On Under the Bodhi Tree, we’re blasting off on a journey through the mind! Bodhi will be actively exploring tools that will help us discover a rich and subtle reality. If you’ve been dying look past the physical and connect to deeper and more fulfilling relationships and experiences, then you made it! Hop on board as we unpack mediation, yoga, spiritual practices, psychedelics, healing modalities and dive into the oasis of our reality!!
The podcast Under the Bodhi Tree is created by Bodhi Samuel. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Wow wow wow,
What a summer it has been, a full on season at Angsbacka in Sweden.
This week well dive into the the shadows of serving and how easy it can be to serve from an empty cup. What does it mean to honor my own boundaries while giving to others, so that my gifts are pure and free from resentment.
We'll dive into boundaries in general and what its like to be in a position when someone is telling me that I've crossed their boundaries, or have done something that they don't like. How do I wanna show up in that conversation?
These are some themes we'll explore in this round!
Hope you love it!
Catch you on the flip side!
Hey Team,
In this one, we're exploring everything around creating the ultimate community of love, inclusivity, and transformation. We're diving into the magical world of Angsbacka, a Swedish haven where people come together to support, grow, and co-create amazing experiences
We'll explore my journey of community and the incredible adventures that led me to this heart-centered space and we'll discuss how these alternative living spaces foster a culture that embraces emotional expression, nourishes the soul, and encourages healthy relationships in every aspects of life.
Tune in and let's share the love, laughter, and spiritual awakening that this magical place has to offer.
Sending you all love and warmth from spring in Sweden!
check out this link if you want some more info details about how to be here!
Welcome back! (for a bit :)
This week we're getting into the world of self pleasure. We unpack the joy, the shame, the grief and the confusion around self pleasure and masturbation. This topic has been a huge one in my life, in the search for new ways to love myself but few role models to support me in healthy self love practices. Im hoping this weeks sharing will support anyone who listens, to open their mind up to the potential of cultivating a unique and playful self pleasure practice.
So if you've ever masturbated (which is like...every single human) and are looking to expand your self love practice in new, creative ways. Check out this episode and if you're even more curious listening, then click here to check out the self pleasure course I recently created. (It's totally free and will hopefully support everyone in their journey in deep connection with their erotic being)
You can find the link to the course down below as well :)
to check out the books i was talking about in the podcast check out:
for male bodies:
and for female bodies:
love love love,
This week I've got Kimmana Nichols on the show, he's the co-founder of the school ThaiVedic, an old teacher, mentor, and friend.
Kim and I open the box of Ayurveda and the 5 element model of viewing our day to day life, in order to become more connected to our inner worlds. With a strong attunement to our inner voice and the support of our mind we are able to make decisions that support the health of our body, our community and the planet.
Disease through the Ayurvedic lens
"the repeated neglect of listening to one's intuition"
Join Kim and I to train our intuitive listening, our Thai massage practice, and our space holding capabilities, supported by the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda.
for the training:
Check out Kimmana here
and some of his free resources around Ayurveda here
This week I'm taking some time to reflect and harvest on these last couple weeks at Tamera, a research center and eco-village in Portugal that holds many research topics, one of which being the intersection of freedom and love. Through my own experiential bath into this communities culture, I came away with a couple of profound insights. I'd love to share some of these with you this week. We dive into a couple of core topics around communal living and how that impacts love relationships. We explore how to create a field of trust between people and what is the value of trust. Lastly we open up the topic of self dismantling and what it means to step out of who you think you are. This one is a beautiful summary of a very rich period of time and I'm so excited to share with with you all!
Love love love
Hey hey!
This week we have an epic episode (just like every week :))
I've got Kamran Novin on the show this week and we're talking about money. Now we really aren't talking about money if I'm honest, we're talking about energy and the soul of money. We talk about magic and perspective and life force and sexuality and circle around money as an anchor point. How does magic relate to money? What really is money? We pick apart the framework to begin to see other ways to go about relating to the river of money and learn how to dip our bowl in and how to trust the abundant life that unravels before us.
So happy to have you on the show my man.
Thanks for listening everyone!
big hug, little hug
So TRIGGER warning...we're talking about sex toys and sexuality this week. This might bring up some discomfort...it totally might not...just giving you a heads up so that you can feel into whats right for you :)
Amazing, so recently I had a deeply powerful ayuhuasca journey that shined a light on perhaps an unconscious belief or pattern running in my background. This was connected to shame and rejection of some aspects of my masculinity, as i have seen so much pain and damage caused by the patriachy and ultimately an imbalanced yang or masculine energy. This week ill tell a story about an experience i had in a sex shop that lead me down a deep corridor of a deeper acceptance and love of my male genitalia and seeing my cock as the gift that it truly is
hope it resonantes with you male or female bodied humans and im sending a big hug to all those genitalia out there who just wanna be loved by their owners. (obviously this is metaphorical and im not actually coming to hug your genitalia...thats an invitation for you)
Love you love you!
See you next week!
Hey ladies and gentlemen and everyone inbetween!
We're back! The show is back! Whaaa waaa??
OK sooo this week we have a super inspiring dive with Elia De Matteis who is in a living research experiment of living in a gift based world. He has given away his possessions and his agendas in devotion to giving up (at least for now) a transaction based life. He has devoted himself to life and has invited giving and receiving to come through him, rather than from him.
What does this look like? Well, listen to the show and youll hear some of his fun, challenging and awe inspiring adventures where we reveal the subtleties of giving from the heart and receiving from the heart in a moment by moment life.
is it possible to live in a world where we trust each other and give without conditions?
Check out elia on instagram at:
thanks for you exploration Elia. Ive loved our inspiring discussions and i super appreciate both your outlook on life, but also your courageous embodiment of your values.
big hug to you and to...well, the whole world while we're at it
thanks for listening everyone!
I've landed on another GOLD MINE! In this episode we're diving into relationship, communication and a new evolved model for consent. Im very soon going to a week long retreat with an organization called touch and play (check em out below) anddd they have an epic model for consent and relationship interactions. So this week is diving into and sharing this beautiful model to have more clarity, pleasure and magic in your relationships!
This is such an awesome and eloquent model for connection, im so excited to be sharing it.
bodhi :)
check out the frameworks here!
Ok so this week ill be exploring and giving a demonstration of this epic tool that will support us into cultivating a deeper relationship with our body, specifically when we're challenged with making decisions.
Sooo this week will be a bit of an explanation, a demonstration and a debrief :)
This tool come in handy when...
I have a decision to make and it feels like two parts of me are not in alignment. For example, have you ever had the experience where you really wanted to do something, but logically it just didn't make any sense? or logically, you wanted to do something, but you weren't excited at all to do it?
So when this happens it might be that two parts of us are having differing desires and through giving each of them a voice, we can actually better understand whats happening within our inner world.
This is similar to parts work if your familiar with it, but ultimately it focuses our awareness on 4 centers, our head (or logic center), our heart (our spirit center), our gut (our emotional center), and our sex (our animal body)
Through encouraging each one of these to speak up, we can find profound insight of how and where to move when we're stuck in indecision.
(BIG LOVE), (little love)
bodhi :)
I fucking LOVE the wheel of consent
Have you ever had a sexual interaction where most of the experience you were in your head worrying about where the interaction was going to go, because it was unclear from the beginning?
I know that when there is a lack of clarity in my interactions, I tend to go into my head, I tend to contract or avoid eye contact etc etc.
The idea is, when I am relaxed, I feel the most pleasure. When i am contracted, there is less space for pleasure to flow through. Therefor to increase the chances of relaxation, it serves to bring clarity of what I am desiring and what others are desiring in a certain engagement.
Sooooo to support relaxation and therefor, maximum safety and therfor maximum enjoyment, fun, pleasure, healing dot dot dot
Betty Martin developed a model to support clarity and consent in the interactions between two people who desire to engage in some type of touch based interaction.
This model reveals the different dynamics that happen between two people in a touch exchange and helps us relax into this clarity and enjoy an interaction without needing to waste energy "trying to figure out" where its going or whats going on.
check out betty martin on laurie handlers podcast here:
check out betty's content here:
big love
Ok this week we're diving into an awesome model of polarities to explore some different energetic signatures that move through us as relational beings.
This model, termed "the cross' brings clarity to the often misunderstood archetypal energies that reoccur in our personal lives and our collective culture.
This week well explore the model and explore the concept of becoming a channel for energies beyond our limited personality.
if you want to hear more in depth about each of these energies check out:
sending love!
So upon finishing this radically transformational experience called ista, a few powerful things came through.
This week ill be sharing some stories and talking about self pleasure and the beauty of letting go of the excess shame that many of us (and definitely myself) carry around, that holds us back from truly finding pleasure
Thanks for playin with me :)
Love and Fear
this week, we will use the lens of these powerful forces to more closely observe the energy that lies right beneath our actions.
by looking below our actions, into the motivation behind them, we can start to see patterns of energy and find out what direction our life is heading towards.
When i make choices out of fear, i head towards fear and contraction. When i make choices from love, i head towards freedom and expansion.
now obviously, its not always as easy as choosing love (although it is a simple concept)
this week will be more about observing and noticing the ripple effect of where our core lies, and how that manifests into the physical world around us.
What is underlying your decisions?
How would it look to choose and act from a space of love?
with love from me to you
hey hey hey!
this week were diving into our SHADOW!
what even is shadow hmmm?
in this episode we'll define it as everything that i hide, hold shame around, neglect and disown. These are parts of myself that i don't identify with and therefor are unconscious.
its like when we stand in the sun, right behind me, is my shadow.
There are a fascinating, many methods of exploring the shadow with your hand held by a group, or someone facilitating the process, and i would heavily recommend, in your own time, when you are ready, at your own pace and level, to enquire into one of these methods, groups and organizations.
the organizations that i share about in the show are as follows:
i hope you enjoy looking around my own shadow with me as we explore the world of the unseen, with love and play :)
big love to everyone
This week we're diving into grief
What does life look like when we take the time to look into our past and bring back layers of ourselves that are residing in other time lines?
Lets look into the world of grief and explore that value of letting go of the past and inviting life force back into our bodies
and honor
what was
with love
Hey loves!
This week we're exploring a few exercises that will support you and your relationships to move through deeper layers of intimacy. My partner and i call them ceremonies, temples, or containers. By creating intentional spaces where we are invited to speak our deeper truths, it allows us to step into more transparency with our partners. In our day to day life with our partners, in conversation, in passing, we interact so quickly, that often unconscious and subconscious aspects of ourselves are underlying our conscious expression. Creating intentional spaces to slow down and focus our energy, allows us to look at the deeper layers of what underlies our actions and allows us to look at what's normally hidden in the shadow, and to reveal ourselves in order to get cleaner in our interactions. Think of these practices as brushing your emotional and energetic teeth for your relationships.
