43 avsnitt • Längd: 30 min • Månadsvis
Tyndale House, Cambridge, brings you insights from high-level Bible research to help you understand the Bible more and explore reasons why it can be trusted.
The podcast Tyndale House Podcast is created by Tyndale House, Cambridge. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
In this episode, Nelson Hsieh, Research Associate in New Testament Text and Language at Tyndale House, discusses chapter divisions in Bible manuscripts with Tony Watkins. Nelson has been working on chapter divisions for the second edition of the Tyndale House Greek New Testament, and he explains how the approach he is taking is different to the method used in the first edition. They also reflect on how chapter divisions in our Bibles today can affect how we read the text.
TH ink articles mentioned in the podcast:
Where did the Bible's chapters come from? https://tyndalehouse.com/explore/articles/where-did-the-bible-s-chapters-come-from/
John 1 according to the paragraphing of Greek manuscripts https://tyndalehouse.com/explore/articles/john-1-according-to-the-paragraphing-of-greek-manuscripts/
Find out more about the host and guests here:
Tony Watkins: https://tyndalehouse.com/about/staff/tony-watkins/
Nelson Hsieh: https://tyndalehouse.com/about/staff/nelson-hsieh/
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In this episode Tony, Dirk, and Nelson focus on the Tyndale House Greek New Testament (Crossway, 2017) and discuss how it is different from other editions of the Greek New Testament. They also talk about how the world of textual criticism was changed by the discovery of many more manuscripts in the late nineteenth century.
Find out more about the host and guests here:
Tony Watkins: https://tyndalehouse.com/about/staff/tony-watkins/
Dirk Jongkind: https://tyndalehouse.com/about/staff/dirk-jongkind/
Nelson Hsieh: https://tyndalehouse.com/about/staff/nelson-hsieh/
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Having discussed how the early church and the reformers handled differences between Bible manuscripts, Tony, Dirk and Nelson now turn to look at how modern-day textual critics approach variation between manuscripts.
Find out more about the host and guests here:
Tony Watkins: https://tyndalehouse.com/about/staff/tony-watkins/
Dirk Jongkind: https://tyndalehouse.com/about/staff/dirk-jongkind/
Nelson Hsieh: https://tyndalehouse.com/about/staff/nelson-hsieh/
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Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
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In this episode, Tony Watkins (Fellow for Public Engagement at Tyndale House) hears from Dirk Jongkind (Academic Vice Principal at Tyndale House) and Nelson Hsieh (Research Associate in New Testament Text and Language) about the role of textual criticism in the reformation.
Find out more about the host and guests here:
Tony Watkins: https://tyndalehouse.com/about/staff/tony-watkins/
Dirk Jongkind: https://tyndalehouse.com/about/staff/dirk-jongkind/
Nelson Hsieh: https://tyndalehouse.com/about/staff/nelson-hsieh/
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Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
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In this episode, Tony Watkins, Fellow for Public Engagement at Tyndale House, asks Dirk Jongkind and Nelson Hsieh, members of our New Testament team, about how the early church handled differences between Bible manuscripts.
At 28:59 Dirk and Nelson are trying to remember a name, they incorrectly say Martianan, they meant Marcellum.
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Tony Watkins, Fellow for Public Engagement at Tyndale House talks to David Armitage, Academic Administrator at Tyndale House about the Tyndale Bulletin, which is the Academic Journal published by Tyndale House. David shares how the Bulletin has developed since it first began in the 1940s.
Visit the Tyndale Bulletin website: https://www.tyndalebulletin.org/
Follow Tyndale Bulletin on X: https://x.com/TyndaleBulletin
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In this episode, Tony Watkins asks Dirk Jongkind and Nelson Hsieh about some of the major New Testament manuscripts and how they have influenced the Bible translations we have today.
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In this episode Tony Watkins, Fellow for Public Engagement at Tyndale House, talks to Dirk Jongkind, Academic Vice Principal of Tyndale House, about what a manuscript actually looks like, and what features scholars look out for when studying them.
At 4:05 Dirk misspoke when he said P52 has John 19 on the back, it actually has John 18:37–38 on the back.
At 31:14 Dirk mistakenly said there are 70 names in the genealogy in Luke's Gospel, there are actually 77.
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In season 5 of the Tyndale House podcast, Tony Watkins speaks to members of our New Testament team to find out about New Testament manuscripts and how studying them can help us with our trust and understanding of the Bible.
