UI Narrative: UX, UI, IxD, Design and Research
Episode 7 Show Notes:
Have you ever felt like a fraud while you're designing something? I had this exact feeling when I was creating the UI Narrative podcast. I would tell myself, "you don't know UI Design. You haven't been in the industry for ten years, so how can you tell people that you know what you're saying." It took me six months to get this podcast out to you guys. And I could've had it out by last year in 3 months. I kept sitting on it, trying to refine it and make it better. When, in reality, it was already perfect. I would keep comparing my podcast to other people. I would say "well, this person already talked about this topic, so I can't do it because they have more experience than me."
I have designer imposter syndrome, and I'm going to share with you how I manage it, and hopefully, you can learn how to get through yours too.
Podcast Info:
Listen on Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, Stitcher, Spotify, and Spreaker.
RSS feed (non-iTunes feed): https://uinarrative.libsyn.com/rss
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Have you ever received bad feedback on your designs? Want clarity on how to decipher client and boss feedback to improve your designs? Learn more at uinarrative.com/gradingsystem.
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