Enjoy these practices with any intimate relationship, partners, friends, siblings, parents etc.
they've been unbelievably supportive in my life and i encourage you to invite those you love into these spaces, and see what comes up.
big love
As Im diving deeper and deeper into authentic relating, relational inquiry and the practice of circling, im finding that SO much is happening behind the scenes of my everyday interactions and conversations. Our current conversation tools and relational "technologies", mixed with our withholding culture, seem to create an environment that discourages us to share our truth and really identify whats happening for us in the moment behind how im expressing myself. The practice of revealing our inner experience can be both terrifying and unbelievably relieving. And from my experience, when I truly step into sharing my inner truth with accountability and compassion, it is a proven to be a doorway directly to a more intimate reality and connection.
The relational academy introduced me to the practice of circling, or relational inquiry, which is like a relational meditation, a way to have one foot inward, and one foot outward. All of the concepts and invitations that ive brought forth in this episode come from the relational academy, and the practice of authentic relating.
I heavily recommend this platform as it has truly shifted my relational abilities and completely guided the evolution of my relationship and communication abilities.
check out the institute here!
sending love to you all
get down with this invitationsss!!
in loving service,
Hey Loves
I've got John Early Interviewing me on the Momentom Collective's podcast and i snagged the interview and popped it up here too because i thought it went super well.
This week we're diving into sexual alchemy! We'll be looking at a few different models for connecting to source and using sexuality as a platform for ritual, sacredness and prayer. What does it look like when our human bodies become the alters that the universe dances through?
This week we'll be expanding into that world of sexuality and opening up some of the stigmas that society has placed upon us within our bodies and connection.
check out momentom collectives podcast at:
sending so much love!
So, in my perspective, we are multi dimensional beings. We are beings with many different senses and abilities and through the practice of refining our senses, I truly believe that we open to a world beyond our physical.
This is the world that Cyrus and I are exploring today. Cyrus works and plays with energy, supports healing, and has a deep relationship navigating the astral world. This foundation has brought him naturally into the world of shamanism and energy healing.
This week we properly dive into our perspectives on connecting with the astral world and sharing hilarious stories and tips for opening up that connection in each and every one of us. Similar to scuba diving, within the astral world, some of us may be more inclined our interested, but ultimately if any of us jump into the ocean for long enough, we can start to see and understand the fish, the creatures and the world below the surface
You're invited into this expansive and playful world with us!
check out cyrus and his work with professional movement at
big love to everyone!
Hey hey hey hey!!
I've got Kendal on the show this week and we're diving deeply into the world of self worth and receiving hatred, or projections from others. We're exploring how when we are rooted in our truth, projections have such a lesser impact on our own inherent value as a human. Kendall and I play with perspectives on life and seeing life as a video game, and the value of not taking anything too seriously as we laugh and discuss the societal norms we were given as kids and how there are still traces of those conditioned patterns alive for us in our day to day.
Kendall, it was a blast laughing and playing together!
Looking forward to more
Check out her instagram here:
if you wanna dive into her podcast, check out:
big love to everyone!
I'm so excited for this episode and so honored to be part of such a profound conversation. This week Regan and I dive into the world of empowerment, Movement and Platforms for channeling. Regan Is an incredible movement artist and uses her body to channel emotion, story and energy in a way that inspires and evokes life in others. This week she shares her multi dimensional perspective on the process of channeling, of what it means to be a performer and to truly get the ego out of the way in service of something bigger moving through. In this playful conversation we explore the stories underneath the surface of appearances, and dive into the untold tales that are the foundation of the reality that we live in.
Her movement and words are deeply inspiring and I hope those who listen are touched as much as i was in this conversation.
If you wanna check out regans movement and performance find her on instagram below at:
big big love
Hey all!
I've got dividio on the show this week and we're exploring the world of connection with others. What holds us back from connection? What creates a safe space for us to open up? What do we look for when connecting with others in conversation.
Davidio shines a light on other forms of connection that extend beyond a verbal conversation and the dance that our bodies play with one another as we connect deeply.
Davidio has some wonderful insights into the world of devotion, dedicating our lives to practice and creating community.
We have a good time this week and we're excited to have you join us!
big big love
check out momentom collective here!
This week we're going to jump into a super alternative way of living. Many of us live a very structured life, within the confines of society, but there are those of us who are pioneering an evolution into another form of primitive living. This week I have kombucha on the show sharing her experiences over the last 2 years living in a horse caravan. She and a group of other nomads, and performers have been moving slowly and gradually through central America, living day to day with horses! They live by the fire, eat by the fire and sleep next to rivers and lakes. They work hard every day, and enjoy the simple things in life, and as they find themselves in little indigenous villages across Honduras or Guatemala, they offer a circus and theatrical performance to the residence in order to create connection, spread joy and share love. Whether this life style peaks your interest, or you're simply listening for enjoyment, there is much wisdom to take from Kambucha's sharings.
Thanks for being on the show kombucha!
big love to everyone
if you wanna check out nomads united's website for pictures, details, performances etc click the link below!
check them out on facebook here
When we really break it down, humans are quite complex creatures. We live in a physical world, an energetic world, and emotional world, a mental world and at any given time, we're pushed to juggle all of these at the same time. Because of this special privelege, to experience multiple over laying dimensions, we have a unique capacity to become the bridge, the vehicle or the conduit that connects these worlds together. This week we'll begin to look at how our emotions are not tide to the 3 dimensional reality of time and space, we'll explore a model used in the yogic system, for understanding our energetic anatomy, and we'll look at the concept of manifesting and how it plays out in our day to day reality.
big love to you all
Tucker and I Jump into it this week.
In this pure and metaphysical episode, we explore deeply, the concept of the self. As Tucker details his perspectives on reality, he reveals a vivid and colorful picture for us to see. Tucker, through allowing stories to guide his life, is able to live in a vibrant world. We start to ask the question, what story do you want to live in? How do you want to see reality?
Tucker shares his wise and profound thoughts that inspire each of us to take it upon ourselves to witness reality fully and explore the story without buying into the drama of life
Tucker, you're the man
thank you all for listening
This weeks episode is truly remarkable, Im sitting with my brotha who goes by "permagod" as he truly is a master in permaculture, fermenting and creating magic in his connection to this amazing planet. As youll listen to the podcast youll here that his stories are incredible.
Many of us throughout our lives, give our power away, we externalize our fate, and become victims to life. We forget that the power to receive life is within our hands. While we may not choose the content of what happens to us, we can choose how we relate to it, which ironically in turn, influences the content of our life. Theres the paradox. When we receive life with grace, we act gracefully, we surrender, and all of the sudden our suffering lightens, and often dissolves. When we accept ourselves where we are, even if thats accepting our inability to accept ourselves in this moment, we are blessed with a great ease suddenly.
This week, permagod and i are diving into how we can reframe our relationship with life, to encourage a softer, more magical and playful exitance. In any situation, asking the simple question, "how is this serving me" instead of "why is this happening to me" can create an enormous domino effect that leaks vibrant paint into the cracks of our previously black and white life.
dive into the magic of life, spirits, reprograming our brain and becoming a co-creator of your life. Perma is truly a white wizard and its so beautiful to witness the miraculous stories and journeys that hes moved through in his life time.
He is a true demonstration of acceptance, self love and radical devotion to magic.
hes got some epic content that youll be directed to at the end of the podcast that i am leaving out of the description for now for his own anonymity
big love sir
This weeks episode is epic.
Im sitting at pachamama (a community in costa rica) with Lala and Dror and we're diving into their relationship. In our modern society, we often box and label our relationships, giving them rules boundaries and walls. While there is value to having boundaries in our relationships, many of us unconsciously accept societies pre packaged rules for our relating, and when this occurs, we often blindly limit our selves within the relationship, following rules that may not be serving us. When we ditch the paradigm, it forces us to constantly ask ourselves and our partners, if the way we are interacting is serving us. While this may seem daunting at the beginning (because many of us are not practiced in self inquiry and self awareness) it allows for a much more fulfilling and authentic relationship process. We begin to use our relationship as a platform for personal growth, and transformation, which in turn contributes to the health and wellbeing of the relationship. Lala and Dror share a their powerful story of moving through triggers, pain and fear, and finding a deep and stable love for themselves that they share together. When we can see that our relationships have the ability to serve the world, beyond our egoic desires, we call this "sacred relating"
Thank you all for listening!!
big love
We're back!!! woohoo!
Its been a few months of intuitively taking a break and its good to get back into the show. This week we're gonna be exploring the concept of identification through the story of the transformational process of receiving a new name. There have been some fun life changing stuff goin on in my world, so im mostly sharing some fun insights collected along the way.
How do we view ourselves? how do we interact with the universe?
These are the questions we're exploring this week!
Big love to all
What would it be like to really let go and Co create your life as team mates with the universe? What would it feel like to be making love every moment of the day? How do we follow our intuition, and how do we take accountability when we follow it. What does it mean to set boundaries and do we need a reason to do so? This is the world we're exploring this week with Mia. Mia's path on her spiritual journey has uncovered profound and subtle realizations that has brought her into a divine connection with herself/ with source. The way she navigates and plays through life is a true example of the embodiment of her beliefs and values. The path's not always easy, but its it wouldn't be the hero's journey if it was.
Thanks for listening everyone!!
big love
bodhi (finally stepping into a bigger tree :) )
This week we're talkin about how awesome it is to touch ourselves!!! Bringing the love back into self pleasure. Our society is riddled with shame, guilt and fear connected to self pleasure, connected to sexuality and how we approach sexuality. In this weeks episode we're exploring the world of tantric sex, of cultivating sexual energy in order to purify our minds and explore consciousness. We're bringing sacredness into sexuality and approaching this, unfortunately taboo subject, with love, reverence and holiness. This one is just the beginning, More to come!!
check out mantak chias books on taoist sexual healing practices
check out the magdalen manuscript:
big love everyone
Intuition is the fucking bomb! Imagine that you were hiking a beautiful landscape without a map, and then one day you realized that you found a phone in your pocket. You pick up the phone and see whose on the other end. Instead of finding out who is there, you just get a message, go left. So out of curiosity, you follow the voice, and over time you realize that every time you follow this voice, crazy and amazing things happen. You use your logic and deduce that whatever is on the other end, can see you, and see where you're going. Maybe they're in a guard tower, maybe they're in outer space. Maybe its not even a person or a being, rather its a subtle current of energy, like the current of the ocean. This is the process, more or less, of tuning into intuition. Now, we often get caught up in the idea that we either have to use intuition or logic, but the truth is, they are different tools for different things. For example, coming back to our metaphor of hiking a landscape, in order for me to know how to use the phone, and to recognize that it was a phone in the first place, is all my logic and rational mind. When we start to use a combination of our rational and intuitive minds, we start to experience the world in such a beautiful and holistic way that our lives become very magical. I invite you into the practice of connecting with your intuition and turning up the volume on trusting that we are part of something much larger and that we are always being guided!
big love to everyone
enjoy your listen!
