In this time of external uncertainty, how do we come back to center, within ourselves. How can we use this time as a gift from the universe, to slow down, look inward and explore our inner landscape? This weeks episode is for us to open our perspective and taking advantage of this unique and crazy global experience. There is a holiday in Bali called Nyepi, where the entire population takes an entire day of silence, where they stay in their homes and close the airports. The day is march 25th this year, and as we sit in silence, the entire world sits with us in solidarity. Lets take the next two weeks for strong internal expansion so in a few weeks or months, we can meet the world with love, and strength.
Its time for us as a community to wake the fuck up, and step the fuck up. But before we act, we must rest, surrender and look inward.
such an exciting time!!
check out the becoming nobody trailer
check out: