In a fantastic show this week, I have Tommy on, exploring his experience and journey working with his rage and anger. Through his powerful metamorphosis, Tommy is stepping into a deep role of modeling and inspiring others through his relationship with the shadow within him. In our western lives, we have very few, if any, role models to give us permission and examples of how to process challenging emotions, in a safe and held container, without judgement. We are often shamed for our emotions, leading us to suppress, or project them onto others. It's very seldom that we find the middle ground of expressing and releasing these emotions, in a way that does not harm ourselves or others. This week we talk about what it means to do the work, to look the tiger in the eye, and the powerful results that come from showing up, embracing the self, and honoring the authentic individual in each and every one of us.
Sending love and gratitude to all, and an invitation from Tommy and I to embody what it means to be a human and to shine a light on our darkness
with love