Many of us confine ourselves to our given, mundane state of consciousness. From kids, we were told that we are to perceive in certain ways, and we normalize how we see the world. Experiences that aren't aligned with this given paradigm are often dismissed, invalidated, believed to be crazy etc. But what if instead of believing that these "out of the ordinary" experiences were crazy, we instead explored them with curiosity and playfulness? How deep could we really go? That's what this week is about. When it comes to layers of consciousness, Natasha has gone backwards, upside down and around the block. Natasha is a living example of the miraculousness of diving into our many layers of consciousness and shes shares hilarious, heartfelt and powerful stories, to open us all up, to the possibilities of what can truly happen in the vast experience of a human being on planet earth. What a pleasure to have her this week.
Thank you all of listening,
Natasha, thank you for your journey into the unknown
and blessed be our awaiting journeys
big love
This weeks episode was such a fun one! Anika has such a powerful story and journey through cultural conditioning. As we all come into this world with a framework of how we're taught to live, there comes a point in our life where we grow into the possibility of questioning, if what we were given, was really right for how we want to navigate reality. This process of questioning and uncovering can be quite traumatic and exhausting, as we must dig deep into our programming and face parts of ourselves that we may hold shame or fear around. My deepest respect goes to Anika in her journey through her self, to her self, moving from shame to love, from guilt and fear, to openness and acceptance. Her bravery, persistence, and resilience is unbelievably inspiring. Her playfulness and curiosity shows us that though this process has many discomforts along the way, we always have space to dance through the work of uncovering our past, in service of a present free from unneeded programs and unconscious schemas.
Her path to freedom inspires us all
big love to everyone for listening and Anika for her deep shares and explorations!
Something magical happens when we start to let in the suffering of the world. When we deeply open our heart to the fullness of human experience, we begin allow powerful emotions to funnel through us. At first this can be unbelievably overwhelming, which is why it's so tempting to close our hearts and live in an illusion that "everything is fine" or that "the planet is doomed and the'res nothing i can do". This week i have Henry on the show, speaking to these two polarities. When we lose hope, or live blindly, we forget that we needn't get lost in trying to fix the world, rather focus on doing our part, living in our heart with awareness of the truth. When we do our part, we inspire others to do theirs, and soon when even half of us are washing our dish in the sink, the sink begins to empty and clear. Move beyond the darkness and light, and live in the heart.
Support the showSo in my explorations as of late, I've been diving deep into the multi-layered experience of our reality. As I've been getting deeper, things have been getting exponentially more and more bizzare, which is AWESOME. This weeks episode is bringing the worlds that ive been stumbling upon and exploring, into sight. The spirit world is a vast and colorful land that exists right in front of our eyes, but like our eye lashes, we can't quite see it until we start to bring awareness to it. When we start to open the box of the spirit world, we find many many gems inside. Put your space helmets on for this weeks chat, because we're going into the unknown together :)
big love!
We are moving on a journey to nowhere, taking it easy, taking it slow! This weeks episode, we're dropping deeply into the -no where- now here- no where. This life is such a crazy adventure and we're embracing every moment of the human experience. Every moment we're doused with emotions, experiences and stimuli that, when embraced, create a playground for evolution and growth. When we learn to play through life, through the challenge, and through the stories, even the suffering becomes effortless. I have the beautiful pixie goddess, Airi, on the show, and simply through listening and being present, you'll receive such a deep transition of raw truth and playfulness. We encourage you to start the practice of playing in the unknown, listening to your intuition and following the force of life that is constantly guiding you. No more worries, no need to hurry, nothing to carry, let it all GO!
With deep gratitude and love
bodhi and airi
Living life is not the same as avoiding death. Many of us are living, asleep in our bodies, moving through life in an unconscious way, guided by fear and desire. When we really live in this way, life begins to become hollow and meaningless, we become detached from ourselves, others and the earth that supports us. This is the story that we've been living, this is the story that we've been telling ourselves, that the human race is a virus to this planet, that we're no good, that we are hopeless. Enough of this story. This episode is writing the new story of our potential as humans on this planet. I have another Tim on the show this week and we're diving fully into a heaven on earth where we live together with this planet, in a way that embraces and acknowledges where we've come from and moving forward with awareness and love. We absolutely have the ability as a race to recreate our relationship with this world. This is the episode to listen to, if you want to be part of the new paradigm, where we celebrate life, support each other, live in our hearts, and become the stewards of this planet.
Thank you Tim, for your time and your vision, it's truly inspiring
big love
From a young age, we have all been indoctrinated with this pattern of seeking. We are constantly looking for things outside of us, and trying to "know". We idolize the intellect and forget the magic of intuition. While the intellect is a valuable tool for practical situations, perhaps the tool of intuition is much more suited for navigating our life path and reality as a whole. I've got Henzo joining me on the show this week speaking to the power of intuition and how it shows up. He uncovers the magic that arises in each moment when we stop seeking, and he gracefully reveals the power of letting go of our egoic agenda, in dedication to a greater devotional service. When we let go of what "we want to happen" and dive into, what "wants to happen" we begin an unknown journey into the mystery.
Let go of the mind, step into the nothing
Thanks for the depth and wisdom Henzo
thank you all for joining and listening ;)
with gratitude
It's time to wake the fuck up. We are being called by the universe to step into a power greater than ourselves and to throw ourselves into the fire of transformation. We are being called, and I am asking you, as the universe, through bonzai, to step up and get out of the way for life to move through you. The time is now. In this weeks episode, we're getting deep into the wisdom that was delivered to me during my ayuhuasca ceremony a few weeks ago. We will look at letting go of expectations and how expectations stand in the way of us witnessing the magic that lies in front of us. We'll talk about trusting yourself and the super powers that come out of that deep trust, and we'll dive head first into shame. The work is showing itself to us right now, each of us in our own separate ways. Its time to clean out our closet, let go of the old stories, beliefs and skeletons and step in to the new world that we can and will create together. Life wants to live, we just need to get out of the way
thank you all so much for listening
you have two meditations here for stepping into your energetic body and creating boundaries
the other one is called setting energetic boundaries on the insight timer page here: :)
In deep love and gratitude
This weeks episode is such a fun one! Time and i get deep in exploring the foundational defects that are riddled in our societal systems and our cultural conditioning. Whether it's our destination and achievement focused mindsets, or our perpetuation of the illusion of lacking, not enoughness and separateness to encourage consumerism and a dependency on the external world for our "completeness", our patriarchal systems have set us up for a mindset of domination, savagery and cannibalism. Tim and I go deep into the roots of why we've arrived, as a species,to such a vital and pivotal moment. The time is urgent, we must slow down.
It's time to turn this ship around to move towards a way of living where we recognize our part in the web of everything, where we step into our role as vital caretakers of this incredible planet that holds us, and to move toward a regenerative way of living, rather than one that destroys and dominates.
check out pititi intitute here:
check out the kogi tribe in colombia through the doco "aluna"
Thank you all for listening, tim, thanks for being bold and standing in the face of change
Things are changing and shifting
it's time to stand together
with love, and admiration
This episode was nothing short of magic. Gecomama and I sat together in my living space in Bali at 8 am and through her deep vulnerability and fearlessness, Gecomama shares her journey through deep pain and disconnection to embodiment and speaking for those who cannot. Her practice of dance, movement and connection emerged after an incredibly challenging experience of sexual assault. As shame, and disconnection arose toward her body, her path to love, acceptance and truth began. As she started performing, and connecting deeply to the vessel that carries her soul, over time and with practice, she opened and opened and began to step deeply into her power and share her story. As she continues to share, perform and be heard, she inspires all of us to face our traumas, meet our past and with love, share the story. Gecomama, words cannot begin to describe the respect and admiration I have for you. You are a true leader and a fearless warrior. Thank you for your dedication to love and healing, and your commitment to yourself and this world.
In deep honor and gratitude
So it's been a powerful month to say the least. After spending 29 days in a love box/dark room meditation retreat, im back out of the womb and interacting in the world again. In today's episode we're diving into the world that arose within the darkness. We're talking about the process of letting go, emotional integration, letting yourself go crazy and the value of being ok with what is. This ones a fun one that goes pretty deep. It's good to be back and podcasting, connecting with the world in a new way. Sending deep love and truth out into the ether.
Thanks for listening!
Warmth to all
Hey loves,
this week im recording, just a few days before i come out of the dark room. We'll be exploring the concepts of what it really means to step into the mystery of life, to let go of control and trying to make things happen a certain way. I wanna encourage a deep surrender in your lives, as collectively, as a human race we move towards a new paradigm of deeper connection to ourselves and the earth, and a deepening into trusting our paths.
with deep love!
See you soon world!
This week was a powerful one. Olga's on the show and we're getting deep into the world of tattoos and intentional ritualistic markings. Olga has an incredible and inspiring journey through surrender, trust and listening to the universe as life pulled her to connect with a south korean tattoo artist, who would be a part of her life forever. As she moves through life, with the five elements tattooed on her back, she has infused her body with trust, and a deep knowing, that she is always supported. The world of tattoos is fascinating and as Olga and I explore what happens when we put intentional into our process, life becomes increasingly sacred.
Olga, thank you for your beautiful sharing and your journey
check her out at
you can see her incredible artwork her
This weeks episode is a trippy one. We're getting into the world of time travel. Through a series of interesting events and experiences, i've started to develop an alternative perspective on time and how i relate to the world of linearity and cycles. This weeks short little chat, will be exploring the world beyond time and space and stepping into practices that can powerfully enhance the depth of our intimacy with life.
check out these two time traveling meditations:
or go to insight timer and type in sam kahn to find a "future self meditation" and a meditation about stepping into trust and out of fear!
with deep love,
from the future,
or the past i dont even know anymore its all the same
This week's episode is next level. I've got Tess on the show and we're getting deep into taking accountability for our emotions and for our lives. We're exploring how we give our power away constantly, ,and when we blame others for our emotional responses, it actually holds us back from living our truth. Tess works in the world of therapy, guiding and holding space for others in a myriad of ways, to empower them to wake the fuck up from the limiting beliefs that imprison us. Through the practice of deep self inquiry, piece by piece, we dismantle our limiting belief systems and find freedom from our mind. Tess is an incredible and inspiring woman who is a force of truth. Her deep compassion, deep empathy and radical authenticity makes her a powerful mirror for us to see in our selves, where we are and aren't showing up.
