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Ubuntu Security Podcast

Episode 149

24 min • 18 februari 2022


This week Qualys dominate the week in security updates, disclosing details of 4 different SUID-root vulnerabilities, including Oh Snap! More Lemmings (Local Privilege Escalation in snap-confine), plus we look at updates for Firefox, cryptsetup and more.

This week in Ubuntu Security Updates

23 unique CVEs addressed

[USN-5279-1] util-linux vulnerabilities [00:59]

  • 2 CVEs addressed in Focal (20.04 LTS), Impish (21.10)
  • First 2 of number of vulns discovered by Qualys this week
  • umount and fusermount are both setuid root
  • An unprivileged user is allowed to unmount a FUSE filesystem which is already mounted and which they own
  • libumount parses /proc/self/mountinfo to validate if is a FUSE fs
  • When a mount entry is deleted, the kernel appends (deleted) to the name of it in the mount table
  • libumount strips this off when parsing mountinfo to get the actual path
  • so a user could mount a FUSE filesystem at a mountpoint with (deleted) in the name - and then libumount will strip this off and umount the original path - ie. could mount at /tmp/ (deleted) then call umount /tmp and this will succeed
  • Fixed to drop support for this (deleted) suffix as this has not been used by the kernel since December 2014
  • Also when checking the UID of the user (as the owner of the filesystem), would do a string comparison on the UID of the user against the UID of the filesystem - but would use the length of the users UID to do this comparison - which means a user UID of 1000 would then be seen to match against a file-systems UID of 10000 etc - so would allow a user to umount filesystems owned by certain other users
  • Fixed to compare as a numerical value rather than strings

[USN-5280-1] Speex vulnerability [04:41]

  • 1 CVEs addressed in Xenial ESM (16.04 ESM), Bionic (18.04 LTS), Focal (20.04 LTS), Impish (21.10)
  • Divide by zero from a crafted WAV file - trap - crash - DoS

[USN-5284-1] Firefox vulnerabilities [04:56]

  • 9 CVEs addressed in Bionic (18.04 LTS), Focal (20.04 LTS), Impish (21.10)
  • 97.0
  • Extensions could bypass update prompt and auto-update itself with extra permissions
  • Drag and drop of a crafted image would make the resulting file executable - could possibly use as RCE
  • WebDriver (remote control interface for firefox) failed to validate Host/Origin headers - if visit malicious website with WebDriver enabled could then allow attacker to connect back to the user’s browser and take control of it

[USN-5286-1] cryptsetup vulnerability [06:20]

  • 1 CVEs addressed in Focal (20.04 LTS), Impish (21.10)
  • Failed to properly validate the device header - local attacker with physical access could modify this to trick cryptsetup to reencrypt the device on next mount - but reencrypt it with no encryption enabled - ie. decrypt it in place
  • Fixed by disabling the online reencryption feature

[USN-5267-3] Linux kernel (Raspberry Pi) vulnerabilities [07:11]

[USN-5291-1] libarchive vulnerabilities [07:36]

  • 3 CVEs addressed in Focal (20.04 LTS), Impish (21.10)
  • 2 issues in symlink handling - would follow symlinks when changing modes/times/ACLs on files when extracting a crafted archive - could allow an attacker to modify these attributes on files outside of the archive
  • Memory corruption when parsing RAR archive - DoS/RCE

[USN-5292-1] snapd vulnerabilities [08:27]

  • 4 CVEs addressed in Bionic (18.04 LTS), Focal (20.04 LTS), Impish (21.10)
  • More Qualys issues in setuid root binary - snap-confine - plus 2 issues discovered by Canonical - 1 from Ian Johnson of the snapd team, and 1 from James Troup of the BootStack team

Oh Snap! More Lemmings (Local Privilege Escalation in snap-confine) [09:01]


  • Qualys appear to have been auditing various SUID-root binaries - recently looked at snap-confine - low-level application, written in C, and used by snapd to setup the execution environment for a snap application - as the name suggests, it setups up the confinement for an application, creating a separate mount namespace with own private /tmp and /dev/pts - as well as any other mounts through content interfaces or layouts etc defined by the snap, plus loading of seccomp syscall filters for the resulting snap

  • As such requires root privileges, hence is SUID-root - high value target

  • Very defensively programmed itself, plus is confined by seccomp and AppArmor itself

  • Nonetheless, even the most carefully programmed software can have issues

  • 2 vulns:

