UAP Files Podcast S2E47 | Ezra Kelderman
The following is a conversation with Ezra Kelderman. Ezra is a systems engineer, the current Project Manager for Harvards Galileo Project. Yes, that Galileo Project, the one headed by Professor Avi Loeb I spoke to Ezra last year on the UAP Files Podcast about his role in the Galileo Project (Season 1, Episode 20) where Ezra spoke with me at length about his work on UAP, his first sighting of something unexplainable in the sky when he was younger and about all things weird and wonderful UFO related. We kept in touch and chat behind the scenes. Since our last conversation I’ve had hundreds and hundreds of DMs from people asking me what kind of technology is out there to capture better UFO/UAP imagery and data. What is affordable and for some, what’s the best out there if money is no limit. And everything in between. And i’ve always been honest, I know what I look for when people send me footage, but i’m no expert when it comes to the capture of that imagery and data, but I man who is. Ezra was kind enough to put together some slides and a presentation as a sort of introduction to citizen UAP analysis, best practices and some tips he’s learned doing this as a profession. Something people have been asking for and I think something that is hugely needed in this subject. After all, we’ve been asking our governments for transparency for decades. Perhaps it’s time to take matters in to our own hands and go out there as citizens and find that evidence ourselves and move away from blurry cell phone footage and start collecting some solid data. Ezra has been an absolute legend working on this, putting it together and sitting down with me for the following hour. He’s an awesome guy and wonderful person to have connected with last year and I am hugely appreciative of his hard work and effort. **TIMESTAMPS** 03:40 Intro Ezra & Galileo Project 06:30 Sensor Calibration, Detection, Targeting, Characterisation 10:50 Sensor Selection, Optics, Acoustics 13:20 Modality, Coverage (ADSB, Radar, Spectrometry) 14:00 Flight Radar 24 17:17 Angular Kinematics - Limited Value without Depth 19:30 Importance of Triangulation 21:53 Environmental & Man-made Interference 22:54 Ezra’s Site Survey Rig 24:00 Software & Data Storage Considerations 29:00 Common Mistakes (Parallax Errors, Reflections, Digital v Optical Zoom) 33:57 Q&A - When will Galileo Project findings come out? - What cameras do you use and what focal length on lenses? - Is there a night vision adaptor I can attach to my iPhone? - What cameras do you use in the Galileo Project? - Why don’t you ask Chris Bledsoe if he’ll sit near your sensors? - What’s your favourite UAP case? - What proof would you point to when arguing the presence of extraterrestrials? #ufo #uap #galileoproject #ezrakelderman #ufotech #techreview #uapdata #ufocamera #uapcamera