Tess offers sessions both on and offline and I couldn't recommend her more. If you vibe with her and are looking to level up in your life, contact her here
To look into self inquiry, the first four questions you can ask yourself when you're triggered are as such: (drop the question into your consciousness, and just allow whatever comes up, to come up. Theres no such thing as a "right" answer. There can also be multiple answers for each question)
1. What is the problem? What was the thought that caused negativity, heaviness, discomfort, limitation or resistance? (a negative thought will often include the following words and phrases: this means, what if, should, shouldn’t, never/always, can’t, making me - in the statement)
2. Close your eyes, what images of the past arise when you think that thought. Describe the scene (images, soundscape, feelings).
3. What will or will not happen in your life because of this? Describe the scene (images, soundscape, feelings).
4. Whose business is it? (yours, theirs, the universe)
Tess, you're a boss. Thank you for the time and space
for more of my offerings check out:
Ayuhuasca and Fasting. Thats what we're getting into this week. I was gonna chat with cris about her incredible pottery and artistic design skills and it looks like the universe wanted something else. Catching cris in the middle of her 10 day fast was such a blessing and synchronicity as we were really able to dive into the nature of the mind when we choose to let go of our idea of "what our body needs" to survive. When we take the time to fast, to deprive ourselves, we can start to take spaciousness and develop new relationships with the things in our life. After a break up, we take time away from our partner before we can come back together and relate differently. During covid, we are taking a break from the "norm" from life, to bring clarity in how we relate to our everyday. Cris has had a powerful journey, both through fasting and her plant medicine journeys. This week we'll be going deep into revealing truth about life, with cris
check out her AMAZING ceramics and photography at
check out my other offerings at
deep love!
Sexuality. Love. Desire. These words carry so much cultural baggage. These ideas are riddled with "shoulds" "shouldn'ts", with "if i feel this, than it must mean that". What if we could live in a world where we opened up to our deeper truths. Where we gauged our sexual preferences on our bodies desire to share love, rather than our mind desire to fit into a certain box or a norm. This week, Elis and I are deep in conversation about the radical shifts that occur when we surrender into our deeper self, and let go of the shame and guilt around how and who we love. Elis shares the empowerment she steps into as she lives her truth and the inspiration she is for others to share theirs. This is a powerful love story that teaches us the true meaning of free love. Free from shame, free from the stories.
Thank you elis for your sharing and opening up. Its an honor and pleasure to witness your courage and vulnerability to this world!
If you have any questions for elis about her story you can email or instagram her at
[email protected]
or @elis.jzer
Thank you all for listening
sending big love
Have you ever wondered why, in times of distress, you might feel trapped by your reactions? Its like when we get angry or scared, we lose control and our reactions take over. Steven Kessler, in his book "The Five Personality Patterns", has created a model, to help us start to understand and identify these "patterns" of reaction. Once we can start to understand and recognize which pattern, or strategy we've been using for most of our lives, we can start to bring awareness to the moments where it is most active. As these patterns remain in the shadows, or subconscious mind, they continue to have power over us. They continue to press the buttons and augment the way we see the world. As we uncover them, they lose this power, and we start to fully step into our accountability and our ability to choose our responses, instead of blindly reacting. In addition, Stephen says "understanding people on this level is like having x ray vision". It allows us to see beyond the surface and understand a deeper layer of how others may see the world, and can help us greatly in our ability to communicate with them. This is a profound model and incredibly comprehensive. Todays podcast will be just a little taster of the depth that the book goes into. It's fascinating and intriguing to read. I couldn't recommend it more.
Check out the book at:
check out my meditations at
check out my website for other offerings at:
for most of my life, I believed that i had a pretty solid grasp on what was going on here on earth. I had a grasp on the spiritual path and what my life was about. As i started asking a lot more questions though, my solid ideas and beliefs started to deteriorate and i began to realize that the foundation aspects of what i thought i knew were completely different than what i thought. This was a powerful realization, that i really i don't know what i think i know. In this place, I feel like life is really starting to begin. I wanted to share these ideas, and a new way to look at the world, before we label, before we judge and share some exercises that will help us rest in "what is" and stop fighting with life. Its a crazy talk, and theres some big ideas in there, don't worry if its hard to understand...its beyond our minds ability to comprehend. Today ill try to use the mind to explain something beyond the comprehension of the mind. Thats today's talk :) thanks for listening everyone!
Support the showthis week i have been lucky enough to have a really fun chat with Sally Taylor. We go deep into the world of the principles of "the four agreements". These four agreements are essentially a guide to live life by and consists of four powerful principles. The principles are as such, be impeccable with your word, don't take anything personally, always do your best, don't make assumptions. We see in this episode how fundamental these four ideas are in everything that we do as we interact with the world. Sally and I explore and reminisce about our own life experiences and how the four agreements affect us on a very real level. Sally is hilarious and a blasat to have on the show and I'm excited to share this episode. For some good laughs, and some deep thoughts, this one's for you
thanks for listening!
check sally out on instagram at:
check out her website or making a booking at:
check out the 4 agreements here:
check out my meditations at:
check out my website at:
For most of us, the society we live in, portrays the world as polarized. Something is good or bad, safe or dangerous. When we perceive the world as polarized, we perceive seperateness. I am this, you are that. The more seperate we feel, the more we fear. The more we fear, the more we need to protect ourselves, and on it goes. When we are in this mindset, this mindset of fear, and separation, the way we perceive the world, is augmented. We act based on projections and ideas that we have in our minds, and this can be a very costly way to live, creating discomfort, negativity and suffering for ourselves and those around us. Non violent communication is a practical, down to earth tool, to start reformating our minds, to look beyond the polarization. To see that below the surface, we are much more connected, than separate. With this structure, and the tools provided, we can learn to connect with others deeply and emphatically, regardless of how their behaving, we can learn to identify our needs and communicate them, and we are able to diffuse conflict like never before. We become the masters of our own domain, we take accountability for our emotions and our experience, and start to act with integrity from a place of deeper knowing. This style of communication is gold. I'm telling you, its gold. It will change the way you receive and perceive reality, and how you act in the world. I couldn't recommend it more. NVC is simple and straight forward, yet profound in its wisdom.
Thank you guys for listening and wishing you well on our solo, and collective journeys in this sacred time.
below is the free online, nvc training course:
heres a link to marshal rosenberg's guide to nvc:
needs list!
check out my other offerings at:
There are many ways to live life and to view the unfolding of reality. We often assume that our experience of reality is "the right way" or perhaps even the "only way". When we start to open our minds to other perspective, we begin to fully understand just how limited ours is. This week I have Rachel on, and we're exploring the world from a holistic viewpoint. Rachel speaks of the benefits and the magic that life can offer, when we put down our analytical mind and open the gifts of our creative brain. While nearly any task can be completed with either side of the brain leading the way, the experience and the methods are completely different. In the west, we worship intellectual knowledge and intelligence, so today, we figured we'd dedicate some time to the other intelligence available for us, and how it looks to experience life from these different view points. Rachel is an amazing example and inspiration for trust, deep listening and living in the moment. Lets take a look into how she got there, and what she gets to experience, that most of us don't!
Support the showHey all!
In Buddhism, there is a strong foundation in the idea that suffering is all around us. Suffering (or discomfort/ unpleasantness) arises from desiring something to be different than how it currently is. Essentially, resisting the present moment. When we get attached to a certain idea, place, person or situation, and it doesn't play out how we want it, this is the seed of disappointment or unpleasantness according to Buddhist thought. While it sounds pretty bleak, there's actually an exciting part of the teaching. There's a way out of this suffering! There are practices we can explore, to allow us more ease and peacefulness in the face of disappointment and in the face of things "not working out". This week I have Luke Anderson on the show, sharing his journey through the practice of Qi Gong. Qi Gong is a practice that can help us align with the present moment and the energetic life force that resides both within us, and outside of us. Luke has a deep journey to share and has recently released a foundational online Qi gong course in the practice, and has offered a discount to anyone who uses the codes down below. With his deep well of wisdom, and his centered mind, Luke is a fantastic teacher and I couldn't recommend this course more.
While you're at home, resting and playing. This is a fantastic opportunity to center back into your awareness and to truly align with nature and your energetic signature.
Thanks for listening and thank you Luke for your offerings and sharing!
you can find luke and his offerings here:
The promo code to receive a further 10% off the presale price is - DIVEDEEPWITHSAM with the code you can make a one off payment of US $269 US or a six month option at US $54 per month
for a preview of the course check out:
In this time of external uncertainty, how do we come back to center, within ourselves. How can we use this time as a gift from the universe, to slow down, look inward and explore our inner landscape? This weeks episode is for us to open our perspective and taking advantage of this unique and crazy global experience. There is a holiday in Bali called Nyepi, where the entire population takes an entire day of silence, where they stay in their homes and close the airports. The day is march 25th this year, and as we sit in silence, the entire world sits with us in solidarity. Lets take the next two weeks for strong internal expansion so in a few weeks or months, we can meet the world with love, and strength.
Its time for us as a community to wake the fuck up, and step the fuck up. But before we act, we must rest, surrender and look inward.
such an exciting time!!
check out the becoming nobody trailer
check out:
In a time of globalization and the beautiful movement towards global connectedness, there's a chance that we as a society have missed the opportunity to connect to the local world around us. As we've been expanding, we've overshadowed the importance of staying connected to our roots. This week I have Lily on the show and we dive into the vast world of plants and vegetation that are right outside our homes. We explore the value of learning and developing relationships with this plant kingdom and the great benefits that come with expanding our awareness around the ecosystem that we were raised in. Lily has some epic advice and strategies to start taking steps to get to know this awesome planet that we were created from.
Thanks so much lily for your words and ideas
check her stuff out here!
When we start to look at the root motivations behind our behaviors, it starts to become clear that many (if not almost all) humans are looking for the same things. Whether it's connection to self, connection to the world, or connection to a bigger purpose, it seems that connection is an imperative factor to living an adaptive and peaceful life. This week Tim and I deeply converse about his path through addiction and how a lack of that "connection" can lead to external coping mechanisms that ultimately leave us in a feedback loop of feeling helpless and even more separate. Tim sheds some powerful wisdom and light at the end of the tunnel as he continues to move though the life long journey of self love, higher purpose and togetherness. Such an interesting conversation with some fantastic resources and tips to navigate our inner world, behind and before our addictive behaviors started to control us.
Thank you so much for sharing Tim, you're the man
check out dr. gabor mate and his approach to addiction and compassionate inquiry
maps speaks to ibogaine as therapy in this article:
more on ibogaine therapy
Chinese medicine is an elegant and fascinating lens in which to view the world. Set on the foundation of yin and yang, of harmony and elemental shifts, the way TCM depicts life, is both poetic and deeply profound. While many of us are familiar with the concept of Chinese medicine as a practice, I find very few people actually dive into the foundation and understanding of what the TCM perspective offers. This week I have Sal on, exploring and playing through her journey into TCM and unavailing what it can offer us as humans residing in the cyclical nature of the universe. Such a fun, interesting and fascinating conversation. If there's someone that is worth exploring Chinese medicine with, its Sal for sure. Thank you so much for listening, for expanding your minds and diving into reality with me!
