Craig and Jonah discuss Craig’s four-part plan for achieving better and more frequent Catholic intimacy in marriage. Step 1: Wife must understand and appreciate appreciate her husband’s “need” for intimacy. 2. Both spouses mutually desire that the man should not take matters into his own hands. 3. The husband must actively and progressively reduce his wife’s mental load, especially with the handling of household chores and childcare. 4. The husband must understand and actively engage in his wife’s love language. These factors are crucial for achieving better and more frequent intimacy in a Catholic family. Craig discussed the importance of understanding and fulfilling his wife's love language, which is quality time. He emphasized the significance of “active listening” and being attentive, even when they are just spending time together. Craig acknowledged that he has been slow to understand this, but has come to realize that this has been a vital missing part of his relationship with his wife for too many years He also shared a recent conversation with his wife about possibly increasing their intimacy during the infertile times of their cycle to motivate him to remain strong during the fertile abstinence times, and discusses her response. 2352 By masturbation is to be understood the deliberate stimulation of the genital organs in order to derive sexual pleasure. "Both the Magisterium of the Church, in the course of a constant tradition, and the moral sense of the faithful have been in no doubt and have firmly maintained that masturbation is an intrinsically and gravely disordered action." "The deliberate use of the sexual faculty, for whatever reason, outside of marriage is essentially contrary to its purpose." For here sexual pleasure is sought outside of "the sexual relationship which is demanded by the moral order and in which the total meaning of mutual self-giving and human procreation in the context of true love is achieved." To form an equitable judgment about the subjects' moral responsibility and to guide pastoral action, one must take into account the affective immaturity, force of acquired habit, conditions of anxiety or other psychological or social factors that lessen, if not even reduce to a minimum, moral culpability. Section 2363: The Uncharted Catholic Man is a podcast hosted by two Catholic men, husbands, and fathers. Craig and Jonah describe and discuss their own personal experiences, observations, questions, concerns, and struggles to understand and live out the Catholic Church’s moral teachings with respect to marriage and sexuality. We believe in strengthening marriages and families through communication, mercy, and understanding. We attempt to be faithful to the Church’s teaching, and offer guidance and support to Catholic couples trying to faithfully and fully live out their marriages. #catholicpodcast #unchartedcatholicman #nfp #naturalfamilyplanning #marriage #catholicmarriage #abstinence #theologyofthebody #catechism #catholiccatechism #humanaevitae #contraception #chastity #faithfullness #catholic #catechism #catechismofcatholicchurch #baltimorecatechism; #magisterium #pope #humanaevitae #humanlife #endsofmarriage