There are many ways to live life and to view the unfolding of reality. We often assume that our experience of reality is "the right way" or perhaps even the "only way". When we start to open our minds to other perspective, we begin to fully understand just how limited ours is. This week I have Rachel on, and we're exploring the world from a holistic viewpoint. Rachel speaks of the benefits and the magic that life can offer, when we put down our analytical mind and open the gifts of our creative brain. While nearly any task can be completed with either side of the brain leading the way, the experience and the methods are completely different. In the west, we worship intellectual knowledge and intelligence, so today, we figured we'd dedicate some time to the other intelligence available for us, and how it looks to experience life from these different view points. Rachel is an amazing example and inspiration for trust, deep listening and living in the moment. Lets take a look into how she got there, and what she gets to experience, that most of us don't!
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