Thanks so much Sal for your wisdom and presence
Check out
to find meditations and other offerings and resources! thanks for listening everyone!
with love
This weeks episode is AMAZING but also very surreal and trippy. Clare and i sat down to record an episode last week on free diving and found ourselves exploring the experience of shame, mysticism and how we navigate challenging emotional landscapes. It was a fantastic episode, however when i went back to edit it, I found that my microphone is on its way out and the first 25 mins of the podcast weren't salvageable. I got the last 40 mins and there's a ton of gold in it, but wasn't sure what to do. So Clare and I sat for another podcast and came up with an epic idea. Lets have a prequel to the episode but talk about whats alive for us right now, a week after the episode has finished. So we basically time traveled from the future to speak about a past event with clarity from the aftermath of the event. It was fantastic. Clare is an incredible human being with amazing insights and powerful vulnerability and i respect the shit out of her for her bravery and honesty. Thank you all for listening, this is one that really hits home for me.
Enjoy listening!
if you'd like to check out my other offerings, click:
Hey everyone!
This week I have a special guest on, Kylee Pucci, who has introduced me to the vast world of egg donation. Kylee has been on an inspiring and incredible journey through her adventures in egg donation. She has faced herself, given a piece of herself and through that process, created an organization that assists families, women and couples who are struggling to conceive, find the right path for them. In this podcast, what became evident, is Kylee's dedication to love and support. You can feel her heart in her organization. Whether you're thinking about egg donation, or you are just curious about the process or interested, check out this podcast. Check out Friends in Fertility for inquiries or if you have any friends who may be interested!
Thanks for listening everyone!
check out friends in fertility at:
check out my stuff at:
If I've learned anything from silent retreats, it's that being alone, while it may appear challenging, is actually quite a simple experience. When I'm hanging out with "me", I always take care of myself exactly how I want. I always make the food I want, I rarely argue with myself and I'm always keen to do what "I" want to do. The challenge starts to come when we add more people to the mix, when we start relating to others. Ram Das says "If you think you're enlightened, go home and spend an evening with your family". Reality is much more challenging when we have to consider people outside of ourselves. This week I have Sophia Leone who is on this planet, dedicating her time and energy to helping us create smooth encounters with others. She does this through a template of authentic relating. Authentic relating is an incredibly well thought out platform that allows us to access our most authentic experience and to share them in a way that honors ourselves and others around us. It teaches us to welcome the world around us, and to offer consideration beyond ourselves. Built on mindfulness, authenticity and heartfelt transparency, authentic relating is a practice worth learning and inviting into our lives.
thanks for listening all!
sending love and blessings from bali
Sophia and Sam
check out authentic relating in your area at:
check out my other stuff at:
Hey loves!!
It took me a minute to get this podcast out cause I've been on the move. This week we'll be exploring the idea around the importance of creating rituals in our lives. Ritual provides us a connection to the divine energy that is always surrounding us and when we take a little pause out of our day to acknowledge this, we stay further connected to the magic that lies in each moment. I find the strongest ways for creating ritual are rituals that feel good and resonate with you. Rituals that feel closer to our heart, seem to have the strongest effect on our connection to the present moment.
thanks for listening guys! i have a few good shows coming up so stay tuned!
check out the podcast on ritual and shamanism with russell brand and wendy mandy:
check out my website at:
We all have experiences, when we're in a conversation with a lover, a parent, or a friend, where someone says something that doesn't land right. A rush of anger, or jealousy or insecurity smashes into us like a tidal wave and we become nearly debilitated as our emotion takes the wheel of our consciousness and we are left at the mercy of the emotion. We say things we don't mean, we retaliate to this perceived threat, and attack back. Many times, as things cool down, we find out that it was a misunderstanding and that the person we're communicating with has just pushed on a wound that we weren't aware of at the time. This podcast is for addressing those situations. What do we do, when our mental weather shifts from sunny days to cloudy skies in a matter of seconds. Here are some techniques and perspectives on getting triggered and how to move through it, without it ruining our relationships and having consequences.
Thanks for listening loves!
see you next week!
Ive got joao on this week and we're exploring the concept of embodying our practices. Joao has dedicated half of his life to spiritual and physical practices that help us connect to ourselves and others. He is devoted to his passion and to helping others find theirs. We're going deep into the world of water and therapy. Check it out for some awesome insights and playfulness!
sending love
check out Joao's training at:
check out aquahara:
for my other offerings:
How do we start to listen to our bodies and work with our inner wisdom and intuition to guide us in our daily lives? What the first step? Where's the journey lead us to? Ive got Kyle on this week, whose participating with me on an ayurvedic yoga therapy training. This training is like a crash course on keeping the mind body and spirit healthy for ourselves, and for sharing that healing with others. In this weeks podcasts, we talk about some of the powerful downloads we've received from the course and from our lives, that serve us and could serve you as well.
Such a great conversation, kyles a great guy and a lot of fun to chat with.
Sending love to you all
Check out
to check out my other offerings and resources!
Ladies and gents, this weeks episode is a sick one. I've got Nabil on and we're truly diving deep into the galactic blueprint of our reality. Nabil, a teacher of sacred geometry and philosopher shares his profound perspective on the current state of spirituality, the connection to science and man's search for a harmonious relationship with the planet. We discuss traditional wisdom and explore ancient paradigms and offer potential and playful perspectives to bring into our modern world. Nabil has some epic things to say and for anyone wanting to expand their minds without plant medicine, this talk is sure to do it!
thanks for listening!
sending abundant love in this new year, may it be a blessed one for all of us
to check out nabeels work or to commission a hand crafted birth chart visit:
check out the 12 documentary:
check out this epic sand resonance experiment that we chatted about during the show:
if you'd like to check out my other offerings, click:
if you'd like to support the show, click:
This weeks episode is a such a beautiful one. I've got Tiana on from last week and we're getting deep into the realm of alternative traveling and nomadic life styles. Tiana has such a free spirit and a fantastic perspective and strategy to her travels which is so inspiring to anyone looking to get out of their routine, day to day life, and start expanding their horizons for growth. In the next hour or so, we discuss practical aspects of being on the road, how to save money while traveling, how to plan your travels and how to align yourself with the right vibrations. Traveling is more accessible now than ever and if your curious about the adventurous lifestyle, take a listen!
check out tiana on instagram
here's some volunteering and work exchange websites
if you wanna check out my other offerings, click:
if you're wanting to support the show, click:
This week's a fun one. Over the past few days, Tiana, Alaine and I have been immersed in a study in a clinical trial for testing the efficacy of cannabis oil. It was a zany and playful week full of forgetfulness. After having been in a controlled environment, we took the time to reflect on the fundamentals of what it means to be healthy. We explore the importance of sunlight, putting your feet on the earth, and nourishing food. This one has some laughs, some beautiful insights, and a couple lovely people, legally high on cannabis...in a hospital.
thanks for listening loves!
if you wanna check out my other stuff, click:
to support the show, click:
This meditaiton will take us on a journey through observing the nature of our thoughts. We will dive into the mind and explore the contents, and release anything pulling us out of the present moment.
for more meditations check out!
song by essie jain
Hey loves!
this week ill be sharing about a recent experience i had at burning man. I spent a great deal of my burn this year at a workshop called the "emotathon". This was an incredibly powerful experience that allowed me just a tiny bit of insight into the perspective of a woman in society. I was able to finally grasp, just how little i understood and how little i could understand, but in our (the men's) role (in the workshop), i was able to deepen into witnessing and holding presence without judgement or trying to fix anything. I found that the deepest healing, came from a space of pure witnessing, love and acceptance. While there are may ways to support the healing of the genders, this episode gives light to a very powerful paradigm that can be life changing for trauma and wounding from the genders.
Nothing in this podcast is meant to be triggering of offensive in the least, everything that was said was from my experience and opinion and I would love to give space to other, contradicting feelings and to allow for whatever reaction is to come up.
Thank you guys so much for listening
check out one of the facilitators for the emotathon, she does couples sessions and sexuality work with singles https://www.drhazelgraceyates.com/
if you wanna check out any more of my offerings: http://samkahn90.wixsite.com/divedeep
If you get anything from this podcast, its to get outside, connect with the planet and plant some trees. Tiaan is on this week, exploring the depth he has received from his time and experience, connecting with the natural world. Through stillness, observation and respect, Tiaan has developed rich and fulfilling relationship with the planet, leading to a deeper connection with himself. We go head on this week into what we can do on our part to surrender to being held by the natural world and that ultimately, there is nothing to fear about going into the wilderness. As we bring respect and love to the planet surrounding us, we, in return, gain a deep gratitude and love for our own heart and the spirit that connects all beings.
Sending love to all
To check out Tiaans stuff, find his film work here:
This meditation will allow us to connect in and develop our relationship with our inner child, as well as other important beings in our life. We will invite deep compassion for our selves and for those around us through this heart opening and peace inspiring meditation
get ready for a lot of love and peacefulness!
with love
Shiva Rae, Alex Theory
Ólafur Arnalds
Þú Ert Jörðin
Support the showIn a fantastic show this week, I have Tommy on, exploring his experience and journey working with his rage and anger. Through his powerful metamorphosis, Tommy is stepping into a deep role of modeling and inspiring others through his relationship with the shadow within him. In our western lives, we have very few, if any, role models to give us permission and examples of how to process challenging emotions, in a safe and held container, without judgement. We are often shamed for our emotions, leading us to suppress, or project them onto others. It's very seldom that we find the middle ground of expressing and releasing these emotions, in a way that does not harm ourselves or others. This week we talk about what it means to do the work, to look the tiger in the eye, and the powerful results that come from showing up, embracing the self, and honoring the authentic individual in each and every one of us.
Sending love and gratitude to all, and an invitation from Tommy and I to embody what it means to be a human and to shine a light on our darkness
with love
Hey all!
This week I have Daniel on the show, and we're exploring his current full on experience hitchhiking across Europe and Asia. In mainstream, western society, a fear response is often linked to the idea of hitching rides. When we think about putting our safety in the hands of strangers, many of us experience a great deal of resistance. Most of what we hear on the media in regards to hitchhiking is negative and unfortunately most of us don't have close friends and family who invest in such an alternative way of life. Daniel has made it his mission to create a youtube channel, document the beauty he experiences on a daily basis as he steps out of his comfort zone and into the cars of thousands of people along his path. After chatting with Daniel, it became apparent that we as a human race have so much magic to offer each other, and when we listen to our intuition and put our selves out there to trust others, incredible things can happen. Daniel, thank you for such an inspiring life and thank you for sharing your adventures with us. Next time travels come up, maybe give hitching a go!
