* What is the proper role of conscience for Catholics? * What exactly is infallible Church teaching? * Matters of faith vs. matters of action (sin) * Could the Church change its teaching on contraception? * Why is there inconsistency by priests when it comes to marriage and sexuality? * Why does the Church seem to leave this up to individual couples, rather than providing clarity? * Is NFP that much different from contraception? * Is the “marital debt” still a thing? * Traditional Catholicism vs. Evangelism Follow us on Twitter: @UnchartedCatMan Follow Essence-tial Catholic on twitter: @ServusDeiR21 Essence-tial Catholic's interview with Kevin Nontradicath: https://www.youtube.com/live/Wr1NWL-nMpI?si=dxtAAvqru5u-Wbhv The Uncharted Catholic Man is a podcast hosted by two Catholic men, husbands, and fathers. Craig and Jonah describe and discuss their own personal experiences, observations, questions, concerns, and struggles to understand and live out the Catholic Church’s moral teachings with respect to marriage and sexuality. We believe in strengthening marriages and families through communication, mercy, and understanding. We attempt to be faithful to the Church’s teaching, and offer guidance and support to Catholic couples trying to faithfully and fully live out their marriages. #catholicpodcast #unchartedcatholicman #nfp #naturalfamilyplanning #marriage #catholicmarriage #abstinence #theologyofthebody #catechism #catholiccatechism #humanaevitae #contraception #chastity #faithfullness #catholic #catechism #catechismofcatholicchurch #baltimorecatechism; #magisterium #pope #humanaevitae #humanlife #endsofmarriage