This week's episode is next level. I've got Tess on the show and we're getting deep into taking accountability for our emotions and for our lives. We're exploring how we give our power away constantly, ,and when we blame others for our emotional responses, it actually holds us back from living our truth. Tess works in the world of therapy, guiding and holding space for others in a myriad of ways, to empower them to wake the fuck up from the limiting beliefs that imprison us. Through the practice of deep self inquiry, piece by piece, we dismantle our limiting belief systems and find freedom from our mind. Tess is an incredible and inspiring woman who is a force of truth. Her deep compassion, deep empathy and radical authenticity makes her a powerful mirror for us to see in our selves, where we are and aren't showing up.
Tess offers sessions both on and offline and I couldn't recommend her more. If you vibe with her and are looking to level up in your life, contact her here
To look into self inquiry, the first four questions you can ask yourself when you're triggered are as such: (drop the question into your consciousness, and just allow whatever comes up, to come up. Theres no such thing as a "right" answer. There can also be multiple answers for each question)
1. What is the problem? What was the thought that caused negativity, heaviness, discomfort, limitation or resistance? (a negative thought will often include the following words and phrases: this means, what if, should, shouldn’t, never/always, can’t, making me - in the statement)
2. Close your eyes, what images of the past arise when you think that thought. Describe the scene (images, soundscape, feelings).
3. What will or will not happen in your life because of this? Describe the scene (images, soundscape, feelings).
4. Whose business is it? (yours, theirs, the universe)
Tess, you're a boss. Thank you for the time and space
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