In this first episode, Tony asks Dirk Jongkind and Nelson Hsieh what a manuscript actually is, and why it's worth studying New Testament manuscripts.
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In this episode, Tony talks to Dr Steve Walton, Professor of New Testament and Senior Research Fellow at Trinity College, Bristol. Steve is a frequent visitor to us here at Tyndale House as he's been working on his commentary on Acts for the Word Biblical Commentary series. The first volume of the commentary, on Acts 1–9:42 (volume 37A), was published in the USA in October 2024, and will be out in the UK on 2 January 2025. There will be three volumes in total, and Steve is currently working on volume 2. He and Tony discuss the process of writing the commentary and some key things that Steve has discovered about the book of Acts.
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Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
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Is the Nativity a true story? Why are there differences between Matthew and Luke’s accounts of Jesus’s birth? Was Luke historically correct when he wrote about the census? What was the star and is it even possible for the wise men to have followed it? What year was Jesus actually born? Peter Williams answers all these questions and more in this special Christmas podcast episode.
Visit our Christmas resources page on our website for further reading on this topic: tyndalehouse.com/christmas
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Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
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In this episode, Tony is joined by three of our long-term readers who are all working on PhDs at Cambridge University. Ellie Wiener is currently studying the book of Job, Megan Alsene-Parker is studying Lamentations, and Ben Rae is studying Ecclesiastes. Together, they discuss what poetry actually is, the features of Hebrew poetry, and why we should spend time digging into biblical poetry.
TH ink articles written by interviewees:
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Steve Walton and Tony Watkins discuss why Saul changed to Paul in the book of Acts. In the book of Acts, the apostle Paul is referred to as Saul up until chapter 13, where he begins to be referred to as Paul. Steve explains how names worked in the Roman world to shed light on this name change. He also shares about some of the research he has done in the book of Acts over several years.
Further reading:
Steve Walton, 2023, Why was “Saul” changed to “Paul”? www.logos.com/grow/hall-saul-to-paul/
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Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
Edited by Tyndale House
Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
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In this episode, Peter Williams, Principal of Tyndale House, explains how names can help us to assess the historical reliability of the Gospels. By looking at name records we can see what the most popular names were outside of the Gospels at the same time and place. Peter then compares these with the names we see in the Gospels to see whether they line up. He and Tony also discuss Jesus calling himself ‘The Son of Man’ and what we should make of that.
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Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
Edited by Tyndale House
Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
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In this episode, Tony chats to James Bejon and Josh Meynell about strange or animal-related names that we find in the Bible. Some of the names in the Bible strike us as having curious meanings. For example, Caleb means ‘dog’, Nun means ‘fish’, and Abel means ‘vapour’. What are we to make of these names? James, Josh, and Tony work through some of these examples and some from the wider ancient Near East to explore how there might be more to the names than we might think at first glance.
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Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
Edited by Tyndale House
Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
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In this episode, Tony asks Caleb Howard and James Bejon why we have genealogies in the Bible and how we should make sense of them. They discuss how the Old Testament is unique in ancient literature in the way it lays out genealogies. They also explore how it can give us a clear account of the people of Israel from Adam through to the exile, by looking at some genealogies in the book of 1 Chronicles.
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Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
Edited by Tyndale House
Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
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In this episode, George Heath-Whyte and James Bejon chat with Tony about the use of divine names in the ancient world and in the Bible.
What did the Babylonians call their gods?
What did the names of the Babylonian gods mean?
Why did the Israelites go from calling God 'El-Shaddai' to 'Yahweh'?
How did the worship of Yahweh in the Old Testament compare to idol worship in the ancient world?
Hear answers to these and more in the episode.
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Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
Edited by Tyndale House
Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
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In this episode, George Heath-Whyte and James Bejon chat with Tony about a range of difficult questions surrounding the book of Daniel:
What is the significance of Daniel and his friends having their names changed in Daniel 1?
What do their new Babylonian names mean?
Why is there no mention of Belshazzar as king of Babylon in the official records?
Who was Darius the Mede?
Hear answers to these and more in the episode.
Please do let us know what you think of the episode or if you have other topics you would like us to cover. Email us at [email protected].
*At 17:02 James said that Shar-ezer turns up in 1 Chronicles 3. This was incorrect. He was thinking of Shen-azzar, which might be a variant form of Shar-ezer but it is not certain.