If you wanna check out daniel's videos he's at "thumb life" on youtube or click the link below:
if you'd like to support me in my endeavors! check out
if you want to check out any of my other offerings check out
thank you to "the traveling man" for the music on the podcast, check out his other stuff at:
This week we'll be exploring Gary Chapman's "The Five Love Languages". In this 20ish minute talk, ill be giving a light overview of the framework as an intro to considering and deepening into what our love language might be and how it may be effecting our relationships. I've found over and over the benefit of this lens on love and relating and i highly recommend the super easy read, or at the very least, doing the quiz or observing yourself to find out in what "language" you naturally give and receive love. Super worth a listen, super worth doing the exercise at the end, and below you can find a link to the quiz! On the five love languages website, there's also a free relationship app that seemed interesting, and ultimately the promo for it is a bit cheesy but worth a watch at least for a chuckle. Ill put that below too because it really could be a helpful resource.
heres the quiz:
heres the app:
you can find the books here :) :
if you'd like to support me in my endeavors! check out
if you want to check out any of my other offerings check out
thank you to "the traveling man" for the music on the podcast, check out his other stuff at:
On a daily basis we experience a multitude of emotions. Due to our busy and stimulating lives, we often dont have time to sit down and unpack these experiences in the body. Whether or not we have that time, these emotions still effect us, they often motivate our behavior or signal a deeper desire or insecurity. When we take a moment to start observing, welcoming and even just noticing these sensations and how they effect the body and mind, we can move through them and utilize them in a much more adaptive way. These emotions are like little allies, trying to help us live the most beautiful life in the way they best know how, so this meditation is designed for some quality time, hanging with our emotions. Obviously some emotions are more lovely feeling than others, but when we really get some quality time to feel the spectrum, we can find the love and value in every single emotion that we experience.
"It takes a balanced mind, to balance the mind, of an unbalanced mind"
-Sayagyi U Ba Khin
Happy meditations :)
For more meditations check out:
with love,
In this exciting time in history, we as a human race seem to be at somewhat of a crux between destroying our planet and falling into separation, and pulling ourselves out of this potential darkness and restoring the Garden of Eden that we have the honor of living in. In this time, it feels paramount that we welcome as many tools as we can to help us rise up and live with integrity, love and compassion. This week I have Alaine Simone on the show discussing the powerful tool of astrology and how to yield its power in supporting us to see the bigger picture, and to see past the illusion of separation. Astrology can be traced back to nearly every major civilization spanning over 4 thousand years. Alaine helps us see how to bring this magical tool back into our world so that we can live up to our human potential. If you're striving to grow as a person and maximize your potential, this ones for you
to get deeper into your own studies in astrology check out:
For a consult and info on alaine, check out:
check out alaine on instagram!
if you'd like to support me in my endeavors!
if you want to check out any of my other offerings check out
thank you to "the traveling man" for the music on the podcast, you can find his other stuff at:
The psychedelic experience for many, can act as a whirlwind experience, pulling us out of the comfort of our familiar reality and offering an altered view of ourselves and the nature of the world around us. Due to the expansive and ineffable nature of these substances, it would serve most to invest time into creating intentionality around interacting with plant medicines. Writer, lecturer, podcaster and philosophical psychonaut, James Jesso, as a strong member in the psychedelic community, explores building a psychological model around the psychedelic experience, to aid others in their integration and digestion of these peak states of consciousness. James has a fantastic outlook on altered states, and eloquently articulates the benefits that may be received from an intentional, and respectful relationship with these medicines. We also explore the potential dangers in relating to these entities in an unconscious way. For anyone interested or even resistant to the world of psychedelics or any altered states of consciousness, this one's for you
check out james' books, podcast and upcoming lecture dates at: https://www.jameswjesso.com/
if you'd like to support me in my endeavors! check out
For my meditations, zen thai sessions, or any other inquires, check out:
thank you to "the traveling man" for the music on the podcast, check out his other stuff at:
If you've ever entered into the world of the healing arts; massage, yoga, meditation, therapy of any kind and the medicinal world, you'll love this conversation. Gabs and I sit down this week and explore the challenges that come up in the role of the therapist or facilitator that many of us feel. We explore potential holes in the current framework in our society in regards to giving away our own bodies healing agency. We talk about taking accountability for your body and health, and what that means from the perspective of the client, as well as the therapist. How do we encourage others to take steps to care for their own temples and what is our responsibility as guides along the path. We talk about bringing sacredness into our practices and finding passion for what we're doing. Lastly, but not least, we play around with the practice of Zen Thai Shiatsu and the abundance that the practice has brought us. Its a fantastic exploration of the healing world, and we reference the documentary "heal" a few times, so you can find the link below (I believe it's on netflix as well). Thank you all for listening and supporting!
To check out the trailer for heal click here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5Hpm-6Inxc
check out gabs at: https://www.facebook.com/Golden-Yoga-Bodywork-841427429522604/
or golden yoga bodywork on facebook!
if you'd like to support me in my endeavors! check out
if you want to check out any of my other offerings check out
thank you to "the traveling man" for the music on the podcast, check out his other stuff at:
What is consent and how do we make a culture of creating and honoring boundaries in our society? These are the questions we'll address today. I truly believe that consent is the foundation of strong healing relationships. When we ask for what we want, and allow space for our friends and partners to do what feels right for them, we can start to see the quality of experiences that we share with others increases dramatically. When we can trust that someone is with us because the WANT to be, and not cause they have a hard time saying no, we can fully surrender into an experience and enjoy a mutually pleasurable connection. Consent extends to all walks of life, not just sexuality and we'll find that as we implement the process of consent into the mundane parts of life, it naturally drips into our sexual experiences, offering a safe space to explore boundaries, deeper intimacy and a strong sense of eroticism and playfulness.
Lets create a culture of consent!!
if you'd like to support me in my endeavors! check out
if you want to check out any of my other offerings check out
thank you to "the traveling man" for the music on the podcast, check out his other stuff at:
Hey all! This meditation is a super nice one that dives deep into the wisdom of the forest around us. We will use this guided visualization to bring to offer a perspective shift for our lives. By embodying the essence of the forest around us, we can tap into the always available wisdom of the trees, and bring integrate it into our daily lives. Enjoy this grounding meditation to settle the nervous system!
May the presence of trees that surround us, inspire us into deeper wisdom
Song: Deep Theta 9.0 (pt.3)
Steven Halpern
This week I have Jon aka "handshake" on the show. being a good friend, coupled with working for NASA, I had to pick his brain and hear his perspectives on the planet, on our affect on the planet, and the deeper world that he sees through his scientific mind. We explore viewpoints on reality and how we can create a sustainable way for humanity to keep living with the earth. It is now that we have time to act, and Jon's realism and positive energy helps give me hope, that at least our beautiful planet will be ok in the end, and hopefully our human race can pull our act together and share this earth with all of the other beings who walk among us. Jon, thank you for a lovely chat. Sorry for any sound problems! this one is over the phone this week! thanks for joining, sending love to you all :)
if you'd like to support me in my endeavors! check out
if you want to check out any of my other offerings check out
thank you to "the traveling man" for the music on the podcast, check out his other stuff at:
We are all faced with decisions in our day to day. To make our best decisions and find our highest path, negiotiation can come in to play as a powerful tool. As we negotaite, we can learn to see into what our actual desires are and what motivates us in what we want in life. Most of us, through negotiation view a compromise as a sufficient option. This week I'd like to invite you to entertain the idea that we can aim for, and arrive to win-win solutions through many if not all of our negotiation processes. If this sentence is already triggering you or bringing up resistance, then this is the podcast for you. In this short journey together, I will support your growth into letting go of your superficial needs, to reach a greater depth and therefor reach higher rates of "win-win" solutions, and happy, healthy relationships.
Thanks for joining me everyone!
if you'd like to support me in my endeavors! check out
if you want to check out any of my other offerings check out
thank you to "the traveling man" for the music on the podcast, check out his other stuff at:
SO im trying out something new, lets see how it goes, one or two Monday's a month, im going to try and put up a meditation on spotify to make it easier to listen to!
This meditation is a 13 minute sleep cast, a meditation to help bring you some grounding as you slumber off into your nights sleep. Whether you're trying to implement some meditation into your life, or just want some good ole sleep, this one will be a good start!
This one is without any accompanying music!
Enjoy :)
The tool of language has become an integral part of our human experience as we relate to one another day to day. While it can be a fantastic resource to connect to others, and express ourselves, we can see that language can be quite limiting. With a deeper understanding of language, we can gather use the subtleties to represent our truth and our physical experience to the best of our abilities and as we peer into the languages of other cultures, we can start to see their cultural perspective of reality. Needless to say, most of us simply graze the surface of what language has to offer us and miss out on the world that language is. This week I have my sister, Arianne Belzer on the show, for a beautiful and cheeky conversation about the complexity and wonders of language and how we can look into the roots of our language to better navigate our relationships with others, ourselves and the world we live in. I am excited to share this weeks episode as we go into the adventure of language. Thanks all for listening :)
if you'd like to support me in my endeavors! check out
if you want to check out any of my other offerings check out
thank you to "the traveling man" for the music on the podcast, check out his other stuff at:
To check out Arianne's Latin Works, check out:
Over the past few years, I've had countless conversations with old and new friends, family members, and even people sitting next to me on the bus. In many of these conversations, the topic of finding your place in the world, pops up. Time and time again, I find that so many people, as a result of our societal model, feel an overwhelming amount of stress, related to feeling like they "need to find the perfect job" or they have to "know" what they want to do with their lives. The current model is as such, go to school as a kid, through your schooling process, decide which occupational archetype youd like to fit into (with a very very base level idea of the reality of what it means to support yourself), pick your archetype, go to college for that, and spend the rest of your life, either trying to fit into that box, fitting into the box, or quiting and starting the entire cycle over. We, as a society, are a very outcome based and goal oriented population. We choose a career path, and stop at nothing to get there, only to find that when we've arrived, we've passed up more fitting opportunities along the way, and what we originally wanted, is no longer serving us. This week, ill offer an alternative and pratical model for finding our purpose and finding a way to make what we love sustainable. Its a big shift to get our head around, but if we can change the way we look at things, then we change the way things interact with us! Thanks for listening!
if you'd like to support me in my endeavors! check out
if you want to check out any of my other offerings, or if you'd like to collaborate, check out
thank you to "the traveling man" for the music on the podcast, check out his other stuff at:
if you'd like to check out the questions and empathy cards, check out:
Birth and Death are two shared experiences that connect every human being. In many ways, in western culture, we have removed the sacredness and wisdom from these two experiences as we have have sterilized the environments that they take place in, and we continually neglect welcoming them into our every day. When we expand our awareness and definitions of what birth and death are, we see that they occur from moment to moment every day. As one moment dies, another is born, as a tree is burnt down in the forest, it gives birth to fertile soil and new vegetation. These experience are two sides of the same coin, the coin of life. This week Jordan and I go into the depths as we explore the benefit and value of creating conversations around these ideas. Jordan shares her experiences working in prisons, and the effects of death that surrounds the life of an inmate, as well as her experiences in the delivery room as she explores the role of a "Birthing Dula" or a supportive and energetic guide to assist a smooth and enlightening transition for a mother, or family in the birthing process. This was a true treat to have such a beautiful discussion and I look forward to sharing it with all of you listeners! Sending love and light to all, and may you have a peaceful birth and death of today, of this moment, and of your life.
