Sexuality. Love. Desire. These words carry so much cultural baggage. These ideas are riddled with "shoulds" "shouldn'ts", with "if i feel this, than it must mean that". What if we could live in a world where we opened up to our deeper truths. Where we gauged our sexual preferences on our bodies desire to share love, rather than our mind desire to fit into a certain box or a norm. This week, Elis and I are deep in conversation about the radical shifts that occur when we surrender into our deeper self, and let go of the shame and guilt around how and who we love. Elis shares the empowerment she steps into as she lives her truth and the inspiration she is for others to share theirs. This is a powerful love story that teaches us the true meaning of free love. Free from shame, free from the stories.
Thank you elis for your sharing and opening up. Its an honor and pleasure to witness your courage and vulnerability to this world!
If you have any questions for elis about her story you can email or instagram her at
[email protected]
or @elis.jzer
Thank you all for listening
sending big love