In this episode, we look back at the recent CITES Conference of the Parties in Panamá, and explore how this multilateral process addresses environmental crimes. The GI-TOC was there and focussed on international cooperation and responses to the online illegal wildlife trade. But what was achieved at the Conference and what impact it could it have on the damaging criminal markets concerned.
Ian Tennant, Head of Vienna Multilateral Representation & Resilience Fund, Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime
Simone Haysom, Thematic Lead on Environmental Crime, Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime.
Abim Anim, Officer in charge of Nigeria Customs Service Special Wildlife Office.* World Customs Organisation (WCO) accredited Expert, Technical and Operational advisor in the field of Illegal Wildlife Trade. National Contact Point For WCO's Regional Intelligence Liaison Office (West Africa).
Kumar Paudel, Conservation scholar from Nepal. For over 10 years, he has worked to protect threatened wildlife from illegal harvesting and trade, and he leads a conservation non-profit organization called Greenhood Nepal. Kumar was a Fellow of the GI-TOC's Resilience Fund in 2022.
Alastair MacBeath, Analyst, Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime
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