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Edited by Tyndale House
Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
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In this episode Tony sits down with David Tsumura, who is a professor emeritus in Old Testament studies at Japan Bible Seminary.
David is a familiar face at Tyndale House having visited several times over nearly 40 years. He lived on site for two years from 1986 while working on a Tyndale House research project on Genesis 1–11. In this interview he shares how he went from studying economics to the Old Testament, and how his involvement at Tyndale House has influenced his work back in Japan.
Editing by Tyndale House.
Music: Acoustic Happy Background used via Adobe Stock with a standard license.
Edited by Tyndale House
Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
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In this episode, Tony continues his conversation with writer-in-residence, Christopher Ash, on his new four-volume commentary on the Psalms. They discuss how Christ would have prayed the Psalms during his earthly life, the structure of the 5 books of the Psalms, and how we approach different genres of psalms such as imprecatory psalms.
This is part 2 of the interview and you can catch up on part 1 wherever you get your podcasts from.
Editing by Tyndale House.
Music: Acoustic Happy Background used via Adobe Stock with a standard license.
Edited by Tyndale House
Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
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In this episode, Tony interviews our writer-in-residence, Christopher Ash, on his new 4 volume commentary on the Psalms. Christopher shares how he came to write the commentary, the importance of the psalms, and why he thinks that the Psalms are inseparable from Christ.
This is part 1 of the interview and part 2 will be released next week.
The Commentary is available to order now:
The Psalms: A Christ-Centred Commentary (Crossway, 2024) https://www.crossway.org/books/the-psalms-hcj-5/
Editing by Tyndale House.
Music: Acoustic Happy Background used via Adobe Stock with a standard license.
Edited by Tyndale House
Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
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In this episode Tony Watkins sits down with biblical scholar, Ahreum Kim, who has been a reader at Tyndale House on and off since 2019 when she came here during her MPhil. She has since completed her PhD which focused on the letter of 1 John and the Greco-Roman context it was written in. She and Tony discuss her PhD, why it’s so important to understand the context of New Testament letters, and what Ahreum is working on at the moment.
We’d love to hear your thoughts on the episode so please do get in touch either on X @tyndale_house or email us at [email protected].
Editing by Tyndale House.
Music: Acoustic Happy Background used via Adobe Stock with a standard license.
Edited by Tyndale House
Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
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In this episode, Tony, James, and Caleb continue discussing name changes in the Bible, but this time with a focus on throne names. They look first at how kings in the ancient world often changed their name when they became king, before then focusing on Old Testament kings and the significance of their throne names.
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Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
Edited by Tyndale House
Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
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Please note: This episode contains a mention of birth trauma within the biblical narrative
In this episode, Tony, James, and Caleb discuss name changes in the patriarchal narratives. They look at how common it was for names to be changed in the ancient world, as well as the significance of the name changes within the biblical narrative.
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Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
Edited by Tyndale House
Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
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In this episode, Tony sits down with James and Caleb again to look at the names of the foreign kings mentioned in Genesis 14 and to see how they fit in with what we know of those places from extra-biblical sources.
At 10:44 Caleb says Southeastern Iran but he meant Southwestern Iran.
At 19:06 Tony meant Genesis 9 but he meant Genesis 11.
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Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
Edited by Tyndale House
Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
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Content warning: please note this episode contains a brief mention of rape within the biblical narrative, as well as a comment about birth trauma in the Ancient World.
In this episode, Tony Watkins continues working through the biblical narrative of Jacob's sons being born, with Caleb Howard and James Bejon. They discuss what the sons' names mean and how they relate to their birth context. In the previous episode, they covered the first four sons, and in this episode, they cover the next seven sons.
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Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
Edited by Tyndale House
Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
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In this episode, Tony Watkins digs into the names of Jacob’s sons with Caleb Howard and James Bejon, who are both working on the Tyndale House Old Testament project. Starting at Genesis 29 they work through the biblical narrative of the sons being born and discuss the meaning of their names. In this episode, they cover the first four sons, and in the following episode they will cover the next seven names.
Please note:
At 10:59 James mentions Genesis 31:43, he meant to say Genesis 30:43.
At 24:59 James says Joseph but he meant to say Jacob.
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Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
Edited by Tyndale House
Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
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Episode 2 of our podcast series on Ancient Names.
In this episode, Tony, George, and Caleb discuss naming practices from the Bible and the ancient world and compare them with practices today.
