest time, our phones and whatever else we use to run in the right - or the wrong - directions.
Useful Resources
- Counterfeit Gods’ by Tim Keller, which can be found here if you’re in the States, and here if you’re in the UK, is an excellent way of exploring the danger of idolatry more.
- Another very good book on it is ‘Idols: God’s Battle for Our Hearts’ by Julian Hardyman
- This article helpfully shows us the age-old problem we all have with idolatry
Tea and Biscuit Footnotes
- Sarah was drinking Yorkshire Tea Biscuit Brew, which meant an actual biscuit seemed surplus to requirements.
- Felicity’s cup was filled with Twinings Earl Grey, and she had a chocolate biscuit in hand.
-General consensus was that a ‘good’ cup for drinking tea is thin-lipped, although there’s always place for a builder’s mug of tea.
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Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
10ofThose operates in both the UK and USA.
Exploring God’s complete justice over tea and biscuits
Episode Summary
A longer passage this week, and it is jam-packed with precise, deliberate judgement from God that reverses much of the wickedness and iniquity that the Babylonians have enacted on others. We noticed that the verses are marked by ‘woes’, and each woe signals devastating judgment from God on these people who have been acting as if there’s no reference point outside of themselves. They have plundered others, and now they are plundered. They have poured shame on others, and now they’re shamed. There is an awful symmetry to what is going on.
As we watch judgement fall, we speak of being relieved that justice is being dealt but we also talked about how it might strike fear into us. We’re not like the Babylonians but we do deserve judgement. The ‘cup from the Lord’s hand is coming round to you’ says v16 and we thought of other mentions of the cup of God’s wrath in places like Isaiah, and then were reminded of how Jesus takes that ‘cup’ according to Mark’s gospel. Terrible wrath is coming, but Jesus takes it for us. How wonderful to remember 2:4 and the faith we live by as we know we are safe through the judgement because of him.
For the people listening at the time, they were thinking of the immediate justice that needed to be done, but it is a picture of the bigger judgement day that both them and us are waiting for. As we see it in action, we are pointed to that bigger day, and are all the more thankful that as we live by faith in Jesus we are safe.
We speak of how our hearts are relieved to see justice come, but also challenged to long for justice like this because God, through his judgement is dealing with sin in all it’s rottenness. Conversation moved onto how we are, therefore, all the more thankful for Jesus and so can freely cry out for justice to come because we know we’re safe in Christ.
Helpful Resources
- We’ve enjoyed reading Nancy Guthrie’s really helpful Even Better than Eden which fleshes out the big themes of judgement and salvation through the story of the whole Bible
- Go deeper on the theology of ‘the cup of wrath’ here
- Part 4 of this podcast is also particularly helpful on thinking about the cup of wrath
Tea and Biscuit Chat Footnotes
Felicity was delicately sipping pure Earl Grey, and Sarah was on the hot water for this episode. Sarah had reverted to the trusty custard cream after the disappointment of last week’s Jammy Dodger, and Felicity was enjoying a very American chocolate chip cookie.
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Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
10ofThose operates in both the UK and USA.
Discussing the heartbeat of the Christian faith over tea and a biscuit
Episode Summary
In this episode, there is no doubt that it is God speaking as the passage kicks off with ‘Then the Lord replied’. Habakkuk twice over has asked God why injustice prevails, and why he lets the Babylonians run riot in their merciless wickedness, and God says wait.
Habakkuk is instructed to listen, watch and write down the ‘vision’ that God will give him. God is doing something, and it is going to happen at the right time - no delay - and exactly as he intends. We hear more of what God will do after v5, but we do hear again how puffed up, arrogant and greedy the Babylonians are. Habakkuk, and us, long for justice to come but what about those in the midst of the scene? How could anyone be safe as God’s judgement falls?
2v4 is the heartbeat of the book. It is a verse that is quoted three times in the NT (Romans 1, Galatians 3, Hebrews 10) and as we read those writers, we have a more fleshed out picture of what is being said in Habakkuk. ‘The righteous person will live by his faithfulness’ - not by works and not by the law, but only by faith. Faith that is a gift from God. Faith that will mean that we can endure as we’re urged in Hebrews. Wait in faith that God will judge, but also save - as the NT writers make clear.
Wait, says Habakkuk, and this side of the cross we are privileged to have the cross and Jesus in full view. The object of our faith is clear, and so we wait with confidence. As we look at the cross, we know the reality of judgement but also refuge and rescue.
Helpful Resources
Rather than recommending a physical resource, we would recommend people! We’ve both benefitted from people getting alongside us and good churches investing in us and teaching us how to read the Bible for ourselves. We’ve sought out opportunities over the years to get better at understanding and teaching the Bible.
Felicity currently teaches the Bible to the women’s bible study at her church.
Sarah recently wrote a book that teaches through Colossians in relation to expecting a baby and those first newborn days. You can find the book, Bumps, Babies and the Gospel’ here if you’re in the UK, and here if you’re in the USA.
Tea and Biscuit Chat Footnotes
Felicity was delighted with a delivery from England that meant she was feasting on a milk chocolate hobnob biscuit, and Sarah was disappointed by a fake Jammy Dodger from Aldi. Tea leaf Earl Grey filled Felicity’s cup, and Yorkshire tea was Sarah’s choice of drink.
