Have you ever wondered why, in times of distress, you might feel trapped by your reactions? Its like when we get angry or scared, we lose control and our reactions take over. Steven Kessler, in his book "The Five Personality Patterns", has created a model, to help us start to understand and identify these "patterns" of reaction. Once we can start to understand and recognize which pattern, or strategy we've been using for most of our lives, we can start to bring awareness to the moments where it is most active. As these patterns remain in the shadows, or subconscious mind, they continue to have power over us. They continue to press the buttons and augment the way we see the world. As we uncover them, they lose this power, and we start to fully step into our accountability and our ability to choose our responses, instead of blindly reacting. In addition, Stephen says "understanding people on this level is like having x ray vision". It allows us to see beyond the surface and understand a deeper layer of how others may see the world, and can help us greatly in our ability to communicate with them. This is a profound model and incredibly comprehensive. Todays podcast will be just a little taster of the depth that the book goes into. It's fascinating and intriguing to read. I couldn't recommend it more.
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