On this week's episode: Starting at Gerald Morensen's house...
Harold hands the reins to Florence and begins to investigate the holes in the ground (remember, last week he rolled 100 looking for animal prints and discovered the holes). Three gophers leap out of the holes with maniacal looks in their eyes. Gopher battle ensues! (In which Harold and Quentin attempt to shoot them while Florence wields a piece of wood like a baseball bat). Florence gets bitten on the arm, but eventually all three gophers are killed. Harold saves one to experiment on later, while Quentin examines another and finds a small metal box in the fur pile. Approaching the house they see a figure inside, diligently working, seemingly unaware of the shots fired outside his house. They knock, and a blank faced man greets them, looking disheveled and unkempt. The three are invited into his workshop and find makeshift seats on crates, metal, and other supplies. Gerald seems unwilling to share any information about lomava experimentation, even making an awkward joke about the dead children. The visitors try to wheedle some information out of Gerald, but instead share much of their own theories and experiences, as he asks questions and takes furious notes. Florence tries to stop Quentin from sharing so much information, but Gerald picks up on their exchange. To break a tense moment, Florence asks for supplies to clean her gopher wound, but as Gerald turns to retrieve them, Quentin whacks him with the butt of his rifle! At the same time, Beau and Philip set off for the mines,because Philip has a burning hunger to help these miner families. Not long into the trip, Philip's overburdened horse steps in a hole and breaks its leg. Philip is able to splint the leg, but he must leave his horse behind and continue on foot. Beau hangs back to avoid being recognized, although the two decided on the safe word "pineapple" before parting ways. Philip approaches a stooped man in front of a tent and offers medical attention and a swig of Banshee Bitch. He then asks "do you know where your wife and children are?" The man, Hank Fullerton, assures Philip that Mr. Mahoney is taking good care of his family in an encampment northeast of the town. He then directs Philip to Cash Mahoney. Philip knocks on his door and discovers that Mahoney is still angry about the last medical man to pass through his camp (Quentin, who stole his meteorite and jewels). However, Philip wins Mahoney over by expressing his God given duty to protect impoverished families, and by offering him some fine Banshee Bitch infused with herbs and juniper. Mahoney says the families are well cared for, but seems uneasy and eventually turns on Philip. As he's being chased off at gunpoint, Philip offers a flask of Banshee Bitch in exchange for some of the substance they're mining. Mahoney agrees and sends young (old) Lenny into the mine. He gives Philip a strange, spherical rock. Mahoney banishes Philip from the mine, reminding him "I never forget a face".