Please note: at 17:34 Tony Watkins says 'one of Aaron's children is Eliezer'. This is incorrect, Aaron has a son called Eleazar, and Moses has a son named Eliezer (see Exodus 18:1-4).
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Edited by Tyndale House
Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
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This new series takes a deep dive into names in the Bible with the help of members of our Old Testament team.
In this first episode, Tony Watkins speaks to Dr Caleb Howard and Dr George Heath-Whyte, both members of our Old Testament team. They explain what the decade-long project on Old Testament names is seeking to do at Tyndale House, and they also give a taste of some of the ways we can have a deeper understanding of a passage, by learning more about the meaning of the names mentioned in it.
Subsequent episodes in the series will be released every week.
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Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
Edited by Tyndale House
Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
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In this interview Tony Watkins, Fellow for Public Engagement at Tyndale House, interviews Barry Danylak, Executive Director of SEE Global, about his new book, Paul and Secular Singleness in 1 Corinthians 7. Barry shares about the research he has done looking at extra-biblical sources from around the time Paul wrote to the Corinthians. He describes what family structures would have been like, based on ancient census data, and explains how this is relevant to us today as we approach the challenging passage of 1 Corinthians 7.
We’d love to hear your thoughts on the episode so please do get in touch either on X @tyndale_house or email us [email protected]
Editing by Tyndale House.
Music: Acoustic Happy Background used via Adobe Stock with a standard license.
Edited by Tyndale House
Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
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In this episode Dr Andrew Ollerton is joined by the Revd Dr Helen Paynter to look at horror and violence in the Old Testament. Helen walks us through one of the Old Testament’s “Texts of Terror”—the notorious 19th chapter of the book of Judges and explores how we can bring humility and empathy to the way we read the Bible.
Content note: Please note this episode contains extended discussion about sexual violence in the Old Testament narrative.
Reading list:
The Revd Dr Helen Paynter is a Baptist Minister and the Director of Bristol Baptist College’s Centre for the Study of Bible and Violence. Helen has a Masters in Missional Church Leadership, another Masters in Biblical Studies, and a PhD in Old Testament. Her main research interests are in the narrative portions of the Hebrew Bible.
This episode is a re-release from the Trusting the Bible podcast which was a collaboration between Tyndale House, Cambridge @Tyndale_House and the Bible Society @biblesociety in 2022.
Edited by Tyndale House
Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
Edited by Tyndale House
Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
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In this episode Dr Andrew Ollerton is joined by James Bejon to talk about lists, names and genealogies in the Old Testament. Andrew and James take a look at Judges chapters 10 and 12 to talk about messy families, the significance of Biblical names, and to ask: How do we make sense of the Old Testament, particularly in the more unexciting moments?
James Bejon is a PhD candidate at the University of Cambridge. Following careers in both music and financial maths, James has now moved into Biblical research. He is currently writing a thesis on the semantic content of Biblical names and their parallels outside of the Bible. James has a particular interest in the canonical study of Scripture - in the fact that the Bible is an organic and highly interconnected text which finds its fulfilment in the person and work of Jesus.
This episode is a re-release from the Trusting the Bible podcast which was a collaboration between Tyndale House, Cambridge @Tyndale_House and the Bible Society @biblesociety in 2022.
Edited by Tyndale House
Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
Edited by Tyndale House
Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
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In this episode Dr Andrew Ollerton is joined by Dr Ros Clarke to talk about how we read poetry and allegory in the Old Testament. We focus in on Chapter 5 of the Song of Songs as Ros helps us to unpack some of the richness and beauty of Old Testament poetry.
Please note that this episode does include discussion of sexual violence.
Reading list:
Forty Women: Unseen women of the Bible from Eden to Easter (IVP, 2021)
Introduction to Poetry by Billy Collins
Dr Ros Clarke is a Christian teacher, speaker and writer. Since 2017 she has been employed as the Associate Director of Church Society where her responsibilities include editing Crossway, their quarterly magazine, and producing their weekly podcast. Prior to that she worked for the Diocese of Lichfield as the first Online Pastor in the Church of England. She holds theology degrees from Oak Hill College and Highland Theological College. Her PhD thesis was on canonical interpretations of the Song of Songs, and she is particularly passionate about helping Christians to read and understand the Old Testament.
This episode is a re-release from the Trusting the Bible podcast which was a collaboration between Tyndale House, Cambridge @Tyndale_House and the Bible Society @biblesociety in 2022.
