* newsflash: men and women communicate differently * why is this not taught in marriage prep classes? * good men still get a lot of things wrong. Here’s how to learn and be better. * NFP, charting, and planning your vacation The Uncharted Catholic Man is a podcast hosted by two Catholic men, husbands, and fathers. Craig and Jonah describe and discuss their own personal experiences, observations, questions, concerns, and struggles to understand and live out the Catholic Church’s moral teachings with respect to marriage and sexuality. We believe in strengthening marriages and families through communication, mercy, and understanding. We attempt to be faithful to the Church’s teaching, and offer guidance and support to Catholic couples trying to faithfully and fully live out their marriages. If you’d like to reach us, please use our LinkTree https://linktr.ee/unchartedcatholicman or just send us an email [email protected] #catholicpodcast #unchartedcatholicman #nfp #naturalfamilyplanning #marriage #catholicmarriage #abstinence #theologyofthebody #catechism #catholiccatechism #humanaevitae #contraception #chastity #faithfullness #catholic #catechism #magisterium #pope #humanaevitae #humanlife #confession #mercy #2352 #intimacy #licit #masturbation