Unapologetically Rich with Shamina Taylor
In this episode, Shamina shares about how celebrating your wins breeds more of them and why celebration of even the small things is so important in the pursuit of business success.
Join us for The Income Accelerator System May 10th at 11 am CST: https://go.shaminataylor.com/webinar-registration1680947830975?fbclid=PAAabfwPp4SSTPLilZDrW4PzAcQQPBFFKuhPU8pTCHV21zex1yQpQPukkGJek
This FREE webinar will help you increase your income and accelerate your business revenue!
Head over to The Quantum Woman Facebook group to join our community of amazing women like you: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thequantumwomen/?ref=share&mibextid=S66gvF Then check out our website to download my FREE Wealth Code Meditation: https://www.shaminataylor.com/
Find Shamina everywhere else:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shaminataylor/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shamina.a.taylor