Check out the farm midwives at:
and check out ina may's books at
if you'd like to support me in my endeavors! check out
if you want to check out any of my other offerings check out
thank you to "the traveling man" for the music on the podcast, check out his other stuff at:
Hey all! This week I've got Jake Miller on with me as we decompress from our magical journey together at burning man. As the experiences had at burning man each year reach the main stream ear (no rhyme intended), I find that the power and vastness of the gathering becomes diluted to, "isn't burning man that place where everyone goes to take drugs, have sex and party?". While these aspects are present at the burn, it has become increasingly important for me to share the vastness of what burning man truly represents. The purpose of this podcast, is for those who truly want to begin to understand how beautiful and trans-formative the event can be. This week, we explore the magic underlying the festival and the intentionality behind the gathering. I look forward to exploring and sharing a decompression of what I consider to be my home and a place where anyone can fully be welcomed and celebrated as themselves. Jake and I have a blast this week, and we hope to see you next year in black rock city Nevada!
A video of burning man a few years back that is a beautiful representation of the love
if you'd like to support me in my endeavors! check out
if you want to check out any of my other offerings check out
thank you to "the traveling man" for the music on the podcast, check out his other stuff at:
This weeks episode, we explore models of love, relationships and creating boundaries. We explore the balance between unconditional love, while still being firm with boundaries, and we look at the importance of this information in navigating our relationships. We are constantly relating in our day to day life. Whether it's a short conversation with the cashier, or a complex and multi dimensional relationship with a long term partner, the way we communicate and behave effects every interaction we have. This week we will begin to look at different perspectives classifying and identifying the relationships we're in so that we can better use our tools to improve and support our connections. This podcast is great for anyone who is looking to put more intention into their relationships and perhaps change perspective on the way we relate. I recommend an open mind and open heart, both in our relationships, and for the podcast!
to learn more about sternberg's 3 part model of love:
to learn more about the theory of soul mates vs. life partners
thanks for listening everyone, if you wanna support me further check out: https://www.gofundme.com/f/divedeepwithsam
for more of the amazing music i use, check out the traveling man:
Our day to day lives are full of commitments, desires, and stresses. In moderation, these ideas are both manageable and can be very healthy to our growth as individuals. Most of us, however have an excess of all three of these and are easily overwhelmed and overloaded, trying to fulfill and process life around us. This week, Connor talks about his journey from an intensely overwhelming life full of stress and exhaustion, to a life of peace and service. It's amazing to see the realness in the process that he overtook and to see how finding balance in his life, and changing environments, not only affects his own day to day life, but also the lives of those with whom he interacts. We often are taught to push through, and not be "quitters" but Connor is a beautiful example of recognizing when something isn't fitting, and taking time to intentionally reinvest your resources into a more fertile environment. Thank you so much for your inspiration Connor. You're the man
If you'd like to support me further check out my go fund me at: https://www.gofundme.com/f/divedeepwithsam
check out krishna village volunteering and retreating at: https://krishnavillage-retreat.com/faq-volunteers
This week goes pretty deep into the ethereal world. Jamen and I sit in his bell tent and discuss the spiritual path and explore what it means to "be" spiritual. We explore spiritual practices and observations that we've started to notice since recognizing our "spiritual" journey. We talk about taboos and ego traps along the way and how illusive and sneaky the ego can be. Finally we dive into finding our path of righteousness and recognizing our gifts to the world. This week is a truly interesting take on philosophy, wisdom and deepening into our full and true self. Thank you Jamen, for the time and the wisdom you share with us all!
if you'd like to support me further check out my go fund me! https://www.gofundme.com/divedeepwithsam
check out Jamen's unbelievable work with spirituality and media: http://jamenmoss.com/
Intro music is by the traveling man, check him out here! http://www.thetravelingman.com/
So I'm super excited about this one. A few weeks ago, I started exploring the idea of going into past memories and essentially rewriting my past, using the current knowledge and wisdom that I've gained. When we really take the time to look back into the past events of our lives, we find that they are often riddled with little daily traumas and experiences that have left our view of reality, perhaps a bit skewed. This weeks episode will be me playing with the idea, and offering practical techniques for exploring the past, rewriting the experiences to allow for more growth and acceptance in our present self. Definitely worth a listen, especially if you've ever considered time traveling or taking a deeper look on how we perceive time. Thank you all so much for listening and supporting. I love love love making these podcasts, so it means a lot :)
if you wanna support me further check out my go fund me: https://www.gofundme.com/divedeepwithsam
How are we treating others and how are we using relationships as tools in our lives? Are we sharing love, or motivated by fear? Are we supporting our loved ones, or are we trying to change them?
This are questions that come up as we explore the world of relating. What is the benefit of having a relationship and how can we really give unconditional love and support to those around us? Allie and I have a wonderful conversation this week about how non monogamy can help us grow and find these values as we support our partners and how the relating structure calls for strong values and wholesome intentions. Navigating non monogamy is such uncharted territory for many of us, and this podcast can help those of us new to to non mongomy rest in the "not knowing". We are never expected to know it all, and there are no specific rules for situations that come up, rather when our actions are aligned with sincere and loving values, we can trust that everything will be alright.
This is a great episode for anyone who wants a different and practical look on how we relate as we delve even deeper into communication techniques and real life situations that come up as we connect with others.
Thanks for listening! and we'll see you next week!
If you wanna work together or support me, check out my website at: https://samkahn90.wixsite.com/divedeep
Hello beautiful people,
This week ed (my guest last week) interview me for his podcast and I really loved what we created so I'm showcasing it as well.
We cover the whole spectrum this week as the conversation flows organically. We talk about facilitation, community building, following passion, and how our beliefs may be limiting the way we are living our lives. For anyone who wants to get into the depths of curiosity behind what might be motivating us, and to start taking the wheel of our own driver's seat. This one's for you
Thanks Ed for providing this awesome space for sharing and processing
Here's a link to some of Ed's other podcasts:
To support or collaborate with me, Check out my new website, produced by Max Gan!
Hey all!
I've got Ed on this week, and we're sitting in a beautiful garden, exploring and reminiscing about his 2,500 kilometer bicycle trip. We cover the importance of looking after your body and the incredible resilience of our physical shape. Last year, Ed and 3 friends cycled from Brisbane, located on the east coast of Australia,to Melbourne. As the intention of this trip was to help others (through raising money for charity) and to authentically experience a different way of life, the motivations behind the trip were of excitement and love. These intentions were mirrored back to them, almost magically, as they encountered an abundance of love and goodwill along their journey. This beautiful experience is a demonstration to show us that when we live our life in a sincere, authentic way, with the intent to help others, the world will in turn take care of us. When you put a log in the fire (of life) the fire will in turn keep you warm. Thanks Ed for the inspiring stories and the reaching out to those of us who are looking for a new way to explore the world and the in's and out's of cycling.
To support Ed's podcast, check out:
To support me, check out: https://www.gofundme.com/divedeepwithsam
To support the music for this podcast, check out: www.thetravelingman.com
Hey all!
This week I've got Daniel joining me, a beautiful brother coming from the big island of Hawaii. In a previous conversation with Daniel, he told me a beautiful story about how he once went by "Dan". One night, through a powerful insight, the great spirit, appeared to him and communicated that it was time to use his full name, for the "el" in "Daniel", means "god", and its now the time to bring the vastness and sacredness of god into his own being. This story so beautifully sums up my experience interacting with Daniel, he is a traveling man, moving from place to place, exuding love and peace wherever he walks, strums and sings. This podcast brings me to tears as I hear the stories that Daniel shares, and the musical poetry that has grown out of these powerful experiences. This weeks episode explores the spirit world, our power as humans to create our own reality, and the beauty of following your heart.
If you'd like to hear more of Daniels music or support him in his journey, you can find him here: http://www.thetravelingman.com
if youd like to support me, click here!
Hey loves!
This week I have Jules on and we're exploring her journey of freedom, flowing and van life in Australia. Jules inspires me so much as she has taken a leap of faith from our conventional world into a world of unknown, novelty and exhibitionism. She embodies the idea of learning to be comfortable in the "not knowing". We discuss what its like to live simply, to live in the moment and to start to embrace life. If there will ever be an episode that's a wake up call for all of us to get out and start living our passion, it's this one! I hope you enjoy our lovely chat on the beach as we watch the waves come in and out, and as one of Jules' tattoos says, "send it" (go for it!)
for jules' amazing photography check out: https://www.instagram.com/ju_crm/
to support me further, check out: https://www.gofundme.com/divedeepwithsam
to support Daniel for his amazing intro music, check out: http://www.thetravelingman.com/
Hey all!
So as I'm starting to get a bit deeper into the realm of community building, "holding space", running workshops, yoga classes and facilitating communal events, I've started to come across some really helpful methods for creating a safe and supportive environment. Whether you're a lecturer, workshop facilitator or yoga teacher, this podcast can give you some awesome insights in bringing more potency and depth into your classes. When we start to offer and teach from an authentic space within ourselves, we can have a truly memorable and powerful effect on our students and participants. It's incredible to participate in a workshop or yoga class that changes your life. That's the power we have as facilitators. This podcast shares both practical and philosophical ideas that can help us bring depth and love into the spaces we are holding.
Some of these ideas come from Tom Lang's book "great guiding principles" and some are ideas I've learned through observation. Take whatever you like, throw away the rest, but either way, thanks for being open! I hope it helps
Tom's website can be found here: http://www.greatguidingprinciples.com/
If you'd like to support me, click here! https://www.gofundme.com/divedeepwithsam
check out the google doc here! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_3dKBNrGqOlpAkT9deMGPpJG0xYfo4rO20aqCReHn0Y/edit
thanks guys!
I've got chad on this week, and we're exploring the world of conspiracy theories. We look predominantly at the flat earth theory as an example. Through these provocative and interesting perspectives, we can really start to learn the value of questioning and critical thinking throughout our daily lives. I have a teacher that says, "I have my beliefs, and I try not to believe in them too much". So in today's podcast, we will look at the lens of reality we were given as kids, and start to ask some questions. Why do we really believe, what we believe. This is a fun and provocative episode, so if you're down for a smile and some depth, this one's for you!