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Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
10ofThose operates
While a posh cup of tea and a hot Ribena are being sipped, in this episode we dig into Habakkuk’s second question.
God has answered his previous question regarding his apparent inactivity in relation to the rampant injustice, and surprisingly justice is coming through the horrors of the Babylonian nation. Naturally, Habakkuk comes back with almost disbelief that his holy, pure God would use such wickedness to bring about his purposes. It doesn’t seem to fit with who God is, and what we might expect him to do.
The Babylonians are compared to a fisherman and his unendingly full net. Habakkuk is wondering whether the Babylonian destruction and capture of people is going to go on forever, just as a fisherman would keep filling up his net.
As before, Habakkuk takes his question directly to God. His question is bookended with statements of who God is: ‘my holy One’, ‘O rock’ and then his ongoing posture of waiting on His God to answer: ‘look out to see what he will say to me’. It’s a reminder to us that it is right and good bring our laments and our questions to God, but while doing it we need to have Habakkuk’s listening, waiting posture and so have hearts that are soft to whatever God says and what he is doing.
Helpful Tips & Resources
Tea and Biscuit Chat Footnotes
Sarah was drinking hot Ribena, which is a brand of juice in the UK. Add hot water to the concentrate, and you have a delicious drink, hot or cold. Felicity was drinking Earl Grey made using tea leaves and a tea strainer, and was enjoying feeling like she was in a smart London cafe with such tea-making habits.
Felicity was eating a delicate chocolate-dipped shortbread, and Sarah was eating a classic custard cream. For our American listeners, a custard cream is a staple biscuit - cheap but reliably good. Check out social media for clarifying pictures.
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Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
10ofThose operates in both the UK and the USA.
Habakkuk’s lament meets a surprising answer today
Helpful Resources
Both Sarah and Felicity talk about how and when they first started reading the Bible for themselves. Both of them speak of having seen others do it, and therefore being made to think that it was important and where one could find answers. Felicity shared about a friend sitting down and reading Mark’s gospel with her. This book ‘One to One Bible Reading’ by David Helm is really helpful if you wanted to start reading the Bible with someone else.
Tea and Biscuit Chat Footnotes
• Felicity is drinking Yorkshire tea, & Sarah fully embraces the ‘Yorkshire Grey’ hybrid by putting one each of a Yorkshire Tea and Earl Grey tea bag in a tea pot.
• Sarah is eating a chocolate covered shortbread, and Felicity was nibbling on a caramel stroopwaffel which is perfectly softened if you use it as a lid for your steaming tea before eating it.
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Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
10ofThose operates in both the UK and the USA.
Tea, biscuits and some big questions from Habakkuk today.
It seems that the prophet is witnessing violence, corruption and wickedness all around him. The mention of the ‘law’ being ‘paralysed’ makes it clear that this ‘iniquity’ is not just in the surrounding nations but even amongst God’s people. He sees the righteous being surrounded by the wicked, and he is deeply troubled.
Habakkuk, therefore, asks God:
Underneath all of these questions is Habakkuk’s concern that justice is not being done, and is even being perverted. He wants right and good judgement to fall on what he sees before him.
We want to be careful when we draw the lines between this book and us. It was written for a particular audience back then, and we are sitting here right now. But, while being careful, we can begin to see some similarities between our context and Habakkuk’s context. We are this side of the cross, but we are living in a similarly broken world where injustice is on display. We are also speaking to the same God as Habakkuk. As we read Habakkuk’s heartfelt prayer, are our hearts in this place? Are we lamenting like Habakkuk? Do we really pray like this? Big challenges to our hearts as we see and hear Habakkuk’s heart posture.
Helpful Resources and Tips
Tea and Biscuit Chat Footnotes
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Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
10ofThose operates in both the UK and the USA.
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
This first episode of Word Fuelled Hearts was all about introductions - both of the hosts, Sarah and Felicity, and the book of Habakkuk.
Cup of tea in hand, and biscuit (the one more like a cookie than a scone) at the ready, conversation turns to the purpose of Word Fuelled Hearts, and why we’ve chosen to record our conversations. It is the conviction that God works through His word, by His Spirit, that gives us the reason to open up the Bible. And it is, therefore, the fact that God is at work as we read, discuss and apply His word together. We love doing it in an everyday, easy and accessible way and would love for our conversations to help others feel able to dig into the Bible with others and see God at work.
Habakkuk took centre stage for the rest of the episode as we got our bearings in Bible history, considered the prophet’s context and dwelt on verses that have impacted our hearts so far.
Helpful Resources and Tips
Tea and Biscuit Chat Footnotes
In Other News…
Sponsorship Details
This podcast is sponsored by 10ofthose.com. 10ofthose.com hand pick the best Christian books that point to Jesus and sell them at discounted prices. The more you buy the cheaper they get! Check them out at 10ofthose.com.
10ofThose operates in both the UK and the USA.
Felicity & Sarah introduce their brand new podcast, chatting through the Bible over a cup of tea and a biscuit.
Whether you’re parenting small children, commuting to work or heading out for a run, join us for our Bible based podcast as two sisters do a 20 minute bible study, on the go, going through a book of the Bible week by week.
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