    • hardlink attack (requires a non-standard configuration where system admin disabled usual hardlink protections)
    • race-condition when creating mount namespace - allows an unprivileged user to inject their own malicious libraries into the snap execution environment and have these get executed by snap-confine itself to gain root privesc
  • Qualys liken these vulnerabilities (or the process to finding them) as like playing the original Lemmings game, due to the complex nature of steps required to thwart the defense-in-depth construction of snap-confine

  • Not the first time snap-confine has been audited - SuSE Security Team previously audited it in 2019 and found a couple issues, in particular in some of the same code sections as these

  • Back to these vulns:

    • When creating or deleting the mount namespace, snap-confine uses 2 helper programs written in Go - these are installed in the same location as snap-confine, so it looks them up from the same directory where it is running itself - however, since (when protected_hardlinks is disabled) an unprivileged user could hardlink snap-confine into say /tmp they could also then place their own malicious binary in place of these helpers and have that get executed by snap-confine instead

    • NOTE: protected_hardlinks is enabled by default on almost all distros so unless this has been changed by the system admin, this is unable to be exploited in reality

    • Other vuln is a race condition when creating the private mount namespace for the snap - snap-confine creates a per-snap private directory under /tmp - this is a known “dangerous” thing to do since /tmp is world writable so users could easily try and symlink their own contents into it etc

    • snap-confine is very careful then to try and ensure this directory is owned by root and to then avoid following symlinks when traversing this hierarchy etc

    • However, when then doing the actual mount() syscall to start setting up the mount namespace inside this directory, the absolute path of this directory is given to mount() (since sadly there is no mountat() or similar syscall) - which then does follow symlinks allowing a user who an race the creation of this directory with snap-confine to be able to take control of the contents of it, and hence inject their own libraries and configuration such that a malicious library can be preloaded into a subsequent execution of snap-confine - and since snap-confine will then still run as root, this allows to get root code execution

  • In both cases, the use of AppArmor by default tries to isolate snap-confine - and snap-confine is programmed defensively such that it will refuse to execute if it is not confined by AppArmor - however, the checks for this were not strict enough, and Qualys found they could use aa-exec to execute snap-confine under a separate, more permissive AppArmor profile to escape these restrictions

  • Fixes for these issues were numerous - to both add additional hardening to snap-confine so that it would validate the AppArmor profile it executes under is the one that is expected - plus the actual fixes for the vulnerabilities themselves, by checking snap-confine is located where it expects to be (so it doesn’t execute other arbitrary helpers), and to also when setting up the mount namespace directory hierarchy, forcefully try and move aside any existing parts that are not root owned so it can create them afresh with known ownership/permissions so that unprivileged users can’t trick it with their own contents

  • As mentioned, also includes fixes for 2 other issues identified by Canonical - open permissions on snap per-user HOME/private storage allows other users to potentially access private info stored by snaps

  • Plus a more sinister issue in the handling of AppArmor rules for snaps

  • A snap can define a content interface - way of making files available to other snaps - snaps can then connect to this to access that content - often used to implement plugins or other such concepts between snaps

  • When creating an AppArmor profile for a snap, adds additional rules then to allow access to these paths within the other snap

  • Included code to validate that a snap wasn’t trying to expose content it shouldn’t BUT didn’t validate that these were just paths and nothing else

  • Since AppArmor policy is human-readable text files, these get generated by snapd by adding the content interface paths into the policy

  • Content interface path could then contain additional AppArmor policy directives and these would get included in the generated profile

  • Since any snap can specify content interfaces, and they get auto-connected by snaps from the same publisher, would then just have to get a user to install 2 malicious snaps from the same publisher where one declares a malicious interface like this and then the snaps will be able to escape the usual strict confinement provided by AppArmor

  • Fixed in snapd to both validate paths more correctly, and to also quote all file-system paths in the generated AppArmor policies so that arbitrary rules cannot be specified

  • Shows that the defence-in-depth approach is still worthwhile - Qualys mentions they nearly gave up looking for vulns and then on trying to exploit them due to just how hard the task appeared given all the defensive measures they would have to overcome

  • Want to thank Qualys for all their efforts in disclosing vulns and in providing feedback on proposed fixes etc, and the snapd team for all their help on finding and remediating the vulnerability with content interface / layout paths, plus on preparing and delivering this update

  • Has been in the works for a while, glad it is finally out

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