Edited by Tyndale House
Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
Edited by Tyndale House
Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
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In this episode Dr Andrew Ollerton is joined by Dr Daniel Block to look at Old Testament law and instruction. This episode’s text is Deuteronomy Chapter 27 and the instruction to set up the stones on Mount Ebal, as Daniel demonstrates how even after 50 years of study the biblical text might still have surprises for us.
Dr Daniel Block is Gunther Knoedler Professor Emeritus of Old Testament, Wheaton College. His scholarly work focuses on the books of Deuteronomy, Judges, Ruth, and Ezekiel. Dr Block studied for his DPhil at Liverpool University. He has written numerous scholarly articles and reference works and served as a senior translator for the New Living Translation. His books include The Gods of the Nations: Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Theology and The Gospel according to Moses: Theological and Ethical Reflections on the Book of Deuteronomy.
Reading list:
Covenant: The Framework of God’s Plan for Redemption (Baker Academic, 2021)
Daniel I. Block, "'What Do These Stones Mean?' The Riddle Of Deuteronomy 27," Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 56.1 (March 2013): 17-41
This episode is a re-release from the Trusting the Bible podcast which was a collaboration between Tyndale House, Cambridge @Tyndale_House and the Bible Society @biblesociety in 2022.
Edited by Tyndale House
Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
Edited by Tyndale House
Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
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In this second series Dr Andrew Ollerton meets with academics and researchers from the Tyndale House network to discuss how they approach the Old Testament and wrestle with its trickier passages. Each episode focuses in on a different text from the Old Testament, as we explore the reading processes and practices that researchers bring to their own Bible reading.
In this episode Dr Andrew Ollerton is joined by Dr Peter J Williams to look at strangeness and stories in the Old Testament, and to ask: how do we take it seriously? Andrew and Peter discuss talking animals, miraculous events, the bizarre breeding program we find in Genesis 30 and how we might become confident readers of the Old Testament, even in its stranger parts.
Please note that this episode does include a very brief discussion of sexual violence.
Dr Peter J Williams is Principal of Tyndale House and a member of the Faculty of Divinity in the University of Cambridge. He received his MA, MPhil and PhD, in the study of ancient languages related to the Bible from Cambridge University. He’s currently Chair of the International Greek New Testament Project and a Member of the Translation Committee of the English Standard Version of the Bible. He is the author of Can We Trust the Gospels? and The Surprising Genius of Jesus, both published by Crossway.
This episode is a re-release from the Trusting the Bible podcast which was a collaboration between Tyndale House, Cambridge @Tyndale_House and the Bible Society @biblesociety in 2022.
Edited by Tyndale House
Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
Edited by Tyndale House
Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
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This episode is one of a number of standalone episodes we will be doing where we will interview readers, staff and visiting scholars at Tyndale House as well as scholars who we have links with. We will hear about the research they are doing and its relevance for the wider Church.
In this episode, Tony Watkins, Fellow for Public Engagement at Tyndale House, sits down with Peter Williams, Principal of Tyndale House to hear about how Peter got into biblical scholarship, his role within Tyndale House, and the vision and mission for the wider organisation.
We’d love to hear your thoughts on the episode so please do get in touch either on Twitter or email us [email protected]
Editing by Tyndale House.
Music: Acoustic Happy Background used via Adobe Stock with a standard license.
Edited by Tyndale House
Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
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In this final episode Dr Peter J Williams, Dr Dirk Jongkind and Dr Chee-Chiew Lee join us again for a final roundtable discussion with Dr Andrew Ollerton to discuss together how they each read the gospels and how academic scholarship can raise confidence in the gospel accounts.
We’d love to hear your thoughts on the series so please do get in touch either on Twitter or email us [email protected]
This episode is a re-release from the Trusting the Bible podcast which was a collaboration between Tyndale House, Cambridge @Tyndale_House and the Bible Society @biblesociety in 2020.
Visit us online: Tyndale House.
Editing by Tyndale House.
Music: Acoustic Happy Background used via Adobe Stock with a standard license.
Edited by Tyndale House
Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
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In this episode Dr Andrew Ollerton and Dr Peter J Williams discuss how we gauge trustworthiness in everyday life and how we approach the question of the credibility of the four Gospels.
