Our day to day lives are full of commitments, desires, and stresses. In moderation, these ideas are both manageable and can be very healthy to our growth as individuals. Most of us, however have an excess of all three of these and are easily overwhelmed and overloaded, trying to fulfill and process life around us. This week, Connor talks about his journey from an intensely overwhelming life full of stress and exhaustion, to a life of peace and service. It's amazing to see the realness in the process that he overtook and to see how finding balance in his life, and changing environments, not only affects his own day to day life, but also the lives of those with whom he interacts. We often are taught to push through, and not be "quitters" but Connor is a beautiful example of recognizing when something isn't fitting, and taking time to intentionally reinvest your resources into a more fertile environment. Thank you so much for your inspiration Connor. You're the man
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check out krishna village volunteering and retreating at: https://krishnavillage-retreat.com/faq-volunteers