Craig and Jonah have an impromptu discussion of coitus interruptus (a/k/a pulling out, a/k/a withdrawal method), and what Chat GPT says the Church teaches about it. So many questions and a lot of laughs. #marriage #catholic #Onan #birthcontrol #naturalfamilyplanning #NFP #confession #withdrawal #chatgpt #humanaevitae #keepitdeep Episode 115: Onan Fans. Episode 98: Dog Pile on Onan. Chat GPT: "- robot: Hello, How can I assist you? - user: What does the Catholic Church teach about coitus interruptus - robot: The Catholic Church teaches that coitus interruptus, also known as the withdrawal method, is morally unacceptable. According to Catholic teaching, sexual intercourse is meant to be an expression of self-giving love and openness to the possibility of procreation within the context of marriage. The use of any artificial methods or techniques to intentionally disrupt the natural procreative aspect of the sexual act is considered contrary to the divine plan for human sexuality. The Catholic Church encourages married couples to approach sexuality with love, respect, and responsibility. It teaches that married couples should be open to the gift of life and not artificially manipulate the procreative aspect of their sexual union. Instead, the Church promotes Natural Family Planning (NFP), which involves understanding and using the natural cycles of fertility and infertility to achieve or avoid pregnancy. It should be noted that this is a brief overview of the Catholic Church's teachings on coitus interruptus, and for a more comprehensive understanding, it is advisable to consult official Church documents or seek guidance from a trusted Catholic authority."