Support the showIn this weeks episode, we'll explore the in's and outs of living alternatively in every sense of the world. Max and Daniella join me today to dive into their relationship. We will unpack the challenges and benefits of non monogamy and how living in a van can change your perspective on life. Max and Daniella have created a norm around alternative living and through their sharing, we can learn to let a go a bit more, embrace change, and start to understand just how free we can be. This one will be a perfect step for anyone considering any type of alternative life style. It's more accessible than you think!
Support the showAs last week and next weeks episode will start exploring relationships, I wanted to take a short episode to give a background on alternative relationships such as polyamory and non monogamy. In mainstream society we find monogamy to be the main, and usually only available relationship model, however as divorce rates are rising and people are leaving the mainstream, alternative models are on the rise. We see more and more people drawn to exploring conscious relationships and looking for depth in their interpersonal connections. This week we will explore a few other relationship structures and offer a taste of the world outside monogamy.
for more reading, i heavily recommend
the website: more than two
opening up
or the ethical slut
How can we find more depth in our relationships? How can we truly bring presence and unconditional love in our partnerships? This week we have Matt and Arabella on who give us a beautiful overview about the power of bringing presence and unconditional love into a relationship. Their embodiment of their values is inspiring as we see how liberating our relationships could be like, if we take accountability for our emotions, provide a safe space for our partners and create a strong foundation of communication. Matt and Arabella share their story through love and as listeners, we get the opportunity to fall in love with them. Thank you both for being open, vulnerable and loving!
and thank you all for listening
If you wanna support me and my journey, you can find my go fund me page at
with gratitude,
Emma and I have a an awesome chat this week, discussing the motivations behind the alternative practice of dumpster diving. With enormous corporations disposing of immense amount of edible and packaged food products, we are seeing more and more, the need to manage our waste as a society. As members in that society, we can start to take things into our own hands by voting with our dollars, and minimizing the waste on the ground (or dumpster in this case). Join us this week as we explore the wacky and zany adventures of dumpster diving and learn how this simple step can really serve us and the greater community!
thanks for listening!
If you want to support the show, check out my go fund me at www.gofundme.com/divedeepwithsam
Vipassana, a meditation technique to walk the path of enlightenment, is said to have been taught directly from the buddah. A Burmese man, S.N. Goenka has brought the technique to the west as donation based 10 day silent meditation courses. These 10 days are used to establish ones self in the technique and immerse in meditation. In this week's episode I chat with Max Gan, about Vipassana meditation and what to expect from the 10 day silent course. We explore practicalities of the course and go into some theory behind the technique and why it can be such an effective daily practice. Whether you're planning on attending a 10 day Vipassana course, you've heard the word thrown around, or it's an entirely new concept to you, check out this episode to gain some insight in this powerful, game changing practice!
Find a vipassana center near you: https://www.dhamma.org/en-US/locations/directory
Last week, I chatted with Daniella Margotta about finding medicine and we briefly explored the idea of psychedelics within that context. This week I wanted to expand a bit into the world of substances and give some guidance as to what substance may be right for you, if you are already looking to explore and deepen your practice with psychedelics. If you are looking for some background into the nature of the experience and some logistical info about substances, look no further, this episode is for you!
Check out Maps
Check out these awesome third wave articles:
- On meditation and psychedelics: https://thethirdwave.co/psychedelic-meditation/
- On coping with anxiety during a trip: https://thethirdwave.co/cope-anxiety-paranoia-trip/
check out the Psychedelic parenting podcast: http://www.psychedelicparenting.org/
In the west we think of medicine as a pill we take, but on this weeks episode, Daniella and I explore a larger meaning of medicine. We redefine it as any choice, action, movement that brings you closer to balance. In this lens, when we bring intention and purpose to our decisions, we can find medicine in anything. A conversation could be medicine, even watching a movie at the right time in the right place, can be medicine.
This week we'll jump into Daniellas rocky past with the traditional western methods and help shed some light into how we can take responsibility for our own health and become the true care takers of these temples that we live in.
Thanks for listening!
Hey all!
This week we'll dive into psychedelic therapy. This is a huge movement on the rise as organizations like MAPS and schools such as NYU are getting grants to keep researching the powerful effects of substances in a controlled therapeutic setting. We are seeing substances like MDMA and Psilocybin that are helping us make enormous steps forward in treating depression and PTSD. In these exciting times, I'd love to give some perspective and share my own experience with using therapeutic models and helping others gain insight into their own lives through the help of these tools.
Check out MAPS here: https://maps.org/
Check out James Fadimans Book here: https://www.psychedelicexplorersguide.com/
check out the third wave here https://thethirdwave.co/
This week I have the pleasure of hanging out with "Noelani Love" a fantastic musician who was sharing her music at Bali Spirit Festival. Noelani sheds light on the importance of how sharing ourselves and our passions can help us connect to each other as a planet and our roots from which we came. She brings a multitude of cultures to life through her words and songs as she enchants thousands of people with her beautiful lullabies. We have a great time this week chatting about life, love, connection, unity, emotions, and the journey it takes to find your path. Shes super down to earth and has some lovely insights, it was truly a blast hanging out. Enjoy!
you can check her music out on spotify "Noelani Love"
or on band camp https://noelanilove.bandcamp.com/music?fbclid=IwAR2fhunnqGX8b2Re9cpcQXOKpKgPc7N91Bkmgy67nMJnJQEH-Tv9S4tkHis
or find her website at https://noelanihawaii.com/
if you wanna support me click here or https://paypal.me/divedeepwithsam
This week, yeliz and I are sitting on the beach, talking about her journey in finding her voice, stepping into her path and following her heart. If you are looking to follow your heart, this is the one for you! Yeliz brings some beautiful metaphors and imagery to her discoveries along her path. She inspires those around her to listen deeply, express and go where love is!
This one is truly inspiring!
Stay tuned for more!
With love,
ps. if you wanna support me, click here!
This week i spent some time at bali spirit festival outside of ubud and met some fantastic and very conscious people. The conversations I had were mind blowing with depth and intentionality. Ill be chatting with an amazing gentlemen who is diving first hand into a multitude of therapies and discovering an immense wisdom and truth along the way. This week we're exploring depth, through trust, self love, and surrender
Thanks Indra for being on the show and for sharing your insights!
This is a real treat, so please, enjoy!
check out bali spirit fest here!
Also, if you wanna support me, i would love love love it! you can click here to donate!
This week we'll give an overview of the different styles of meditation and their purposes. If you are a meditator, beginner or advanced, this weeks episode is going to bring a lot of clarity as we look at mediation from a zoomed out lens. Absorbing the big picture will help give us context for designing our daily, weekly or monthly meditation practices. This model will help guide us to the right meditation for us and help us explore our minds in a safe and mindful way. Meditation is a huge foundational practice of mine, so well be chatting about it often over the course of this series, so if you're itching for more! keep listening!
Click here!
this article goes a bit more in depth into each of the structural components of the psychological model of mediation (disclaimer: its super interesting)
Thank you all for sharing your time and supporting me!
If you'd like to support me via money (always recommended hehe) click here!
love you all!
Hey hey!
This week we'll be looking at the use of psychedelics and plant medicines. This is a topic that I'm incredibly passionate about and I heavily recommend listening if you currently take substances, are curious about them, or have no interest, but are looking for a different viewpoint. Ill be offering some context for why we choose to ingest substances, and their versatility as tools for expanding consciousness. Ill go over some guidelines for taking them responsibly, and detailing some of the possible consequences of taking substances without intention. There will be more to come on different perspectives and a guided to choosing the right substance/medicine for us, but until then, if you wanna learn more, heres some great recourses to get a bit deeper into intentional mind expansion!
The Third Wave has some awesome free webinars, newsletter and podcast about the responsible use of substances
MAPS (The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies) is a great resource for getting information and guides for the therapeutic use of psychedelics
If you're looking for some playlists for accompanying a psychedelic experience, check out:
Playlist 1
Playlist 2
Playlist 3
Ill send some more resources out as time goes, but enjoy these guys for now!
Gratitude to all of you for listening and supporting!
with love
This week Ill be opening up the benefits and rescources available when we bring our awareness into the present moment. By adding just a few minutes of presence in our day, we start to see immense changes in our emotional, physical and spiritual bodies. When we get out of our heads and into our bodies, our ability to respond thoughtfully to situations greatly increases and our feelings of detachment start to lessen. So lets look at some tools and dive deep into the NOW!
Learn from the past, Consider the future, but LIVE in the present!
If you wanna support me in a more financial sense, well...I'd love that! Click here!
thank you thank you!
see you next week!
with love,
hey all!
This week i have Abby Bowyer on the show and we're chatting about her journey through movement. We explore different forms of movement and how recognizing and adding creative movement in our lives, can bring us closer to our intuition, closer to others and ourselves. We discuss breaking through the structures and forms of limited dance, and finding ways to express ourselves through organic movement. We all move, so lets see how our life becomes more flowing when we explore and expand that movement!
Thanks for hanging out abby!
Thank you all for sharing your time with us!
see you next week!
Check out ecstatic dance to get the vibes (if you wanna find one in your town, type in ecstatic dance and -your city- on facebook and youll usually find a group of people doin it!)
If you wanna check out 5rhythms click here!
and last last lastly, if you'd like to donate to making this a sustainable practice for me, click here
This episode we'll be getting a bit deeper into Ayurveda and taking a look at the Doshas! Start looking into the world and your relationships to see how the Doshas play a role in our everyday life. With this alternative perspective we can look at our health and our life choices through a unique lens and bring clarity to our individual needs.
Check out thaivedic to see their upcoming courses and epic resources
Take a dosha quiz here!
feel free to give me some support at this link below!
sending gratitude from me to you!
In this episode, we'll explore the 5 elements of Ayurveda, and find out how they connect to our every day life. We'll compare and contrast holistic and western health care philosophies and talk about how we can best utilize each model. The 5 elements will help us connect to the world outside of us, and come to a realization that we are a part everything and everything is inside of us.
check out Kimmana Nichols at Hollistic Nomads to get deeper into Ayurveda and the 5 elements!
Click here! if you'd love to support me in a more financial type way, I'd also love it too!
Thanks a bunch all
Hey you! You there! Come join me for a contemplative adventure in exploring the depths of our mind and the reality around us! Open your eyes to different tools that will help you get more fulfillment out of your life. We'll unpack meditation, yoga, movement, therapy modalities, nutrition, psychedelics, philosophy and many other amazing topics! Don't wait, listen now!
if you wanna support me, feel free to donate as much money as you want (seriously no limit ;) )
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.