Dr Peter J Williams is Principal of Tyndale House. He received his PhD in the study of ancient languages related to the Bible from Cambridge University. His 2018 book, Can We Trust the Gospels?, examines evidence from non-Christian sources to assess the trustworthiness of the four biblical accounts of Jesus’s earthly life.
This episode is a re-release from the Trusting the Bible podcast which was a collaboration between Tyndale House, Cambridge @Tyndale_House and the Bible Society @biblesociety in 2020.
Visit us online: Tyndale House & Bible Society.
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Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
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In this episode Dr Andrew Ollerton and Dr Peter J Williams continue their discussion of the credibility of the four Gospels. Who were the Gospel authors and can we trust their testimonies?
Dr Peter J Williams is Principal of Tyndale House. He received his PhD in the study of ancient languages related to the Bible from Cambridge University. His 2018 book, Can We Trust the Gospels?, examines evidence from non-Christian sources to assess the trustworthiness of the four biblical accounts of Jesus’s earthly life.
This episode is a re-release from the Trusting the Bible podcast which was a collaboration between Tyndale House, Cambridge @Tyndale_House and the Bible Society @biblesociety in 2020.
Visit us online: Tyndale House & Bible Society.
Editing by Tyndale House.
Music: Acoustic Happy Background used via Adobe Stock with a standard license.
Edited by Tyndale House
Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
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In this episode Dr Andrew Ollerton speaks to Dr Dirk Jongkind about the process through which the Gospels were preserved and came to be written down.
Dr Dirk Jongkind is probably best-known as editor of the Tyndale House Greek New Testament. His PhD is from the University of Cambridge and is now a Fellow of St Edmund’s College and a Member of the Faculty of Divinity. At Tyndale House, Dirk does research in the transmission of the text of the New Testament.
This episode is a re-release from the Trusting the Bible podcast which was a collaboration between Tyndale House, Cambridge @Tyndale_House and the Bible Society @biblesociety in 2020.
Visit us online: Tyndale House & Bible Society.
Editing by Tyndale House.
Music: Acoustic Happy Background used via Adobe Stock with a standard license.
Edited by Tyndale House
Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
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In this episode Dr Andrew Ollerton and Dr Dirk Jongkind ask whether we can have confidence to trust the Gospel manuscripts and how the Gospel accounts have been passed on to the present day.
Dr Dirk Jongkind is probably best-known as editor of the Tyndale House Greek New Testament. His PhD is from the University of Cambridge and is now a Fellow of St Edmund’s College and a Member of the Faculty of Divinity. At Tyndale House Dirk does research in the transmission of the text of the New Testament.
This episode is a re-release from the Trusting the Bible podcast which was a collaboration between Tyndale House, Cambridge @Tyndale_House and the Bible Society @biblesociety in 2020.
Visit us online: Tyndale House.
Editing by Tyndale House.
Music: Acoustic Happy Background used via Adobe Stock with a standard license.
Edited by Tyndale House
Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
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In this episode Dr Andrew Ollerton speaks to Dr Chee-Chiew Lee about the experience of reading the four different Gospel perspectives.
Dr Chee-Chiew Lee is Associate Professor in New Testament and Senior Director of Programme Development and Advanced Studies at Singapore Bible College. Her PhD in biblical theology is from Wheaton College, Illinois.
This episode is a re-release from the Trusting the Bible podcast which was a collaboration between Tyndale House, Cambridge @Tyndale_House and the Bible Society @biblesociety in 2020.
Visit us online: Tyndale House.
Editing by Tyndale House.
Music: Acoustic Happy Background used via Adobe Stock with a standard license.
Edited by Tyndale House
Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
Follow us on: X | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube
In this episode Dr Andrew Ollerton and Dr Chee-Chiew Lee delve further into her research into persecution and what it means to take risks in the Gospel of John.
Dr Chee-Chiew Lee is Associate Professor in New Testament and Senior Director of Programme Development and Advanced Studies at Singapore Bible College. Her PhD in biblical theology is from Wheaton College, Illinois.
This episode is a re-release from the Trusting the Bible podcast which was a collaboration between Tyndale House, Cambridge @Tyndale_House and the Bible Society @biblesociety in 2020.
Visit us online: Tyndale House.
Editing by Tyndale House.
Music: Acoustic Happy Background used via Adobe Stock with a standard license.
Edited by Tyndale House
Music – Acoustic Happy Background used with a standard license from Adobe Stock.
Follow us on: X | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube
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